How to increase the fat content of breast milk: what to eat, so that milk is fatter. How to increase the fat content of breast milk folk remedies


Together with mother's milk, the newborn receives all the useful vitamins and minerals necessary for proper development.

Therefore, recently, experts have been paying special attention to the issue of breastfeeding. Putting the baby to the breast, the mother gives him her warmth and love, gives the baby the opportunity to feel as protected as possible.

But what if milk “disappears” or becomes “like water”?

How to determine the fat content of breast milk?

To determine the fat content of milk, conduct a simple test:

1. Make a mark on the glass: measure 10 cm from the bottom and draw a line (you can use a marker).

2. Fill the container to the mark with your milk.

3. Set the glass aside for 6 hours and go about your business.

4. Cream should be collected on the surface of the milk. Measure the cream layer. The calculation is as follows: 1 mm cream is equal to 1% fat. As a rule, the norm for breast milk is 4% fat.

Worth noting that this analysis is very approximate and does not always indicate that the milk is not fatty enough. In addition to the test, you should always pay attention to such a factor as the weight of the child and, in conjunction with the study, draw a conclusion.

By the way, in addition to low fat content, the child does not gain weight for such reasons:

• improper feeding technique

• hourly feeding

• falling asleep during feeding

• frequent breast changes

If you are sure that the milk is not too fat, your baby is nervous and does not gain weight - be sure to consult a pediatrician. And to increase the fat content of milk, eat correctly and adhere to the regimen.

How to increase the fat content of breast milk - what to eat so that milk is fatter - products to increase fat content

The quality of milk largely depends on what a nursing woman consumes. During the feeding period one should not adhere to any “special” diet. In the pursuit of harmony, lost during pregnancy, many mothers try to lose weight, depriving themselves of the food that the baby needs.

The main principle of nutrition during lactation is diversity. A woman’s diet during breastfeeding should consist of a variety of cereals: buckwheat, brown rice, wheat, millet, oatmeal, etc. Potatoes are allowed (before using it for the best stand a couple of hours in water). Also moderately useful lean meat, fish.

When feeding, it is necessary to allow the body to get fiber. Products such as apples and bananas should be baked in the oven. Caution should be taken with dairy products - some babies cannot tolerate cow's milk protein.

To increase fat content, walnuts, condensed milk, and beef liver are usually eaten. However, any, even the most useful products, should not get carried away. Follow the middle ground in everything.

The menu of a nursing mother must necessarily include oil. It is recommended creamy (about 25 g per day) and vegetable (about 15 g). But sugar, industrial confectionery should be sharply limited so as not to cause an undesirable reaction in the baby.

During lactation, you should eat often, in small portions. If the baby suffers from constipation, exclude rice. Be sure to add greens to the first dishes (it helps to increase the fat content of milk). Eat brown bread and crackers instead of the usual white.

How to increase the fat content of breast milk? What is to make milk fat - we use alternative methods

Lactation largely depends on the psycho-emotional state of a woman. At the same time, both quantity and quality of milk can be improved with the help of time-tested simple recipes.

1. Grate the carrots on a fine grater and fill it with milk (cream). Drink 1 glass 2-3 times a day. For the best - start taking the mixture with small doses. You can add quite a bit of honey to the composition.

2. Grate the radish, squeeze the juice and dilute it with water. Add a spoonful of honey and mix. Drink half a cup 2 times a day.

3. Pour caraway seeds (1 large spoon) with a liter of water, add 1 lemon (pre-clean and grind), citric acid (at the tip of a knife), sugar (half a cup). Boil the composition over low heat, cool, strain. Drink half a glass a couple of times a day.

4. Place cream (2 cups) in a ceramic dish, add caraway seeds (2 large spoons) to them. Put the drug in the oven and simmer for half an hour. After cooling, drink 1 glass 2 times a day.

5. Heat the milk and make tea in it.

6. Brew (in a thermos) nuts with boiled milk. Eat them often, but a little.

7. Mix milk (half a cup), kefir (3 cups), chopped dill (1 small spoon), honey (a teaspoon) and a couple of walnut kernels. Whip with a mixer. Drink the resulting smoothie for breakfast to improve milk quality.

7. How to increase the fat content of breast milk? What to eat to make milk fatter? The answer to this question is simple: use a vitamin mixture: pass dried apricots, raisins, figs (100 g each) and a glass of walnuts through a meat grinder. Mix everything and add butter, honey (100 g each). Use a healthy and tasty potion, 1 large spoon immediately before feeding. Start with small doses.

8. Combine oatmeal (50 g) with dried apricots and nuts (100 g each). Pour the mixture with any dairy product.

10. Fry the buckwheat in a pan and eat a little daily (like seeds).

11. Strengthen lactation and improve the quality of milk anise, fennel, caraway teas, as well as a decoction of barley, juice from blackthorn berries.

12. Ginger tea to some extent enhances the fat content of milk. Grate a piece of ginger root on a fine grater and pour it with a liter of water. Boil the mixture, cool and strain. Drink a little, in several receptions.

How to increase the fat content of breast milk (what to eat so that milk is fatter) - useful tips

It is believed that nutrition is not the main thing in achieving milk fat. I heard the phrase: “Milk is either there or it is not!” Like, eat, do not eat all the high-calorie content - this will not add fat.

There is some truth in this statement. The fat content of milk largely depends on:

• age of the baby (as a rule, by the age of 2 years, fat content increases)

• frequency and duration of feeding (feed more often and longer - fat content is higher)

• time (for dinner, milk is a little fatter)

Many mothers, looking at their milk, are perplexed: what kind of fat can be discussed, if the product produced by the body is transparent, sometimes it has a bluish tint. However, do not worry about this. The fact is that breast milk is an emulsion, not a solution. Its fattest drops adhere to the walls of the ducts. The baby during feeding "gets" all the best.

A nursing mother often hears the advice of loving relatives: eat for two! I would like to note that the mother’s body itself tells how much and what he needs. It has been established that nutrition enhancement has almost no effect on milk quality. Conclusion: eat only what you want, eat balanced and varied.

In addition to nutrition, the very internal state of a woman affects the fat content of milk. Peace, good rest, walks are the guarantee of a sufficient quantity and good quality of milk.

When feeding babies (especially premature babies), it is customary to use breast milk fortifiers. It is possible that for children born prematurely, such "feeding" is justified. In this matter, a doctor’s consultation is required. It is enough for healthy children to use mother’s milk, and mother should follow certain rules:

1. No need to filter the first milk and then feed the baby.

2. Drink plenty of fluids. How many? Whenever you feel thirsty.

3. Feeding is carried out on demand, and not "by the hour."

4. Correctly put the baby to the chest and feed as much as he wants.

5. Feed each breast in turn. 1 feeding - 1 breast.

6. After the procedure, it is not necessary to express.

7. Avoid stress, sleep for at least 8 hours.

8. Every day, massage your breasts using vegetable oil.

On the issue of fat content of milk, one should not rely on their own assumptions, but on the well-being and mood of the baby, his set or weight loss. Maternal instinct, love and attention to the baby will give a firm conviction whether it is necessary to increase the fat content of breast milk. If so, how best to do it.


Watch the video: "10 Super Foods that Help Improve Breast Milk Supply" (July 2024).