December 15: what are the holidays, events, name days, birthdays today


Holidays December 15

International Tea Day

Most of the countries - leading tea producers in the world market, celebrate "International Tea Day" every year, December 15th. The main purpose of establishing such a holiday was to attract the attention of the world community to the problems of tea production in general, and the sale of tea, in particular. The decision to celebrate International Tea Day on December 15 was made in the course of numerous discussions in international trade unions and other interested organizations. Most of all, events associated with the celebration of "International Tea Day", as a rule, take place in those countries whose economies are directly dependent on the production and sale of tea: Sri Lanka, India, Bangladesh, China, Nepal, Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Kenya. In Russia, a tea drink gained fame in the first half of the 17th century.

Realtor's Day

Agents for the sale of various types of real estate and operations associated with it, recently began to be called realtors (from the English word "realtor"). For Russian residents, this profession is relatively new - the first real estate company appeared with us only in the early nineties, however, already in 1996, Russians had the opportunity to celebrate the first unofficially held “Realtor Day”. It was decided to hold a professional holiday for Russian realtors every year, on the third Saturday of December. The holiday was to the taste of the Russians and quickly spread. The initiator of the "Day of Realtor" in Russia was the Moscow Professional Guild.

Day of Court Workers of Ukraine

The annual professional holiday "Court Workers' Day", celebrated in Ukraine on December 15, was established in accordance with Decree No. 1318/2000 of the Ukrainian President of December 8, 2000. The judicial system of Ukraine includes: the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, the jurisdiction of which includes the solution of various issues of compliance of legal acts and laws with the Constitution of Ukraine; Arbitration courts regulating business relations and courts of general jurisdiction, formed, in most cases, on a territorial basis and dealing with civil and criminal cases, cases of administrative offenses. According to Article No. 124 of the Constitution of Ukraine, justice in the state can be carried out exclusively by the courts. The competence of the courts includes all, without exception, legal relations in the country.

December 15 on the folk calendar

Habakkuk Day

Today, according to the popular calendar, the day of the prophet Habakkuk is celebrated. The priest lived in the 12th century and served his whole life as a monk in the Kiev Pechersk Lavra. When Habakkuk died, three days after his death, they decided to bury him. However, something unexpected happened during the funeral: the reverend rose from the grave. When the ministers of the monastery asked him what he saw in that afterlife, Habakkuk shortly answered: "Save yourself!" After which, the monk gathered all his few things, and for 12 years voluntarily shut himself up in a cave. In Russia, in prayers, Habakkuk, as a rule, was asked for a sound sleep and for a talisman against "nightlights" (evil spirits that frighten children at night).

Historical events December 15

December 15, 1966 - A new satellite of Saturn, the Janus, has been discovered.

While observing Saturn, Oduen Dolphus, a French astronomer, discovered a satellite of the planet, later called Janus. After three days of close observation, Richard Walkern discovered a satellite in its former orbit. At this point, scientists were absolutely sure that Saturn has only one satellite. However, at the end of 1978, 12 years after the discovery of Janus, astronomers John Fountain and Stephen Larson proved that in reality there are two satellites, they simply move in orbits close to each other. Confirmation of this bold hypothesis was the data obtained using the automatic specialized probe "Voyager 1". "Epimetheus" is the name of the second satellite of Saturn, the distance between its orbit and the orbit of Janus is much smaller than the size of the satellites - only 50 km.

December 15, 1809 - Napoleon I officially divorced Josephine de Beauharnais

Napoleon I, Emperor of France, forced the French Senate to authorize his divorce from Josephine by special decree.
At this point, the couple had lived together for about 13 years, but Josephine was never able to give Napoleon the long-awaited heir. In this connection, as well as due to frequent family quarrels and excessive wastefulness of the spouse, the emperor nevertheless made a difficult decision for himself to divorce. In 1807, Napoleon first proposed a divorce to Josephine, however, they divorced their spouses only 2 years later, when the woman, tired of the struggle and a large number of stormy scenes, nevertheless ceded to the emperor. A couple of months after the divorce from Josephine - March 11, 1810, Napoleon remarried. Archbishop of Austria Maria Louise became the chosen one of the emperor, who soon gave him a son. Josephine, who retained the title of empress, settled not far from Evreux, where, surrounded by her former courtyard, she lived as luxuriously as during her marriage to the emperor.

