Steam omelet in a double boiler, in a water bath, in a slow cooker. Steamed omelet with sour cream, cheese, mushrooms, tomatoes


Omelet is a traditional morning dish, a source of easily digestible protein. It is universal, because you can serve it for breakfast and dinner. Steam omelet is especially good. It is healthier than fried in oil, besides it has a surprisingly delicate texture and special taste. It is no coincidence that such an option of egg-milk dish is included in the plan of medical and dietary nutrition, as well as in the diet of young children.

Steamed omelet is delicious in and of itself, and in combination with other ingredients. Those who are not afraid of excess calories can cook it with ham, cheese, bacon. Kids and people in need of low-calorie dietetic nutrition should learn how to cook a steam omelet with vegetables, herbs, cottage cheese, bran, sour cream, flour, green peas.

Steam omelet - general principles of preparation

For a classic omelet, the right combination of proportions is very important. Ideally, the mass of eggs and milk should be the same. Before breaking the shell, the egg must be thoroughly washed with cold running water to prevent the ingress of particles of dirt and feather.

When mixing eggs and milk, it is important to achieve a perfectly uniform consistency. In this case, you will get the most delicate dish that is loved by young children and people suffering from stomach ailments.

Instead of chicken eggs, quail can be used. In this case, four quail eggs will replace one regular chicken egg. If the dish is being prepared for a child, it is important to make sure that the baby is not allergic to egg white.

To cook steamed omelettes, it is convenient to use a double boiler or a slow cooker with the corresponding function. If there are no such appliances in the kitchen, then they will be successfully replaced by a water bath.

Classic steam omelet in a double boiler

To prepare two servings of a traditional steamed omelet, you can take from four to five eggs. Using a double boiler to prepare a dish is easy. You don’t have to follow the process, nothing will burn.


• five eggs of grade C1 (medium-large);

• a glass of milk;

• salt to taste.

Cooking method:

Wash the eggs and carefully break into a bowl.

Stir with a fork.

Gradually pour in a thin stream of milk, not whipping, but mixing the components.

Salt, mix again.

Pour the egg and milk mixture into the container of the double boiler.

Turn on the device for twenty minutes.

Arrange the finished omelet on plates and serve.

Steam omelet in a water bath

A simple and convenient way to cook omelette steamed without a double boiler is to use a container with boiling water. There are two ways to cook, you can choose the most convenient.


• four eggs;

• an incomplete glass of milk;

• some salt.

Cooking method:

For the first method, you need a colander with a flat bottom. You need to pick up a pan of this diameter so that you can firmly install it.

Pour water into the pan so that it does not reach the bottom of the colander.

Prepare the omelette mixture as described in the previous recipe.

Place the container with the mixture in a colander, tightly cover the structure with a lid.

Steam the omelet until cooked. The mixture will thicken in ten to fifteen minutes.

The second way is even simpler. Pour water into the pan so that it reaches half the capacity in which the omelet will be prepared. It remains to close the pan with a lid and cook over low heat until cooked.

Protein steam omelet "Dietary"

Omelet made only from proteins has a special dietary value. It is prescribed for diseases of the stomach, intestinal disorders and is prepared in water or skim milk. Such an egg dish can be consumed with high cholesterol. The amount of ingredients is indicated per serving.


• three egg whites;

•? glasses of cold water or low fat milk;

• a teaspoon of butter for the mold;

• salt.

Cooking method:

Dry well washed eggs with a clean cloth.

Separate the squirrels.

Beat them with a pinch of salt.

Gently pour in water or skim milk, beat again.

Lubricate the omelette pan with butter.

Pour the milk protein mixture.

Cook in a double boiler or steam in a pan until the mixture thickens (about fifteen minutes).

Steamed Chopped Steam Omelet

An omelet prepared in this way is denser than a classic. Flour allows eggs beaten with milk to keep their shape better. The dish can be included in the nutrition plan for diseases of the stomach.


• four eggs (for two servings);

• 160 ml of milk;

• two tablespoons of white flour;

• salt;

• a teaspoon of butter.

Cooking method:

Combine eggs, salt and half the milk.

Prepare a classic steam omelette as described above.

Cool the omelet and chop it with a knife.

Combine the remaining milk with flour, break the lumps.

Put on a slow fire and cook the sauce.

When it is slightly thickened, put the butter and strips of omelet.

Immediately file.

Steam omelet in a slow cooker

The recipe is useful if the multicooker has the function of a double boiler. This steamed omelet is cooked very quickly and simply.


• five eggs;

• two hundred milliliters of milk;

• a teaspoon of butter;

• some salt.

