How to grow a beautiful money tree yourself? Secrets of planting and caring for a fat woman (photo)


Crassula or fat girl is popularly known as the "money tree".

The plant is very popular due to its unpretentiousness. But not everyone knows how to grow a really beautiful specimen.

In fact, everything is very simple, it is enough to follow some rules for caring for a fat woman.

A bit of history ...

It has long been known that plants bring well-being to a home, especially when it comes to red-necked plants. According to Feng Shui theory, the money tree attracts financial flow to its owner. But to achieve a result, it is not enough just to acquire a plant and forget about it.

It was no coincidence that the fat woman got her name. This succulent plant looks like a small tree, the rounded leaves of which resemble coins, attracting positive energy to the house. Crassula lends itself well to shearing and shaping the bush, which allows you to grow a small bonsai.

The homeland of the fat woman is the arid territory of Africa and Madagascar. Under natural habitats, the plant accumulates a lot of moisture in the leaves, so it easily tolerates the absence of rain.

There are a lot of varieties of money tree, but in indoor floriculture a tree-like, silvery and oval thicket is more often grown. The color and shape of the leaves is diverse, and depends on the species. There are trees with a green, silver color, with a reddish border and pubescent leaves.

In indoor conditions, almost all species of Crassula grow well and can reach large sizes.

How to plant a fat woman (photo)

If you want to grow a real money tree from a fat woman that will delight you with its appearance, then you need to adhere to some rules.

1. All money plants need to be planted with your own hand.

2. It is necessary to determine the correct location of the flower pot in the room.

3. Choose a pot of natural materials.

4. Provide the necessary care.

Choosing a flower location

The whole life of a fat girl in the house depends on the right place. Crassula prefers bright areas of the apartment, but direct sunlight can cause burns to the leaves.

In summer, it is imperative to shade the flower, and in winter put closer to the light. A suitable place to grow a fat woman is the western or eastern windowsill, as well as a bright room.

Creating comfortable conditions: temperature and moisture

The fat woman does not like high humidity, so she is indifferent to spraying. To maintain cleanliness, it is enough to wipe the dust from the leaves with a wet cloth several times a month.

It is desirable to maintain the temperature regime at a natural level.

• In spring, indicators for growing range from 20 to 25 degrees.

• In winter, the plant is kept cool at temperatures up to 15 degrees.

If it is not possible to constantly maintain such conditions for growing a plant, then in winter you just need to put it on a cooler window sill, away from the heating system.

Soil for growing fat

Crassula grows in any soil, but it is better if the soil is loose and well-permeable to moisture. River sand, ash or charcoal is added to heavy land. You can use a substrate for cacti.

Which pot to choose for a money tree

To grow this succulent plant, not every pot purchased is suitable. It should be made from natural materials, which will benefit the root system of the Crassula. The size of the pot is selected taking into account the root system of the tree, but it should be flat, wide. In large deep pots, the plant is not grown.

If a fat woman is planted to attract financial flow, then the color of the pot matters. As a rule, a flower is planted in a red or green bowl. You can simply paint the existing container or wrap it with suitable paper.

At the bottom of the pot must have holes for water drainage and good drainage. This will protect the flower from various diseases.

Caring for a fat woman: watering, dressing, transplanting

It’s not hard to take care of a fat girl. The plant requires a minimum of care, but thanks a smart green crown. By the way, by the state of the money tree one can judge the financial affairs of its owner. Dark green succulent leaves indicate that everything is going well, but the oppressed fat girl hints at the inability to manage money. The money tree blooms very rarely, but for a caring host it will be a pleasant surprise.


Money tree does not like frequent watering. After each watering, the soil in the pot should dry well at least 3-4 cm. In summer, it is watered more often, and once a month in winter is enough.

The leaves and the stalk of the plant will serve as a signal for watering, which, with a lack of moisture, shrink and lose turgor.

Inexperienced flower growers often ineptly handle the plant, because of which it dies. The reason is the waterlogging of the soil. With root rot, the flower can not be saved, you can only take a stalk from it for rooting.

Crassula nutrition

Occasionally, a fat woman needs additional nutrition. During the period of active growth, from spring to autumn, the plant is fed once or twice a month. With the onset of cold weather, all feeding is stopped.

As a fertilizer for a fat woman, universal mineral complexes or special dressings for succulent plants are suitable.

Money tree transplant

Young plants need an annual transplant, and adult specimens are enough to transplant once every four years. Crassula does not tolerate frequent transplants and can become ill.

The capacity for transplantation should be not wide, it is selected in accordance with the diameter of the crown. The fat woman does not tolerate large and spacious pots.

How to propagate a fat woman (photo)

Money tree propagates in two very effective ways:

• rooting of a sheet plate;

• cuttings.

The best time for propagating the rosula is the period from August to October. Although many sources advise transplanting in the spring. But then additional lighting and growth stimulators will be required.

The fat woman grows rather slowly, so rooting occurs within a few weeks. During this period, the plant needs to create suitable conditions.

The first important rule when breeding is the age of the mother plant. The older and healthier the plant, the better the rooting will go. Cuttings are cut from strong, well-branched trees.

• Prepared cuttings are lowered into the water when the roots appear, they must be placed in nutrient soil.

• With summer rooting, the plant quickly starts growing.

The rooting of a leaf of a money tree also occurs, with the only difference being that a fresh leaf needs to be dried for several days, otherwise it will rot. A planted leaf will quickly take root, but the seedling itself will appear soon.

Problems growing a fat woman (photo)

Inexperienced gardeners face a number of problems that can destroy the plant.

1. Waterlogging of the soil.

The leaves become soft, turn yellow and fall off - the first sign that the plant has been flooded. The hood is pulled out of the ground, rotted roots are cut, sprinkled with crushed charcoal and planted in a new substrate.

2. Yellow and brown spots on the leaves indicate the presence of scabies.

All damaged plants are removed, the flower is treated with insecticides.

3. Yellow spots and spider webs on the leaves indicate a tick.

The plant is well washed with tobacco solution, laundry soap, and then treated with chemical preparations.

4. Cotton-like deposits on the leaves indicate a mealybug.

The hood is washed with soapy water, only after that it is treated with garlic solution and chemical preparations.

Growing a fat woman at home not only attracts financial flows, but also cleanses the room of negative energy, brings good emotions.


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