A pie with strawberries in a hurry - this is such a nimble! Recipes of the fastest whipped strawberry pies


A quick strawberry pie is what you need in the summer.

Baking will delight you with taste, fill the house with its aroma and be sure to delight you with taste.

You just need to find the right recipe.

Here he is!

Whipped strawberry pie - general cooking principles

Quick pies differ from conventional options in the speed of preparation of the dough. The mass does not need to stand, cool, reach readiness. Therefore, complex recipes for pies from yeast and shortcrust pastry immediately disappear. The basic principle is that I mixed all the ingredients together, put them in a mold and sent them to bake. Even simpler is to use a ready-made dough, which many housewives do.

Strawberries are mostly used fresh. Berries are combined with sugar, different fruits. For the density of the filling, starch or dry jelly is added. Sometimes strawberries are supplemented with cottage cheese, nuts, coconut. Such pies are baked in ovens or in slow cookers.

Pie with strawberries whip up "A la Charlotte"

A variant of the simplest and fast-paced strawberry pie. The main thing is to have a mixer that will simplify the task and help you cope with the test in ten minutes.


• three eggs;

• ¾ cup sugar;

• a glass of flour;

• 40 grams of oil;

• 300 grams of strawberries;

• vanilla.


1. Rinse the berries immediately and leave to dry.

2. Cover the form with baking paper or just grease well.

3. Before the foam, beat the recipe eggs immediately with sugar, add butter and flour. Stir.

4. We lay out strawberries in a single layer in shape. Between the berries you can leave gaps of any size.

5. Pour dough on top. We use a spoon so as not to shift the filling in one pile.

6. We send to bake. Cook until golden brown at medium temperature.

Pie with strawberries whip up "Elementary"

For an elementary pie with strawberries in a hurry, you will need a packet of puff pastry, weighing about half a kilogram. But you can make a small pie of half the dough. Cane sugar is best used.


• 0.5 kg of strawberries;

• pack of dough;

• 2 tablespoons of flour;

• 1 egg;

• 2 tablespoons of starch;

• 5 tablespoons of sugar.


1. Immediately make the filling. Cut fresh berries, mix with sugar and starch. If the strawberries are frozen, then allow to thaw completely, and drain all the water. We give canned berries to lie in a colander so that the glass is full of liquid, then prepare the filling.

2. Sprinkle the table with flour.

3. Roll out the dough, which must be taken out in advance in the heat.

4. Put in the form, straighten the sides with the fingers and cut off with the sharp knife all that is excess that hangs from the edges.

5. We take trimmings and cut into ribbons of different sizes. Width also does not matter.

6. First spread the strawberry filling with sugar in the pie, then place the ribbons on top in any order. You can make a classic mesh.

7. Beat the egg, glaze the pie, send for baking, set 180 ° С.

Pie with strawberries whip "Sensational"

Another simple, sensationally quick option for summer baking. A quick recipe for a strawberry pie that will work out for sure. Immediately set 10 degrees and turn on the stove, the dough is cooked very quickly.


• 2 eggs;

• 80 grams of sugar;

• 80 grams of flour;

• 1 tsp (without tuber) baking cultivator;

• 400 grams of strawberries;

• 100 grams of oil;

• 0.5 vanilla pods.


1. Beat the softened butter for a minute to make the mass homogeneous. We leave a small piece and grease the form with it from the inside.

2. Add the granulated sugar, continue to whisk for a couple of minutes, and then we put one egg at a time.

3. Pour flour, throw vanilla and baking powder, stir.

4. We shift to a previously greased mold, the thickness of the layer does not matter, but affects the duration of baking.

5. Drain the washed strawberries, then lay them on top of the cake in any order.

6. Send the strawberry treat to bake.

7. We do not get it straight out of the oven, let it stand for a while with the door ajar, and only then take it out, cool it, cut it into portions.

Shortcake with strawberries and curd

A recipe for a shortcake with strawberries that does not take much time. Also, for the filling you need cottage cheese, we use a product with medium fat content.


• 0.11 kg of margarine (oil, fat);

• 45 grams of sugar;

• 220 grams of flour;

• 2 eggs;

• 60 grams of sour cream;

• 1 pinch of soda;

• 250 grams of cottage cheese;

• 200 grams of strawberries;

• 4 tablespoons of sugar to the filling.


1. Immediately combine the flour with sugar and margarine, grind until crumbs. Add the eggs, throw one yolk in a separate bowl. Pour sour cream to them, pour a pinch of soda. Knead the dough.

