Simple manna with milk - from baking masters. For sweet on a diet: low-calorie mannik on milk in a slow cooker


Manniki is a dessert in the "middle category" between pies and casseroles.

He took the best from his older brothers: tenderness, juiciness, splendor.

The cake is quite simple and at the same time spectacular, especially with its taste.

If you can’t even get lean cakes in a pan, still try to bake a semolina pie, according to many housewives, it’s not more difficult to cook a sandwich.

Mannik on milk - general principles of preparation

• It is very easy to bake a delicious air manna in milk, if you observe with accuracy some tricks of making such a pie.

• The main feature of baking - instead of flour or with it, semolina is added to the dough. To make the cake tender, the semolina must be properly soaked, it must absorb enough moisture and swell well. It is mixed with milk and left in it for at least an hour. The longer the semolina is kept in the liquid, the more gentle and airy the manna is obtained.

• The liquid basis of the dough is milk. For baking, it is better to take a stale, slightly acidified product. Its fat content does not affect the quality of the cake, so you can use milk of any fat content, this will only affect the calorie content of the product.

• It is equally important to bake the cake correctly. Mannik is baked for 40-90 minutes at 180 degrees in a preheated oven. In a poorly heated oven, the product will burn on top and will not bake. Therefore, the oven should be turned on at least 15 minutes before the form with the dough is placed in it. It is extremely undesirable to open the door, otherwise the mannik will settle and become bleak.

• Mannik on milk in a multicooker is baked in the “Baking” mode for about an hour, the lid is not opened until a sound signal announces the end of the program.

The easiest manna in milk without flour

A set of products, as for semolina porridge, a little more granulated sugar and a cultivator. The easiest mannik to make with milk - a recipe for beginners.


• a glass of dry semolina;

• a spoon of melted sweet cream butter;

• a glass of white sugar;

• three eggs;

• 1.5 tablespoons of baking powder for dough;

• homemade milk - a full glass.

Cooking method:

1. Mix semolina with granulated sugar and a cultivator.

2. Pour the milk into a separate bowl. If you get out of the refrigerator slightly warm, it is best to lay out the packaging in advance from the refrigerator and keep at room temperature.

3. Beat the eggs in another bowl and, stirring, introduce the egg mixture into the milk.

4. Gradually pour milk into the milk mixed with sugar semolina. Stir everything with a whisk until smooth and leave for 40 minutes.

5. Cover the form with parchment and apply a thin layer of vegetable oil on it, also grease its sides with oil. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.

6. Stir the settled dough well, pour into a mold and place in the oven for 35 minutes.

Classic mannik on milk with flour

Almost no different from the previous recipe. Only flour and some sunflower oil are added here.


• 200 gr. decoys;

• two eggs;

• half a glass of high-quality flour;

• a spoonful of vanilla sugar;

• 250 ml of unpasteurized milk;

• homemade butter - 1 tbsp. l .;

• a glass of refined sugar;

• three tablespoons of vegetable oil;

• factory cultivator - 10 gr.

Cooking method:

1. Pound the white and vanilla sugar with eggs. Add vegetable oil and rub well.

2. Pour milk into a small saucepan, put a piece of butter in it and warm it slightly. Do not boil!

3. While stirring the milk with a whisk, wait until the butter has completely melted, and immediately add the sweet egg mixture. While stirring, pour semolina and set aside for half an hour.

4. Transplant the flour and cultivator and, pouring in small portions, introduce it into the swollen semolina.

5. Wipe the walls and the bottom of the heat-resistant form with butter and sprinkle it with a dry semolina. You can take margarine.

6. Pour the dough into the mold and place it in the oven for forty minutes.

Cottage cheese mannik on milk

Adding cottage cheese to the manna makes baking not only tasty, but also healthy. In such a dough for a manna with milk, deviating from the recipe, you can add a few berries or fresh fruits, this will give it even more juiciness.


• 200 gr. sugar

• a glass of milk;

• 200 gr. decoys;

• three large, fresh eggs;

• a small bag of vanillin;

• flour - 160 gr.;

• elastic 9% cottage cheese - 200 gr.;

• two spoons of the cultivator;

• sweet cream butter - 100 gr.;

• spoon, with a hill, powdered sugar.

Cooking method:

1. To swell, pour semolina with milk and let stand a little. Do not forget to preheat the milk.

2. Beat the eggs and refined sugar with a mixer. Add the egg mass to the swollen semolina, immediately pour the melted butter. Pour vanilla with a cultivator and mix everything with a mixer. Add the cottage cheese and flour there and go over with the mixer again.

3. Pour the curd dough into a mold greased with margarine and immediately place in a hot oven for 45 minutes.

4. Carefully remove the finished mannik from the mold, and when it cools down, decorate with icing sugar.

Chocolate mannik in milk with curd balls

White balls in a chocolate manna on milk - the recipe will win the hearts of both kids and adults. Simple, affordable products, ease of execution, and taste and appearance like an expensive dessert.


