Hygiene rules during pregnancy


When pregnancy occurs, you need to take care of your health more carefully. And there are certain recommendations that are relevant for both the first pregnancy and the second pregnancy.


Since the fetus, as it grows, begins to use the mother’s mineral salts, namely calcium and phosphorus, which are necessary for it to build their organs and systems, therefore, pregnant women often have various dental diseases. This is why it is so important to keep your mouth clean.

It is necessary to brush your teeth once in the morning and a second time in the evening, and always rinse your mouth after eating. At the dentist's examination, every pregnant woman must undergo an examination. It is necessary to cure all diseased teeth. As a rule, they are often the focus of infection for the mother and fetus.

It is recommended to limit the use of sweets, especially candy and caramel. And it is advisable to brush your teeth immediately after eating. If brushing your teeth is not possible, be sure to rinse your mouth with water.


You should not raise a panic if in the early stages of pregnancy you notice that your hair has noticeably faded and become brittle. This is not for long, from the second trimester, the hair will become as it was before pregnancy, will not break and fall out. It is recommended that pregnant women wash their hair not according to the schedule, but according to the intensity of their pollution, regardless of the type of hair.

Pregnant women are not recommended to do chemistry or dye their hair, as these procedures can easily cause allergies, the effects of which can be dangerous. Especially such procedures are very unfavorable for the fetus in the initial period of pregnancy.

Hair should be combed at least 2 times a day. Do not pull them into tight tails or do a pile.


Due to calcium deficiency during pregnancy, nails often begin to peel and break. In this case, baths using sea salt are recommended. The duration of this procedure is about 20 minutes.

Do nail trays daily for two weeks, and good results will not take long. And do not forget to use high-quality creams for hands and nails.

It is not recommended to use a metal nail file, as this can increase their stratification. Never use nail polish.


With hormonal changes, the skin, hair, nails, and also the mucous membranes are rearranged and noticeably changed. In pregnant women, sweating has intensified in recent months. As a rule, bathing during pregnancy is not prohibited, but the following requirements and conditions must be taken into account: the bath should be washed with a cleaning agent, and water should not exceed a temperature of 36 degrees.

In any slippery bath, you need to put a clean towel or a special rubber mat under your feet to prevent accidentally slipping. You can ask your husband to insure when leaving the bath. Please note that bathing in the last month of pregnancy is not recommended.

For the entire period of pregnancy, you should refuse to take hot baths. It is also forbidden to soar the legs, because blood begins to flow to the pelvis and legs, and less oxygen enters the brain, which leads to dizziness, pressure surges, which can even provoke a miscarriage.

A cool bath (not more than 36 degrees) with sea salt will help pregnant women to relax all muscles, relieve tension and calm the nervous system. It is not contraindicated for pregnant women to visit the pools, but the possibility of infection by infections is not excluded.

Probably the best solution for pregnant women would be a daily shower in the morning and evening. In this case, the water should not be very hot, and the pressure should not be strong. You can continue to use the usual hygiene products if the skin reaction to them has not changed.


Watch the video: Healthy Pregnancy Tips From the CDC (July 2024).