Who would have thought: fat is good for your health!


With the approach of cold weather, the body is increasingly in need of fatty foods that provide it with energy and help it easier to tolerate low temperatures. One of these products, according to experts, is lard.

Nutritionists say that foods with a high fat content contribute to the appearance of atherosclerosis, however, in the "universe" of fats, it is not so simple as it might seem at first glance. Due to the fact that our body can not do without them, when choosing foods with a high fat content, it is necessary to take into account their other properties, namely the amount of unsaturated fatty acids. These products primarily include lard.

It turns out that lard contains arachidonic acid, which is one of four essential fatty acids for the body. Arachidonic acid is part of the phospholipids that make up the basis of cell membranes, and is essential for the transmission of cellular signals in the role of an inflammatory mediator. Acid ensures the proper functioning of the heart muscle, kidneys, bone tissue and is actively involved in cholesterol metabolism.

In addition to arachidonic acid, fat also contains other valuable fatty acids, which occupy about 10% of it. According to this indicator, fat is far ahead of other edible fats - its biological activity is 5 times higher than beef and cream fat.

Salo has been widely used in folk medicine. For example, as an external anti-inflammatory agent, fat, as it turned out, is much more effective than various proprietary ointments.

Doctors recommend consuming fat in moderation and preferably with vegetables, which, according to reports, can protect a person from a number of diseases.


Watch the video: Fats - Types Of Fats - What Is Saturated Fat - What Is Unsaturated Fat - Omega 3's And Omega 6"s (July 2024).