Sabelnik - medicinal properties and applications in medicine


Sabelnik - general description

Saber marsh (Comarum palustre L.) - a perennial shrub belonging to the Pink family. Rhizome long creeping, ligneous. It is its medicinal properties that give the plant a reputation for second, Russian ginseng.

The stem rises up to 1 meter, the leaves are unpaired, have denticles on the edges, pubescent at the bottom, resemble xiphoid shoots in the form of a saber. The flower of red color of the correct form, bisexual, consists of a double calyx and sublime from five leaves. As a fruit, bare achenes persist on the spongy receptacle.

Sabelnik - types and places of growth

It is not for nothing that this plant is called the marsh cinquefoil, it prefers marshy zones, the shores of forest lakes, climbs into the most impenetrable wild places of the forest, forest-steppe, and tundra zones throughout Russia.

Sabelnik - healing properties

Infusions and tinctures from this plant are used to treat many diseases. Its main property is the elimination of obstacles to the fluid. These qualities are used in the treatment of joints. Arthrosis and arthritis, allergies, rheumatism, thrombophlebitis, osteochondrosis, diarrhea, influenza and liver disease - the rootstock of saberenka can help not only in these diseases, but also in many others.

It is also useful in the treatment of throat with sore throats, with bites of rabid dogs, hypotension and holicystitis. In some cases, it can even ease the course of cancer. Reciprocal preparations act simultaneously on many organs, so it can be attributed to general strengthening plants, which improve the complete metabolism and strengthen the whole body.

Sabelnik - dosage forms

The use of Russian ginseng is primarily associated with its root system. According to eyewitnesses, even Peter1 was treated with ointments from the roots of this herb. Rhizomes form a real pillow, supporting the plant in swamp soil.

Such a pillow is very durable, it is quite capable of supporting the weight of a person. This perennial cannot be completely dug up to enable the plant to recover. Moreover, the root is dug up even before flowering, so that the grass juices do not have time to exhaust it.

The ground parts of the plant are also used in medicine, sometimes medicines are prepared completely from the whole plant. The grass of the marsh cinquefoil is harvested on a new moon in mid-summer, when the plant's juices are most concentrated in the stems and leaves.

Sabelnik - recipes

- Freshly picked grass when applied to purulent wounds sucks pus and tightens them.

- The most serious medicine from the roots of saberfish is alcohol tincture, which is used for many diseases, including cancer of the stomach and leukemia. Its external use is indicated for rinsing the oral cavity in the treatment of loosening of the gums and toothache.

It is prepared as follows - the rhizomes of saber-eared are put in a liter jar (about a third of the volume). Add half a liter of vodka and put in a cool dark place for three weeks. Dilute a tablespoon of tincture in water, drink a course (three weeks). With exacerbations of the disease, do not dilute the tincture.

- Joint treatment - rub tincture into a diseased joint.

- Decoction of sabelnik for treating the stomach: 1 tablespoon of dry grass (stems or leaves) of one leaf, 1 cup of boiling water, insist in a thermos. Drink 1/3 cup 3-4 times before meals.

Sabelnik - contraindications

There are no contraindications to taking drugs from the saberfish, but pregnant women should not take tinctures from this herb. It should also be limited to children and nursing mothers.

In addition, the saberfish has such a distinctive property - its use provokes increased pain in the first stage. Well and, of course, individual intolerance of elements also needs to be considered.


Larisa 12/12/2016
Yes, intensification of pain at the beginning with rheumatoid polyarthritis. And then relief and lasting!

Natasha 05/07/2016
I thought that saberfish is used only for joint diseases ... I even had roots after my father’s treatment. By the way, quite a successful treatment. Now, of course, I will find use for the remaining saber.

Vlad 07.05.2016
I personally drank saber infusion from liver disease. And also, at first the liver just started to hurt so that there was no strength. But then everything went away. Anyway, for a couple of years I have not felt my liver)) Even when we eat something fatty.

Gulya 05/07/2016
By the way, this fact that at first from saber-based ointments, pain intensifies, I know. I have a grandmother, even at one time I left them for treatment, because she considered that she was getting worse. Then, they told her that it should be so.

Lily 05/07/2016
Of course, I was struck by the fact that the roots of this plant create a pillow that can withstand even the weight of a person! Just amazing. I know the saber in sold ointments for joint diseases. This is a famous plant.
