Fried Chicken - Best Recipes. How to cook fried chicken.


Fried chicken - general principles

Sometimes one wants to pamper family members with something tasty, but does not want to spend too much time on the cooking process. Fried chicken in various variations - the most ideal option to surprise the household and save time for other important things. Tasty, satisfying, original and always up to date! And what recognition and respect the hostess will have, who has at hand a couple of delicious, but simple recipes for making fried chicken.

A light dish is perfect for a casual, festive, and romantic menu. It can be consumed both separately and in combination with potatoes, salads, vegetables, rice and even some fruits. A glass of red dry wine gives a special piquancy to a fried chicken dish. An amazing combination, and so comes to a romantic dinner, is not it?

Fried chicken is very popular and appetizing, and it is no accident! A golden crust on top, and inside a soft juicy pinkish meat, and even when cooking it does not require special virtuosity. A great option to surprise your beloved girl, because even an inexperienced man in culinary affairs can cook a tasty and original dish. It is enough to show a little love, imagination, desire, and your woman will not remain indifferent.

Below we will try to consider all the nuances associated with the preparation of inventory and products, as well as some simple recipes for a delicious and uncomplicated dish called "fried chicken."

Fried chicken - cooking utensils

In order for our chicken to maintain its correct shape and acquire the desired golden crust during the frying process, it is necessary to competently approach the choice of a frying pan. Let's talk about proper care for her, so that the pan does not lose its main functions longer.

Firstly, frying utensils should consist of metal, since the oil in it boils better and does not absorb harmful substances. It is worth giving preference to a copper, cast-iron, babbitt, tinned or cast-iron-enameled pan, if possible with a thickened bottom.

Secondly, it should be absolutely clean and smooth from the inside, without potholes, chipping. Scratches on the bottom, even minor ones, are the cause of food burning in the pan, so such dishes are not suitable for frying. The presence of yellow spots remaining at the bottom of the previous frying oil is also undesirable. They are usually difficult to eliminate, so try not to allow their appearance.

To keep the dishes intact, do not forget to properly care for them:

- lower the food only onto the overheated oil, not topping up cold (it’s better to add more oil immediately than to top up later);

- do not wash it with hot water in oily form, remove the greasy layer with a napkin or cloth;

- do not leave the pan unwashed after frying, and immediately wash with a clean towel after washing;

- Do not scrub it with a knife, metal sponges, and do not clean it with coarse powder; it is better to use a special detergent and a soft sponge for washing.

We have listed, perhaps, the main recommendations regarding the choice of dishes for frying chicken. Do not forget to prepare a wide dry dish in advance of frying, in which, if necessary, we will roll the chicken into the necessary ingredients.

Fried chicken - food preparation

When buying chicken in a store, you should focus on size. It should not be too large, since the bird itself cannot grow to enormous size. However, taking small chicken (less than 1.5 kg) is not profitable, and it does not look very appetizing. Therefore, it is better to choose a "golden" middle - from 1.5 to 2.5 kg, not more.

If the carcass is frozen, thaw it at room temperature, and not in hot water. It is now fashionable to defrost foods with a microwave. This method is allowed if the dish needs to be prepared urgently.

So, our chicken thawed or you originally bought it chilled (this is even better) - excellent! Cut the carcass between the loin parts, clean from the insides and other unnecessary residues, cut the tail, rinse it in running cool water. Chop it into pieces and start pickling, dicing, salt and spices - what we will do with the chicken ingredients depends on the recipe.

Recipe 1: Fried Chicken Whipped Up

This recipe is versatile, fairly quick and easy. Before frying, the chicken should be slightly marinated, and this, in fact, is the secret. While it is saturated, you are free to do other things. For frying, it is better to use chicken legs.

Ingredients: chicken legs - 700 gr., lemon juice - a table. spoon, a little vinegar, vegetable oil table. spoon (for marinade), pepper and herbs of your choice.

Cooking method:

Make a marinade of oil, lemon juice, vinegar and herbs, thoroughly coat them with chicken legs on all sides and leave to soak for three to four hours. You can put the meat in a plastic bag, so it is better saturated. Do not salt!

Next, heat the oil in a pan and gently lay the chicken, salt, pour the glass marinade, close the lid and fry on both sides over high heat, each side for 2-3 minutes. Then reduce heat to medium, remove the lid and fry each side for another 5 minutes. Then make the fire to a minimum and fry the pieces, turning over, until cooked.

