In the US, I had to land a plane due to a showdown between stewardesses


United Airlines executives apologized to the Boeing 737 passengers who flew from North Carolina to Chicago, who arrived at their destination with a three-hour identification. The airliner, gaining altitude after takeoff, was forced to return to North Carolina airport due to a quarrel between two flight attendants.

The decision to terminate the flight and forcibly land the scandalous crew members was made by the commander of the liner after he learned about a serious verbal skirmish between the fair sex, who are required to maintain order in the cabin. The pilot contacted the airport ground services and requested permission to land. At the time of the scandal, the liner moved away from the take-off point for 80 kilometers.

After landing, the two flight attendants involved in the skirmish were removed from the board, after which the police engaged in a personal conflict. As it turned out a little later, United Airlines employees did not have much love for each other before, but during the North Carolina – Chicago flight, the situation escalated to the limit. One of the flight attendants, accidentally or deliberately, hit the other’s leg, after which a serious verbal skirmish began. Fortunately, this was all and limited to; passengers did not witness a hand-to-hand fight.

After the brawler was taken out of the airliner, other employees of United Airlines, who are more tolerant of each other and know how to keep emotions with them, boarded the plane.

At the same time, the airline said that no one was going to dismiss the guilty flight attendants.


Watch the video: Boarding Order - Key & Peele (July 2024).