2. Immediately shift it into the mold, spread the layer with our fingers, form small sides about two centimeters. If it is difficult to make a layer with your hands and the dough is not very soft (with thick sour cream), then you can use a rolling pin.

3. Combine cottage cheese with sugar, grind until smooth, add washed strawberries.

4. We shift the filling on the sand cake. Smear evenly.

5. Grease the cottage cheese and peeling edges of the cake with yolk.

6. Put in the oven 180 degrees, bake a quick cake for about 35 minutes.

Hurried Closed Puff Cake with Strawberries

For such a pie, a ready-made pastry comes from the store. It can be with or without yeast. Filling with dry jelly, very tasty and unusual. We immediately heat the oven, set 200 degrees.


• pack of dough;

• 3 tablespoons berry jelly;

• 1 egg;

• 550 grams of strawberries;

• 4 tablespoons of sugar.


1. We sort the strawberries. Cut the berries in half, add sugar and dry jelly, stir. If the berries are sweet, then you can not add sugar, as it is also contained in jelly.

2. Put the dough on the table, sprinkle with a little flour and roll out. The layer should get more than 2 times the shape.

3. Cut it into two parts. One layer should turn out to be about a third more than the second, it will go to the bottom.

4. Put a large piece in the form, pull the sides.

5. Spread the jelly filling with strawberries. Distribute the layer.

6. In the second layer, we make several cuts from above, send it to the pie. Connect the edges together, twist.

7. Break the egg into a bowl, add a pinch of sugar and beat with a fork until smooth.

8. Lubricate the cake, send it to the stove.

Whipped strawberry pie in a slow cooker

Adapted for a slow cooker recipe for a pie with strawberries in a hurry. If the berries are very juicy, then you need to take a quarter less of the amount indicated in the recipe.


• 250 grams of flour;

• 0.8 kg of strawberries;

• 200 grams of sugar;

• four eggs;

• 1 tsp cultivator;

• 1 pinch of cinnamon;

• a piece of oil, powder.


1. Rub the capacity of the multicooker with a piece of butter.

2. Beat the eggs until foam, add sugar in small portions. Continue to beat until the grains dissolve.

3. Introduce flour with baking powder and cinnamon. Instead, vanilla can be added for flavor.

4. Add strawberries and send everything to the bowl of the crock-pot.

5. Cook on baking for about 50 minutes. Then let’s stand for a while, ten minutes is enough.

6. Take out the cake from the slow cooker, decorate with powder. You can mix it with cinnamon.

Homemade kefir dough pie with strawberries

A variant of a very light and tasty pie. For the test you need regular kefir of any fat content. The cake will turn out on sour cream, but only liquid. Strawberries are added a little.


• flour 200 grams;

• one egg;

• sugar 200 grams;

• ripper 5 grams;

• 150 grams of strawberries;

• 5 tablespoons creamer. oils;

• 120 ml of kefir.


1. The oil should be softened. If the product is frozen, then take a grater and rub a piece. We throw it into a bowl.

2. Add flour, sugar. You can immediately spread the cultivator.

3. Hand rub all the ingredients. It will turn out a little sticky crumb.

4. Add kefir, whipped with a prescription egg.

5. Knead the dough.

6. Put the half in a mold, lay out the strawberries.

7. Cover the berries with the remaining dough, set to bake.

8. These pies are cooked for about twenty minutes (at 180 ° C). If this time is short, you can add a few more minutes.

Whipped strawberry pie without baking

To make such a pie with strawberries, you need one biscuit cake, you can take a purchase for cakes. Filling of berries with cottage cheese. Cooking will take no more than ten minutes.


• cake biscuit;

• 400 grams of curd sweet mass;

• 400 grams of strawberries.

• 70 grams of white or dark chocolate;

• 75 grams of butter.


1. Add 50 grams of soft butter to the curd mass, stir.

2. We spread the curd filling on biscuit cake.

3. Put in the microwave chocolate with a piece of butter that remains. Heat until dissolved, stir occasionally.

4. We spread strawberries on the cottage cheese, deepen the berries a little, but not much. Otherwise, the filling will begin to fall out around the edges.

5. Pour the strawberries on top with melted chocolate, put in the refrigerator for 10 minutes and the amazing cake is ready!

Whipped Strawberry Pie - Tips & Tricks

• If the strawberries are very soft and flowing, it is best to immediately add a little starch or dry jelly to them.

• So that the bottom of the pie after baking does not seem raw, you can put the base for ten minutes in the oven, let it set, then put the filling and complete the formation of the pie.

• Baking powder makes the dough soft, loose, saves the cake from falling in the oven. If there is no baking powder, then soda can be used instead.


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