Why does the stork dream: what do the dream books of Miller, Wangi, Loff and others tell us. Interpretation of dreams about a stork on a roof or in the sky


Since ancient times, the stork has been a talisman of the family hearth, a messenger of happiness and prosperity.

The appearance of this bird in a dream is a symbol of a happy marriage and family well-being.

We are trying to figure out what the stork is dreaming of, and that such a dream can portend a dreamer.

What if storks dream?

Most dream books interpret this dream as follows:

1) if you see in a dream two storks on the roof of their own house - this dream should be interpreted as a comparison of birds with a married couple, that is, you and your wife, and a long and happy family life awaits you;

2) to see a stork walking on the lawn is also a positive sign that promises happiness in the house and healthy, beautiful children;

3) if in a dream you are trying to catch this bird, but all attempts are in vain - this is a sign that your desires will probably not be fulfilled. If you still managed to do this, this is a symbol of imminent matchmaking, it is likely that your children plan to create their own family;

4) if you see storks walking on the lawn with the rest of the birds - this is a warning that your detractors are going to set a trap for you, and if you do not show vigilance and caution, it is likely to get into it. Also, such a dream can lead to worse weather;

5) to see a flock of these birds is a sign that you should expect a dirty trick from your enemies;

6) if you saw a stork somewhere before a trip - this is a good sign that promises an easy road and a great vacation;

7) if this bird was seen in a dream by a person whose child was sick - this is a portent of the fact that you don’t need to worry anymore, since the baby will soon recover;

8) a dream in which you see a stork howling on the roof of a house is a sign that all adversity is behind, and very soon peace and tranquility will come to your house;

9) if you saw a wounded bird in a dream - this is a good sign that promises you a meeting with an influential person who will help in promoting your affairs. Thus, one can expect serious changes in life, your financial situation will improve and stabilize significantly;

10) to see in a dream a stork flying in the sky is also a favorable sign promising the dreamer quick material profit, and it will come as if from nowhere, that is, you do not need to make any efforts to get it (this can be a gift, prize or unexpected inheritance);

11) if you are observing a bird flying in the sky not by yourself, but in the company of other people - this is a sign that the profit that you get will have to be shared with someone else (it may be people close to you or partners);

12) if you feed a bird in a dream - this means that you will be able to solve all your difficulties on your own, and very soon you will be able to live again calmly and happily.

What portends?

Also, dreams with a stork can have the following interpretations:

1) to see two storks together is a favorable sign. For a single person, it means a future marriage, for a family - the birth of a baby;

2) if you see a bird sitting in its nest, it means that you have left your failures and hardships in the past and are ready for a new round in your life;

3) if you saw a dead stork in a dream - this is a sign that you will very soon quarrel with your soul mate, which ultimately will result in you not living under the same roof;

4) to see this bird with a broken or broken wing is a warning that you should be very careful, because you are in danger. For a more accurate interpretation of such a dream, it is worth recalling your actions in a dream. If you tried to help the bird, it means that you should expect positive changes in life. If you ignored the injured bird, expect a lot of problems both in business and in personal life.

Why does a stork dream of Miller’s dream book

Psychologist Gustav Miller interprets the dream with the appearance of this bird as a harbinger of positive changes in the dreamer's life. This means that very soon fate will favor you and all your affairs will go uphill, which will bring peace and prosperity to your home. Also at work, a promotion may be possible, which will also affect your financial condition. In addition, this image promises to receive good news and, possibly, the birth of a child in the family.

To a single man who saw this bird in a dream, it is probably time to think about having a family and children, this dream is a kind of reminder. Perhaps the girl with whom the young man has some kind of relationship, and there is the very second half that he is so looking for.

When a person is already married, but have not yet had time to acquire children, this dream may mean that it is time to do it. If you already have children, it means that you should pay more attention to them, while not forgetting about other relatives of your people, because they really need your care.

What does the stork dream of in Wangi’s dream book

According to the Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga, seeing this bird on the roof of your house is a good sign that promises your family a long-awaited peace and tranquility in the near future.

  • Seeing a wounded stork in a dream is also an auspicious sign promising you a meeting with a person who will be your patron and assistant in all your endeavors, which will subsequently bring you a new status in society and improve your well-being;

  • if you saw this bird in the sky - this is a sign that very soon you will receive a substantial profit. This can be a large inheritance from relatives unknown to you, or a tidy prize in the lottery;

  • if besides you other people are watching the flight of the stork in the sky, this means that you must definitely share your suddenly appeared wealth with someone else, otherwise this money can play a cruel joke with you;

  • feeding the bird in a dream is a sign that in the future you will be able to overcome some serious problem that you cannot solve at the moment;

  • if you feed the chicks of a stork - this is a signal that it is time for you to worry about your children, who really need your help.

What does the stork dream of in Loff's dream book

According to Loff's dream book, a dream with storks is a direct sign of the impending pregnancy of the dreamer's woman. If a man is single and lonely, such a dream can be interpreted as the beginning of a new project, which will be very successful and bring the dreamer the expected income.

What is the dream of a stork in the dream book Lagutina

  • We saw in a dream a stork in a nest descending on the roof of a house or walking on a lawn - a favorable sign that promises peace in the family;

  • to see this bird flying in the sky - expect good luck, your problems will soon be resolved;

  • to watch a far-flying stork means to feel indifference from other people, including relatives, problems in personal life are possible;

  • if you see a stork descend to the earth and you come to it - your subconscious mind tells you that it is not worth living by illusions, this will not lead to anything good;

  • to see two storks in the nest - to marriage, a happy family, the appearance of the first-born;

  • to see these two birds in the sky is a sign that your mind prevails over your heart, try to balance them;

  • to see a white stork in a dream - to spiritual or financial gain, useful acquaintances, new discoveries. If you saw a black stork - a bad sign that promises a loss of funds, bad news, a lot of problems.

Interpretation of sleep by Smurov’s dream book

  • The appearance of two storks in a dream, nesting on your roof is a sign that a long and happy life together promises you and your soulmate;

  • watching a bird walking on the lawn is also an auspicious sign promising a happy marriage, the birth of a first-born and family well-being;

  • to see a stork flying overhead and to make unsuccessful attempts to catch it is a sign that your cherished desires are unlikely to come true. If you still managed to catch a bird - this is a harbinger of matchmaking.

  • to dream about how storks with cranes walk on the lawn - expect traps from ill-wishers;

  • to see a flock of storks in the sky is also a bad sign promising gossip and trouble from your enemies;

  • if you saw a stork in a dream, while thinking about your children - this means that in the future you will be very proud of them.


Watch the video: Stork. u200eDream Interpretation (June 2024).