Recipe 2: Fried Chicken in Mayonnaise

Chicken prepared according to this recipe turns out to be very tasty, tender, juicy and aromatic due to preliminary marinating in a mixture of mayonnaise and garlic.

Ingredients: small pieces of chicken or chicken legs cut in half - 1.5 kg, mayonnaise - 6.7 tablespoons, two cloves of garlic, oil, pepper and salt.

Cooking method:

Cut the chicken into pieces, mix them in a bowl with pepper, salt, chopped garlic, leave the chicken for 30 minutes, then add the mayonnaise, stir everything and remove for a couple more hours to soak. Heat a frying pan with vegetable oil and lower the slices. Fry on high heat on both sides, then reduce the heat, cover the pan with a lid and fry until cooked. Finished slices should puncture clear juice when punctured.

Recipe 3: Mustard Fried Chicken

As the main ingredient, we use chicken wings, which are prepared quickly enough and are simply excellent in taste.

Ingredients: chicken wings - 10 pieces, garlic powder - 2 tables. l., onion powder - 2 tbsp. l., a tablespoon of salt, ground black pepper - 2 tbsp. l., mustard - 3 tbsp. l, flour, frying oil.

Cooking method:

Season the wings with onion and garlic powder, salt, pepper, generously spread mustard on each side. Put the flour in a plastic bag, lower the wings there and shake well. Heat oil in a pan, lower the wings and fry them over medium heat until cooked. The dish is ready! Dry the wings on a paper towel before serving.

Recipe 4: Fried Chicken with Cheese

Chicken prepared according to this recipe is a very satisfying, tasty and beautiful dish, especially if you put the pieces in a large plate and cover them with green salad leaves.

Ingredients: 1 chicken, grated hard cheese - a glass, 2 eggs, milk - 100-150 ml, starch - 1 tsp, breadcrumbs - 5 tbsp. l., oil drain. - 3 tbsp. l., salt, pepper, vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the chicken into portions, you can use the thighs, salt, pepper and fry until golden brown.

2. Put the browned pieces into a deep bowl, add a little milk and simmer until soft on low heat.

3. Cheese mixed with milk, eggs and starch, add salt and beat the mass. Dip the chicken into the mixture, bread in breadcrumbs and fry them in butter until a beautiful golden crust forms.

Fried Chicken - Useful Tips from Experienced Cookers

- determine the readiness of fried chicken should be by puncture pieces - secreted juice should be transparent;

- to improve the taste of fried chicken and give it an unsurpassed aroma, add the spices (garlic, onions, dill seeds, anise, etc.) to the pan while overheating the oil and remove them after 3 minutes, then lower the chicken for frying ;

- it is better to take young chickens for frying, and old ones are best used for cooking meatballs;

- so that the crust is even more palatable, chicken pieces before frying around the perimeter can be greased with fat sour cream.

We hope that the above tips will be very useful and useful in the very near future! Enjoy your meal!


Stepan 12/09/2016
Thanks to the author, everything worked out

Victoria 11/26/2016
I liked the selection of tips! Because when you just start cooking, there are a lot of silly questions in your head. At first I took from this source of “idea”, but yours were very useful!

Inga 10/09/2016
Guys, as much as you can. Mayonnaise is a dish that is served cold, smear it with chicken, and then expose it to a heat treatment in the root is wrong

Dmitry 07/17/2016
“Frying utensils should be made of metal”
I have not met wooden pans yet.

"The bird itself cannot grow to enormous size"
Afftar, apparently, is not aware that REAL HOME chickens are quite capable of weighing up to 5-6 pounds without any chemicals in the diet.

"Cut the tail"
What it is? Does Afftar mean tail? Then you should call it that - in Russian.

“Cut the carcass between the loin parts”
What is it? According to the Dictionary of Russian Synonyms, "sirloin - ass, ass, ass." As far as I remember, the chicken does not have such an anatomical formation in principle.

Mayonnaise - cold sauce, in no way intended for baking. The use of mayonnaise in the proposed way is the spoilage of the product.

Conclusion - I would not eat something prepared by author.

Sergey 01/04/2016
The recipes are good. But each cooking time is at least 3 hours.
