Every hour on the TV shortens life by 22 minutes


Scientists at one of Australia's leading universities have uncovered a connection between long-term television watching and a shorter life. According to hypothetical calculations of experts, one hour of watching TV shows takes more than twenty minutes of life from telefans.

According to the Aesculapius, people older than twenty-five years are most susceptible to this phenomenon, probably this is due to the launch of the program of withering of the body. And the radiation coming from a television source speeds up this program. University staff calculated that if you spend about six hours a day watching TV, then on average you can lose more than five years of life.

Scientists also recreated a kind of model that displays the life expectancy of an ordinary Australian, the methodology used surveys of Australian residents, and took into account the time spent in front of the TV. However, opponents immediately arose in this theory. A number of prominent Australian scientists and doctors have expressed an exaggeration of the harm that comes from watching television.

The only thing the opponents agreed with is the violation of a healthy lifestyle of a person who spends most of his time on the couch in front of the TV. Indeed, for the most part, such people move little, often overeat, can smoke and drink right in front of the TV screen. But these are the negative factors that really shorten life. Therefore, the only and most correct advice of scientists turned out to be banal simple rules, physical activity, fresh air and healthy food. As well as harmony in family life, then you won’t have to spend days and nights in front of a blue screen.


Watch the video: TV Reduces Lifespan ! (June 2024).