• sour milk - 250 ml;

• homemade butter - 100 g .;

• five grams of baking soda;

• eggs - 3 pcs.;

• 120 gr. dark chocolate;

• granulated sugar - 280 gr.;

• 100 gr. coconut flakes;

• 50 gr. cocoa powder;

For balls:

• 300 gr. fat cottage cheese;

• one egg;

• 60 gr. unrefined sugar;

• 40 gr. baking flour.

Cooking method:

1. Pour the semolina with yogurt, mix so that there are no lumps, and leave it covered with a napkin.

2. While the semolina swells, prepare the curd balls. Twist the cottage cheese in a meat grinder or grind it through a rare sieve. Then break the egg into a homogeneous curd mass, add sugar mixed with coconut flakes and add flour. Mix well and form small balls with wet hands the size of a little cream. Put the blanks in a single layer on a wide plate and put in the freezer for at least half an hour.

3. Thoroughly crush the eggs with sugar. Do not beat, but rub until a homogeneous white mass is obtained. Then mix it with the swollen semolina and add the well-melted butter. Quench the soda with vinegar and add it to the semolina, mix and pour in the mixed flour and cocoa. Finely break the chocolate bar, add to the dough and mix again.

4. Prepare a baking dish and pour the curd dough into it. Then remove the curd balls from the freezer, spread them evenly on the surface and place the mold in a preheated oven.

5. After about 80 minutes, the manna will be available.

Mannik on milk in a slow cooker - "Sfuf"

Sfuf - Arabic, more precisely, the Lebanese version of the manna with milk. It is simple and very similar to the classic recipe, characterized by the addition of vegetable oil and spices.


• two glasses of semolina;

• a full glass of fat milk;

• 200 gr. Sahara;

• 1.5 tablespoons of baking powder;

• vanilla sugar - 1 spoon;

• a teaspoon of ground turmeric;

• two tablespoons of white coconut flakes;

• half a glass of non-aromatic sunflower oil.

Cooking method:

1. Dissolve sugar in warm milk. Add semolina, mix so that the mixture does not contain lumps, and soak about a quarter of an hour on the table.

2. Add turmeric mixed with melted butter, vanillin, and baking powder. Beat the mixture with a mixer for at least five minutes and add half the coconut.

3. Pour the dough into the cooking bowl prepared for baking and turn on the appliance in the baking mode for one hour.

4. Let the mannika ready to cool right in the bowl, be sure to open the lid, then carefully remove the cake and sprinkle the surface with the remaining coconut flakes.

Mannik on milk in a slow cooker - "Sunny"

Pumpkin mannik with milk - a recipe for a flavored cake without eggs and butter. He can rightfully claim the title of a low-calorie dessert.


• 250 gr. dry semolina;

• 240 ml of cow's milk, preferably sour;

• one large lemon;

• 350 gr. pumpkin pulp;

• 160 gr. granulated sugar;

• Apple juice;

• 5 gr. baking soda.

Cooking method:

1. Grate pumpkin pulp with a fine grater and mix it with sour milk. Add and stir sugar well until the grains dissolve. Then pour and stir the semolina.

2. Scald the lemon with boiling water, scrape off the zest with a fine grater. Cut the citrus in half, squeeze the juice out of it well and strain it.

3. Add soda to the dough, and to extinguish it, take a teaspoon of fresh lemon juice. Then immediately pour the zest, mix thoroughly and leave for half an hour to swell the cereal.

4. Prepare the bowl - grease its sides and bottom with butter and sprinkle with semolina.

5. Pour the dough into the bowl and turn on the multicooker, setting the “Baking” mode for 60 minutes.

6. While the manna is baking, prepare syrup on the stove. To do this, mix equal amounts of lemon juice with apple juice, add granulated sugar to taste, mix well and bring the syrup to a boil over medium heat, cool.

7. Pour the hot pie with syrup and leave it in the disconnected multicooker for half an hour, with the lid down.

8. Carefully remove the manna from the bowl, cut into pieces and serve with tea or milk.

Mannik on milk - cooking tricks and useful tips

• Pour semolina into a milk stream without stopping stirring. If you do the opposite - the croup can take lumps that will be difficult to break.

• Be sure to warm the milk, then the cereal will absorb it better.

• To make the finished cake easily slip out of the form or the cooking bowl of the multicooker, grease the bottom and sides with a rag soaked in vegetable oil. You can also apply butter. For reliability, sprinkle the oil layer with semolina or sprinkle with flour.

• If you cannot get the manna, place the container with the pie on a damp terry towel. Literally in a quarter of an hour it will be free to get.

• Mannikas with milk in the slow cooker rise best. The miracle pan makes it more lush and tall. Any manna with milk, the recipe of which is proposed in the selection, can be adapted to a miracle oven.

• Each oven and multicooker has its own characteristics, so before you remove the cake, check its readiness by piercing the toothpick in the center. If it remains dry, then the cake is ready.


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