November 2: what are the holidays, events, name days, birthdays today


The professional holiday of cultural workers in Kyrgyzstan is celebrated on that day in memory of the first theatrical production of I. Tokokaev’s play “Kiygyluu Kakei”. The drama is dedicated to the eternal problem of Kyrgyz women - inequality in society. Today, 16 thousand cultural workers are employed in 20 professional theaters, 45 museums and 1,035 libraries.

For the Catholic religion, an important point is the observance of rituals. Memorial Day is associated with the mention of the purgatory, in which the departed people are, in order to be cleansed from sins. The living can help them with their good deeds, prayers and repentance. This day was established at the end of the first millennium, and since then, Catholics every time try to honor the memory of their departed loved ones.

And also on this day:

Since 2001, the latest films of the European performance season can be seen annually in the Spanish city of Seville at a traditional festival. During the week, film masters from dozens of countries submit their works to the audience and the jury of the festival. The program includes feature films, animated films, documentary and educational films. The jury consists of the most famous masters of the cinematic genre, famous actors, directors, screenwriters. The main award of the festival is Golden Silver Giraldillo, the second place is awarded with Silver Giraldillo. There are also other prizes - audience sympathy, prizes of the young jury, etc.

Vosenskaya Dzyadim is a home holiday. It represents the day of remembrance of the ancestors regardless of burial. The holiday is very revered by the people, they carefully prepare for it and symbolically invite their ancestors to their home in order to treat and thank them. Therefore, before Jyady, they wash themselves in a bathhouse, do a general cleaning in the house and cook a lot of food. At least five dishes should be on the table, and a pair of plates (for example, one dish on two plates) must be served. After the prayer is read before the candle, part of the products is put aside for separate dishes for refreshments. Dinner is restrained and long, in a calm unhurried conversation, they talk mainly about grandfathers, their lives and the good that they have learned from them. For some time this day was closed, but at present it is not an official day off.

Tourists from many countries gather at the Granada Jazz Festival. In the last few years, the festival lasts almost a month, several concerts take place daily. Listeners can hear jazz fusion, as well as their favorite ethnic music. Concerts are held night and day, night performances are called "Jazz Nights". Many musicians received a ticket to life at this festival, as they began their careers at it. Now they are already big stars: Oscar Peterson, Miles Davis, Chick Koria, Diane Kroll, Herbie Hancock, and many others. Jazz fans can see more than 70 performances this year.

Artemyev Day

In the 4th century AD, the commander Artemy lived in Antioch, who served the emperor Constantine the Great and his son Constantius. Artemy was a faithful servant and was awarded the position of governor of Egypt for this. During the time of Emperor Julian the Apostate, persecution of Christians began. Artemy was arrested and tortured. But the saint did not renounce his faith and was beheaded by the Gentiles. The saint is buried in the Church of St. John the Baptist in Constantinople. A particle of the relics of a holy man is stored in the Kiev Pechersk Monastery.
Saint Artemy could save the patient from a hernia if he prayed for a long time about it. He is considered the patron saint of military leaders and chieftains. According to ancient belief, a person born on this day has protection in the form of a wolf mother. From November 2, wolves could approach the villages, so Artemy had to be very careful. Wolf howls foreshadowed frosts, especially loud screams, could indicate imminent hunger. On this day sauerkraut.

November 2, 1721 Peter I received the title of Peter the Great and became the father of the Fatherland, the All-Russian Emperor

Russia has become an empire. Peter 1 became king when he was only 10 years old. At 17, he began to rule the country on his own. In 1695, leading the Azov campaigns, he contributed to the consolidation of Russia on the shores of the Sea of ​​Azov. He actively introduced the experience of Western European countries in trade and industry into his country and strove in every way to develop culture. He carried out many reforms, including public administration reforms, the creation of boards and supreme control bodies. Science does not have an unambiguous assessment of the activities of Peter 1, but the fact that the activities of the king cleared the way for the accelerated development of the country is undeniable.

November 2, 1894 Nicholas II began the reign of Russia

The last Russian emperor ascended the throne at the age of 26. He had a soft temper and indecisive character. Governing the state was a real burden for him. He found his happiness in marriage with the Empress Alexandra Fedorovna (nee Alice of Hesse-Darmstadt). The fate of his family is sad - after the February Revolution of 1917, he abdicated, but the October Revolution led to the execution of the royal family.

