A woman bought a picture of Renoir at a flea market for $ 50


A resident of the United States acquired a picture on a flea market for only a few dollars, but after a while it became clear that the unique painting belongs to ... the famous artist - Pierre-Auguste Renoir.

According to the story of a woman living in Virginia, she acquired the painting only because she came with two plastic toys: a doll and a cow. But most of all, she liked the beautiful frame. The buyer planned to throw away the canvas itself, but on the advice of her mother, she first decided to determine its real value.

The appraiser of the auction house Potomack Company, where the woman turned to, conducted a thorough analysis of the painting and told the buyer that for a year she had kept a real treasure at home. It turned out that the painting entitled "Landscape on the Seine" was created in the nineteenth century by the hands of Pierre Renoir himself.

As the appraiser later explained, the canvas immediately aroused his special interest: “I found the name on the back of the picture, and then checked the data with the documents and consulted with experts on Renoir’s creativity,” the young man tells local journalists. The buyer of the renowned Renoir painting plans to put it up for sale in the near future and to raise at least $ 100,000.

Researchers suggest that the creation of the famous artist was brought to the United States by collector Herbert May in 1926. However, it still remains a mystery - how such a valuable canvas could fall into the hands of an ordinary flea market trader.


Watch the video: Renoir Painting Bought at Virginia Garage Sale Sparks Legal Battle With Baltimore Museum (July 2024).