Why tsunami dream? Basic Interpretations: What is the Dream of the Tsunami in which You Suffered or Left Alive and Unhurt


Nature is sometimes merciless to people and does not forgive them even small weaknesses, sending trials in the form of natural disasters. Even in a dream, seeing a tsunami is very unpleasant. Such a dream can cause panic. So why dream of a tsunami - it's time to figure it out.

What the tsunami dream of - the main interpretation

A person goes into a dream, carrying with him a load of events that he experienced in the recent past, so psychologists strongly recommend that before falling asleep not to think about anything serious and such that it can cause negative thoughts and emotions.

You should not tune yourself into trouble, because negative thoughts can appear in the plot of a dream. And then a person will be even more upset by his losses in reality, because he will receive confirmation in a dream.

If a person has recently had a big waking quarrel, in a dream he may dream of a natural disaster. Such a dream will mean not only his past problems, but also his need for protection, for real changes that should enter his life.

If, among other things, such a dream is based on the elements of water and its destructive actions, we can say that human life will completely change. Which way - the plots of the rest of the dream will tell, the emotions that visited the person in a dream will say.

It is worth remembering that the huge waves in a dream, which are tsunamis, regardless of whether they overtake you or not, mean huge changes. A person does not always remember the whole dream, sometimes he only remembers his vivid passages and then it becomes difficult to interpret the dream. But it is worth recalling the main components of sleep:

• A tsunami appeared suddenly or was preceded by other events;

• Where exactly did the high wave overtake you;

• Did the tsunami catch you, who was still affected by the disaster;

• Did you survive a natural disaster in a dream or not.

These nuances are very important in the correct interpretation of sleep. If in a dream you fell under the influence of a natural disaster for a reason, but this was preceded by an explosion or other natural disaster, for example, an earthquake, not just failure awaits you in reality, but a series of them and the last of them will cover you with your head. You will recover for a long time after such sad events.

What is worth undertaking in this case is to carefully look at your actions in reality, maybe you turn a blind eye to many of your problems, and at one point they will fall on your head in a huge stream.

  • If you see in a dream how the tsunami covers your city, but somehow didn’t catch you in a miraculous way, it means that in reality you can avoid checks at work, claims from superiors, major financial losses, severance of relations. All these negative situations in reality will begin to unfold sharply and just as abruptly come to naught. After such a dream, one should be especially attentive to all life events and should not panic at the slightest problems. All the same, the situation will be resolved in your favor, you will not lose anything if you just do not become nervous and soberly face the truth.

  • If the tsunami has overtaken you at a party - you should be careful to be with friends and acquaintances, perhaps some of them have long been dissatisfied with your behavior and will now decide to express their indignation at you. In order for the scandal not to gain momentum - it is worth listening to your inner voice and be condescending to yourself and others.

  • If in a dream the tsunami overtook your near and dear ones and they suffered, but you do not. So, the truth will be on your side, and if someone starts looking for flaws in you, it will run into your just anger.

  • To dream of many drowned people as a result of the tsunami - all your plans and innovations will not be crowned with success. You will suffer a defeat that will not give you the opportunity to advance through life. You will become bogged down for a long time in problems, but if at the same time the wave water is bright, transparent, you should seek help from friends and colleagues.

  • If the water is dark and muddy - it is worth paying special attention to what sensations accompany the whole dream. Dark water in itself is an unkind sign, but when combined with a tsunami, it exacerbates possible negative consequences.

What is the dream of the tsunami in Miller’s dream book

In Miller’s dream book, it is stated that the tsunami is dreamed exclusively of positive changes in a person’s life, even if at first they seem very negative, as a result of them new opportunities and new horizons will open before a person. Do not deny yourself the opportunity to move forward in life, do not deny yourself the growth prospects due to fears and prejudices.

Such a dream can talk about:

• Change of residence;

• Change of work;

• Change of marital status.

Miller in his dream book indicates that if the wave in a dream did not touch the person who saw the dream, but only his relatives, then they will soon have troubles, health problems, but they will not touch the one who saw the dream. They will not cause problems and troubles. If a person dreams about how trees around him are falling from the elements - conflicts and troubles await him, he will not be able to avoid them.

What does the tsunami dream of Freud

What does the tsunami dream of - in Freud’s dream book it is indicated that such a dream can first of all talk about a person’s problems in relations with family and friends. This means that soon in the house there will be a thunder of mistrust and lies and will cover everyone with tears and resentment. If in a dream you see how a wave destroys houses, then you certainly cannot avoid problems in your house.

To see one tsunami wave after another is to prepare for a series of disappointments in love, for material losses. What to do in this situation in the first place is to pull yourself together and take all the responsibility for the situation happening at home - on yourself. You should not relax and hope that everything will pass by itself - it is worth showing restraint and understanding, it is worth forgiving your loved one for his minor sins.

Why dream of a tsunami in other dream books

In Wangi's dream book It is said that the sea in the dream, its huge waves promise the excitement and anxiety in reality. The stronger the consequences of a natural disaster for a person in a dream, the more serious the consequences will be in reality. Do not relax and hope that troubles will bypass.

Only if in a dream you saw how the waves do not reach you, but break on the shore, then you already have nothing to fear. In the end, everything will come to its senses. In what area of ​​life you should expect shocks - a full interpretation of sleep will tell you about this.

In Loff's Dream Book the tsunami is interpreted as a person’s lack of ability to control his life, the lack of the ability to change something in it. If at the sight of a huge wave a person in a dream has a feeling not of anxiety, but of joy - in reality he is ready for huge changes and longs for them, he asks fate to change the course of events.

In Tsvetkov’s dream book it is said that tsunamis in a dream can be interpreted as follows:

• Transparent water indicates interference and troubles;

• If the water is muddy and covers a person with his head - he will wake up in an absurd situation;

• If the water is clean and transparent and does not cover a person, but simply surrounds, he will be surrounded by joy and happiness in reality.

In the dream book of Longo it is said that if a person appears in a dream how the element has taken possession of him - in reality he is easy to suggest, and does not know how to refuse others, but this is worth doing. Also, such a dream can talk about a person’s aggressiveness and inability to control his emotions - he should immediately learn to control himself, otherwise he will lose a lot.

If in a dream a person dreams that the people around him are suffering from a huge wave, but he himself remains alive and well, huge changes await him in reality, enemies and his friends will be revealed to him. He recognizes everyone by sight.

In any case, the dream of natural disaster will bring few people pleasure. Perhaps in a dream you will be visited by joyful thoughts that the elements did not touch you, you did not die from its impact, but in real life you will not be able to completely avoid changes and troubles. If in a dream you see how the element destroys something that prevented you from living peacefully, then this is a really positive dream and in reality you will also get rid of all the hindrances and prejudices.

In any case, any life event should be accompanied by the adoption of changes, both good and bad, and if a person resists, he only makes worse for himself, he does not allow fate to materialize.


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