November 2, 1938 the first women in the USSR received the title Hero of the Soviet Union

These were the brave pilots Polina Osipenko and Marina Raskova, who flew on the Rodina plane to the Far East. The flight was very difficult. Several times the situation became simply critical. Rescued oxygen masks, at high temperatures giving the missing oxygen. On approaching Novosibirsk, the plane iced up, and I had to raise it even higher. The radio station failed, the path to the Trans-Siberian Railway was extremely difficult to find. To top it all off, the light bulbs showed a drop in fuel in the tanks. The plane was hardly planted in the middle of the swamps. The search for brave pilots took place on 50 aircraft. After they were discovered, the whole train was surrounded by flowers and the girls were taken to Moscow. We met them to the music of the orchestra. November 2, 1938 they were awarded the Order of Lenin and the medal of the hero of the USSR.

November 2, 2004 George BUSH (Jr.) becomes US President again

In a serious battle, he left behind his rival - Al Gore, the advantage of votes was very small. In the second term, he vied with Massachusetts candidate Democrat John Kerry. George W. Bush won with 51 one percent of the vote. According to the laws of the country, the end of elections occurs upon the call of the defeated candidate, who admitted defeat. John Kerry called very late, at 11 pm, congratulated him on his victory and recognized him as a worthy opponent. Kerry admitted defeat, not waiting for the counting of votes in three districts, as he was worried about a country that was too divided. So George W. Bush for the second term became president of the United States, this time the 43rd in a row.

CleopatraQueen of Egypt (69 B.C. - 30 B.C. 2081)

Cleopatra is a legendary person, she had several husbands and rules in Egypt, later she remained the sole ruler. Many sculptures and portraits of this woman have been preserved. According to Egyptian traditions, if the ruler has a son and daughter, they will have to get married. Cleopatra's father was a descendant of Alexander the Great, after his death, his brother, who was only 9 years old at that time, became the ruler. He was Cleopatra's second husband. Young quarrels push Cleopatra to flee to Syria, and she gathers an army against her husband. Even Gaius Julius Caesar could not prevent the war, Cleopatra won and became the only ruler of Egypt. She had a long affair with Julius Caesar. According to legend, she committed suicide by putting her hand in a basket with rattlesnakes when her brother turned the Romans against Egypt.

George Bull (1815 - 1864) - mathematician, founder of mathematical logic

He published several of his monographs, which made a great contribution to the development of science and are relevant today: "Mathematical analysis of logic", "Study of the laws of thinking." His whole family was connected with science, his wife and two daughters also achieved fame. One of the daughters is Ethel Lilian Voynich, author of the world-famous novel "Gadfly".

Marie Antoinette (1755 -1793), French queen

At the age of 14, she had to become the wife of the heir to the French throne, Louis XVI. Louis himself did not want this marriage at all, and only a few years later could he fall in love with Marie Antoinette. For the remaining years, he was influenced by his wife, although she intervened in politics, forcing her husband to support the interests of his homeland - Austria. Public opinion has always been against her, over time the French began to see in her the cause of their misfortunes. The husband was executed during the revolution, and the queen herself was subsequently beheaded in a square in central Paris.

Georges Sorel (1847 - 1922), French philosopher

For the theorist of anarcho-syndicalism, the moral improvement of mankind was in the first place. He devoted his whole life to the search for some mechanism capable of providing this process, but never achieved the result. He became the author of several works. The most famous is Reflections on Violence, in which he called on workers to organize themselves and be active.

Mark Antokolsky (1843-1902), Russian sculptor

Mark Matveevich Antokolsky was fond of history and literature. His sculptures were acquired by the Hermitage and the museums of Rome and Paris. The most famous works: the statue "Nestor the Chronicler", the majolica "Yaroslav the Wise" and the bronze statue "Ermak".

Daniil Andreev (1906 - 1959), Russian religious philosopher and writer

The son of the famous writer Leonid Andreev wrote the novel The Wanderers of the Night, for which he was accused of betraying the motherland and arrested for creating an anti-Soviet organization. The novel was burned in the square at the end of the investigation. The novels The Iron Mystery, drafts of the works The Russian Gods and The Rose of Peace, were written by him in prison, while serving a 25-year sentence. He was released and rehabilitated after the death of Stalin, but his health was undermined, and he soon died.

November 2 may celebrate name day owners of such names:

German, Ivan, Leonid, Alexander, Artemy, Gerasim, Mikhail, Nikolai, Peter, Fedor, Pavel.


Watch the video: Learn Holidays - Truly American Holidays (July 2024).