New study proved: GMO products cause cancer


GMOs are genetically modified organisms that were created using genetic engineering. GMO products are found in the products of such large companies as Nestle, Hayenz Foods, McDonald's, Danone, Pepsi-Cola and others. It should be noted that ninety percent of all soybeans produced in the world is genetically modified.

Studies regarding the effect of such products on the body have been carried out many times. This is one of the most discussed phenomena in our society. Recently, scientists from France published the results of their research on genetically modified products regarding their safety. The results of these studies have dotted the debate with advocates for transgenic products.

A study was conducted that consisted of the fact that for two years laboratory rats were fed genetically modified corn. The results were shocking. Animals that consumed this food developed cancerous tumors the size of a golf ball. 80% of the animals were mutilated beyond recognition. Mostly tumors developed in females. Tumors developed aggressively and rapidly. About 70% of the animals died.

Michael Antoniu, a molecular biologist and expert in the GMO food industry, commented on this situation. He was shocked by the extremely negative impact of GMOs on health. It should be noted that previously conducted studies that proved the safety of GMO products were conducted for only ninety days.


Watch the video: France checks the scientific validity of shocking GM food study (May 2024).