Lose Weight. Why, why and ... is it necessary?


The issue of losing weight is of interest to 90% of women on the planet. Glossy magazines, fashion shows, advertisements and films - all of them give us reason to think about our figure, pushing to follow the advice of one of the heroines of the magnificent American television series "Mad Men": "Take a paper bag, cut out his eyes, put it on his head, undress, look at yourself in the mirror and honestly reveal your strengths and weaknesses". Completeness, according to most women, is an obstacle to a happy personal life (in secret, a significant part of the male population thinks completely different). Is it true? Hard to say. How many happy fat women, and how many unhappy thin women. So is it worth it? Does it make sense to exhaust yourself with diets, calculating calories, chasing rare products with antioxidants, refusing to visit chic dishes, with a proud or unhappy look saying "I'm on a diet"? Let's see, from different angles, considering this fascinating process for many: SLIMMING.

The reasons for completeness are many: unhealthy or malnutrition, genetic tendency, endocrine diseases. Each of them, whether it is an obstacle to an ideal figure, should be studied in detail before you choose the method of losing weight for yourself, develop a diet and will strictly adhere to it. Of course, completeness is not only a consequence, but also a possible cause of many diseases: it puts a strain on the heart, on the musculoskeletal system, often depriving you of the opportunity to lead an active lifestyle. But, unfortunately, for many women this is not the main thing. The main thing is the aesthetic side of the issue: a flat stomach, slender legs, smooth, even skin, a beautiful oval face. And then, not understanding the reasons for their completeness, women begin to rush from one diet to another, endlessly getting on the scales, becoming depressed that the weight is standing still, and if it decreases, it’s completely disproportionate to the effort. Diet according to the method of Mirimanova, Dolina, Dyukana, Malysheva, participants of the program "House 2", Kremlin, apple, buckwheat, pistachio - you will not list all. Each provides opportunities for a flight of fantasy and each may have a right to exist. But which one is right for you? Is it really necessary to try each? Or you just need to adhere to the sacramental phrase of the great Faina Ranevskaya: "Want to lose weight - eat less than a bucket on the floor"? And let’s add on our own: be active, go to the fitness room, if you want, run, jump, be always on the move and then you won’t notice how the weight will go by itself.

This is for diets. Of course, we will consider them in our rubrics, talk about them on the positive and negative sides, demonstrate successful and unsuccessful cases of their application, all this in the future. And now ... Let's say, perhaps, not a very popular and for many incomprehensible thing, which, oddly enough, is the place to be. Sometimes, along with the weight, part of the female charms disappears, the zest is lost, and individuality is averaged. In no case do we advocate completeness. God forbid! We just want you if you are tired of the unequal struggle with being overweight, if he, despite his best efforts, still wins, love yourself the way you are, making your little plump part of his great charm.

Text: Irina Sheikhetova


Watch the video: Dr. Oz on Weight Loss (July 2024).