
White, brown, red, black rice: benefit and harm, caloric content of unique cereal. All about the benefits and dangers of rice for the body

Rice is not accidentally called the gift of the gods. The oldest cereal culture is known in the East for more than four thousand years. The Europeans met her not so long ago, but already managed to appreciate the useful properties of unique grains. Rice: composition, calorie, types, as used Rice varieties very much: indica, basmati, japonika, arborio, Krasnodar, wild.

Why do corpses dream? The main interpretations of what corpses dream of

If you had a bad dream - don’t be upset and sound the alarm, perhaps its interpretation is not so sad. Why do corpses dream? How to interpret such a dream? What corpses dream of - the main interpretation of Dreams in which you see corpses - always promise various kinds of misfortunes and losses. You may not suspect, but they will overtake you suddenly, make you doubt the meaning of life and whether you are moving in the right direction.

Belly-painting or "pregnant" body art

Pregnancy is the most fabulous and unforgettable period in the life of every woman. How do you want to remember it for life! The future mother has a lot of ideas how to capture herself in an “interesting” position, because in this wonderful period she is beautiful. The easiest way is to take a picture. But how to make it original?

Diet for quick weight loss - a description, tips, and examples of the menu.

Diet for fast weight loss - a description and general principles People resort to the help of diets for fast weight loss when it is necessary to lose a few extra pounds in a short period of time. Indeed, if one or another diet is properly observed, one can easily achieve the desired result. However, in order to fix it, it is necessary to slowly go out of the diet, limit the use of harmful products, and eventually it is better to abandon them completely.

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