Cooking method:

Beat well-washed eggs with a hand whisk or mixer.

Add salt and beat again.

Pour in milk and beat for 15-20 seconds.

Spread the container for cooking steam omelet with a piece of oil.

Pour water into the multicooker bowl.

Place a container with an omelet in the lattice and cook in a double boiler for twenty minutes.

If the omelet is not thickened, turn on the device for another ten minutes.

Cheese Omelette Muffins

If the hostess has egg whites, you can cook delicious and very satisfying muffins with cheese from them. The steam omelet in molds is not only tasty, but also unusual, which means that children will definitely like it.


• three egg whites;

• three tablespoons of milk;

• a pinch of salt;

• a piece of butter for the mold;

• twenty grams of cheese.

Cooking method:

Beat the whites with salt and milk.

Lubricate muffin molds with butter.

Pour the omelet into molds.

Put future "muffins" on the shelf of a double boiler.

Keep the omelet for a couple of twenty minutes.

While the mixture thickens, grate the cheese.

Remove the omelet from the molds.

Sprinkle with cheese crumbs.

Steamed omelet with broccoli and sour cream

Healthy vegetables are good with scrambled eggs. If the child does not want to eat broccoli, he can be offered an unusual and very tasty combination of soft cabbage and a gentle steam omelet. You will need portioned baking tins.


• three large broccoli florets;

• two eggs;

• a tablespoon of white flour;

• two tablespoons of sour cream;

• some paprika, pepper and salt.

Cooking method

Beat eggs with salt until air bubbles appear.

Add sour cream and flour, mix thoroughly. If it turned out too thick, you can dilute it with 2-3 tablespoons of milk or water.

Put to taste salt, pepper, paprika, other spices.

Inflorescences of broccoli are divided into small parts and pour boiling water.

Five minutes later, drain boiling water, chop cabbage with a knife as finely as possible.

Put cabbage on the bottom of portioned molds.

Pour the egg-flour mixture, filling two thirds of the volume.

Steam the omelet in a double boiler for fifteen minutes.

Steam omelet with mushrooms

To diversify the morning menu, you can cook a hearty steam omelet with mushrooms. Fragrant, tasty dish will cheer you up and give energy for the whole day. In addition, it may well replace the dinner.


• three eggs;

• a tablespoon of cornmeal;

• three champignons;

• three tablespoons of green peas;

• a tablespoon of soy sauce;

• half a glass of water;

• small carrots.

Cooking method

Wash and finely chop the mushrooms.

Peel the carrots and cut into very small cubes.

Hold the mushrooms and carrots in a double boiler or sieve over boiling water for ten minutes.

Beat eggs and water, add soy sauce and cornmeal, beat everything again.

Transfer mushrooms and carrots to the pan for cooking omelettes, add green peas.

Pour in all the egg mixture.

Steam the omelet for half an hour.

Steam omelet with tomatoes and cheese

Juicy, spicy dish - steam omelet with tomatoes. It can help out if you follow low-calorie diets. A little high-calorie cheese will not hurt the figure.


• two eggs;

• a third of a glass of milk;

• one tomato;

• salt;

• a piece of cheese.

Cooking method

Freshly washed and well-dried tomatoes cut into circles.

Grate a piece of cheese on a fine grater.

Beat eggs with milk and salt until smooth.

Put tomatoes in a container for cooking, pour egg and milk mixture.

Cook for twenty minutes in a double boiler or half an hour for a couple in a saucepan.

Serve, optionally sprinkled with fresh finely chopped herbs.

Steam Omelette - Tips and Tricks

To get the classic combination of eggs and milk for omelet, you can use half the shell as a measure. Proportions are easy to remember: two such halves filled with milk are taken for one egg

You can not beat eggs with milk and leave for later. Omelet will not turn out magnificent. Therefore, you need to cook it immediately after whipping the egg mixture.

If you introduce too many additives into the omelet (mushrooms, ham, etc.), it will not turn out lush.

In order for the omelet not to fall down, it is important to follow the rule: do not open the lid until the mixture thickens, and another five minutes after cooking. It is from a sharp temperature drop that a drop occurs.

With lactose intolerance, omelet can be cooked in water.

The steam omelet contains a lot of B vitamins, vitamins A and D, and also very useful substances: selenium, calcium, potassium, lecithin, lutein, iron. If you regularly use this dish, then the hair and nails will always be in perfect condition, headaches will pass, the nervous and immune system will strengthen.


Watch the video: How To Make Perfect Scrambled Eggs - 3 ways. Jamie Oliver (June 2024).