December 15, 1875 - The publication of Jules Verne's novel Mysterious Island is completed.

In the French Journal of Parenting and Entertainment, whose target audience was, above all, young Parisians, the final part of Jules Verne's famous novel Mysterious Island was published. Readers' interest in the journal version of the publication of the work did not fade for two years (the magazine’s subscribers got the beginning of the novel back in January 1874). The plot of the work is much like an updated version of the equally famous adventure novel "Robinson Crusoe". But there are differences: Jules Verne turns an uninhabited island into a temporary refuge for a group of brave Americans, and not just one hero, as in the novel of the same name about Robinson Crusoe. However, the ending of “Mysterious Island” is still somewhat predictable: the heroes acquire a mysterious patron (Captain Nemo), and, having overcome all obstacles, return to their homeland with the help of a “Duncan” - a yacht, managed by Robert Grant.

Born on December 15

37 year - Nero, ancient roman emperor.

Nero Claudius Caesar Lucius Germanicus was born on December 15, 37. The first years of his reign, Nero was largely influenced by his mother and mentor (the famous ancient Roman philosopher Seneca). However, after some time, the emperor got out of control, moving his mother away from the yard, and after a couple of years, calmly ordering her to be killed. The name of Nero forever went down in history, thanks to the fire, the worst in the ancient history of Rome. In 64, in search of inspiration, the emperor ordered to set fire to the city, deciding that he could be inspired by the hot flame of a fire element. Imagine his surprise when, instead of the expected inspiration, he aroused deep hatred and fury of the people. Which, subsequently, led to a popular uprising, to the declaration by the Senate of the emperor as an enemy of the people and the subsequent death of Nero. He committed suicide on June 9, 68, cutting his throat. Before his death, the emperor lamented several times that such a great artist was leaving his life.

1907 - Nikolay Nikitin, scientist in the field of building structures, architect, author of the Ostankino television tower project, doctor of technical sciences.

Nikolai Vasilievich Nikitin - Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences and Honored Builder of the RSFSR was born on December 15, 1907. All his life, Nikolai Vasilyevich devoted engineering work. Corresponding member of the Academy of Architecture and Construction of the USSR, he did not spend days in his office, Nikitin created and put into practice his own construction projects, which had no analogues at that time. Winner of the State and Lenin Prizes, numerous medals and orders, as well as other equally valuable government awards, Nikolai Vasilievich went down in history, nevertheless, thanks to his main creation - the Ostankino television tower in Moscow. Having become the chief designer and engineer of Mosproject, Nikitin devoted all his time to the project, which was accepted into the work during the year. For 10 years, professional builders, led by Nikolai Vasilievich, were engaged in the construction of a television tower, which for a long time was the tallest tower in the world.

1852 - Antoine Becquerel, French physicist, Nobel laureate

Antoine Henri Becquerel was born in Paris on December 15, 1852. Antoine's father and grandfather were famous physicists, so the choice of a future profession was not before the boy. The main scientific achievement of Antoine Becquerel, which brought him world fame, the discovery of unknown radiation in 1896, which is inherent in uranium salts, but has nothing to do with luminescent radiation. This process of spontaneous emission by uranium salts of rays of a special nature, has been called radioactivity. It was for the discovery of spontaneous radioactivity in 1903 that Becquerel was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics. Antoine Becquerel - the first Frenchman to bring the Nobel medal to Paris.

Name Day December 15th:

Today, Avvakum, Antonina, Athanasius, Boris, Danakt, Dimitri, Ivan, Isa, Heraklemon, Innokenty, Kuzma, Margarita, Matvey, Maria, Matren, Mirra, Miropia, Miron, Nikolai, Pavel, Stepan, Tamara, Fevronia celebrate their name day, Fedor, Theophanes and Theophilus.


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