What does a familiar girl dream about: what the dream books of Miller, Wangi, Freud and others say. Interpretation of dreams about a girl friend


The appearance of a girl you know in a dream is a fairly common occurrence, since it is no secret that dreams are a reflection of events and emotions that occur to us in reality.

That is, if you meet a young lady familiar to you in a dream, it means that you are probably thinking about her or experiencing any emotions when remembering her, sometimes without even realizing it.

Let's try to figure out what such a dream can portend, what does a familiar girl dream about?

What if a girl you know is dreaming?

The image of the girl you know in the dream is a positive image, promising the dreamer many pleasant emotions, success in business and positive news. However, there are other interpretations of such a dream, signaling troubles and problems, so for a more accurate interpretation, try to recall as many details of this dream as possible to display the most accurate picture of your future.

For example, the color of clothes in which you will see your friend will be of great importance. If she will be in robes of light shades - this is a favorable sign notifying the dreamer that in all his undertakings he will be favored by luck. If the girl appeared in a dream in dark clothes, this is also a good sign that promises the dreamer support in life from otherworldly forces.

Also try to recall the emotional component of sleep, that is, what emotions you experienced when meeting this girl. If you met very warmly, you were pleased to see each other and chat - this is a positive sign that states that your affairs will soon go uphill. However, if this meeting was a burden to you - this is a sign that someone is constantly trying to harm you, interfere with the implementation of your plans.

If a familiar girl dreamed of a woman dreaming - this is a harbinger of the fact that they will very soon meet in real life. By the way a girl from a dream will behave, it will be possible to determine what news you should expect after such a meeting. If a girl looks cheerful, healthy and smiling - this is a sign of good news, but if she is sad, sad and haggard - this is a bad sign that promises you or someone from your family big problems or serious illnesses.

What portends?

In general, dreams in which people appear cannot be unambiguous, especially when it comes to girls, they are also changeable, mysterious and ambiguous. Therefore, if a young lady who you know well in real life comes to you at night in a dream, you don’t need to rush to conclusions, determine all the details of the dream and find the most suitable interpretation for it.

1) Seeing a girl in a dream in a dream is a sign of past memories, which are gradually fading into the past of relationships. This dream promises you unexpected help from well-wishers, who at the same time do not want you to know about them;

2) if you saw your friend pregnant - expect news soon;

3) to contemplate your acquaintance at an unexpectedly advanced age - this is not a good sign, indicating that you are surrounded by many gossip and intriguers. Also, such an unusual dream can mean the arrival of news that shock you;

4) dreamed of a large number of familiar girls - this is a sign of mental conflict. Ambiguous desires have appeared inside you and the desire to reach new heights by any means and conscience is struggling. The choice is very difficult, so think it over carefully before you make the right choice;

5) to see the death of your friend is a sign of serious changes in the life of a given person;

6) If you see a girl you know who looks very painful and weakened - this is a warning that you should be more gentle to the people around you. Work on yourself, try to remove excessive aggression, try to control your emotions, think about spirituality;

7) to see a friend with whom you once had a relationship - this is a symbol of the past, you really miss him and mentally can’t free yourself;

8) if you met your friend in attractive clothes, well-groomed and elegant - this is a sign of great joy and happiness, expect the fulfillment of your old dreams;

9) to see a girl you know in dance is a symbol of harmony, peace and tranquility in your soul.

Appearance of a familiar girl in a dream

The emotional component of sleep is of great importance, therefore, when trying to determine the meaning of a dream come true, pay attention to the girl’s appearance. By the way, you need to remember not only her clothes, the emotions that she experienced at the same time are very important.

1) To see a friend in white is a sign of great happiness and ease in dealing with your soulmate;

2) meet a friend who will be in a good mood and smile - expect help from higher powers;

3) to see a large number of familiar attractive girls in a dream is a sign of wealth and serious status in society;

4) to see a young lady in a dirty and torn robe - this dream promises a lot of deception and gossip associated with you;

5) if a girl appeared in a bright dress with different colors - this is a sign that you are tired of monotony in sex life and want variety;

6) to see your friend in a wedding outfit is a good sign that promises prosperity and a meeting with your soulmate, with whom you will live the rest of your life;

7) if a friend in a dream cries - to problems in his personal life, quarrels, and, possibly, treason.

Familiar in a dream male dreamer

The appearance in a dream of a familiar girl plays a special role in a dream for a man. Most likely, this image is a sign of a desire for love, a thirst for a more active sex life (it is not at all necessary with this girl).

1) Hug a girl in a dream in a dream - expect positive changes on the personal front;

2) intimacy with a friend - a thirst for a new relationship, and the subconscious mind itself gives you a hint that perhaps you should pay attention to the girls you know well;

3) if you see in a dream a girl with whom you crave a closer acquaintance - this is a sign that in real life this young lady expects decisive steps from you;

4) to see an attractive girl in men's clothing is a sign of sexual dissatisfaction;

5) observe yourself in bed with a friend - to a fight;

6) a kiss with a friend - to a pleasant surprise;

7) dreamed a friend of your friend - for a pleasant and fun conversation;

8) to see in a dream an employee or a neighbor is a sign of some kind of internal connection between you. Perhaps in her face you will find a good friend or a helpful assistant;

9) hug a friend - a sign of positive change in your personal life.

What is the dream of a familiar girl from Miller’s dream book

The American psychologist Gustav Miller interprets such a dream as a sign of some unsolved mystery. Another interpretation - the dreamer will be able to find a way out of a difficult situation.

If you had such a dream on the growing moon, it may mean that you will be engaged in work or occupation that you will not like at all.

What is the dream of a familiar girl from Vanga’s dream book

Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga interprets such a dream as follows:

- if a man saw a girl he knew in a dream - this is not a good sign that promises problems in the family, scandals, which may subsequently end in divorce.

What is the dream of a familiar girl from Freud’s dream book

- If you already repeatedly see a dream in which a familiar girl is to you - this is a very ambiguous sign. On the one hand, it can promise you happiness, on the other - parting with this young lady;

- to see such a dream on the growing moon - failures in business, problems in personal life, jealousy.

Hassa Interpretation of Sleep

Miss Hasse interprets such a dream in two ways - on the one hand, it can mean a serious illness soon, on the other hand, the dreamer will finally be able to get rid of all his ill-wishers. Such a dream on the rising moon may mean that other people's problems can affect your state of affairs.

What is the dream of a girl friend of Longo's dream book

Yuri Longo interprets such a dream in his own way:

- the appearance of a friend in a dream - to sad news, tears. Also, such a dream can portend a lot of intellectual work.


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