Together again after the betrayal. How to start life anew? Male and female look


Woman look

Male treason is a heavy blow for most women. Not everyone can survive this test without losing their dignity. No matter how difficult it may be, a woman will have to pull herself together, put aside emotions for a while and honestly answer herself the only question: is it possible to live together after what happened or is it better to leave immediately?

It does not matter for what reasons the offended woman chooses the first option. The main thing, she must realize - it will be difficult. The former ease of relationship will not appear soon. But if a woman decided to keep the family, then it is necessary. And simple tips will help in this difficult matter. True, following them, making them the motto of your life will not be easy, but it's worth it.

  • The spouses make the decision to save the family together so as not to leave a reason to reproach their half later: "And that was your decision!". Then it turns out that one person pulls an unbearable burden on himself, and the other looks indifferently from the side.
  • You should not behave as a royal person who, by her nobility, has benefited a person sentenced to death. You can not remind a man of his wrongdoing, especially if this happened for the first time, and Lovelace himself sincerely repented.
  • The name of the opponent and even any hint of it are under the strictest ban. Constantly reminding her husband of the one for which he temporarily left his family, a woman, as a rule, is worried, rewards her opponent with unflattering epithets. As a result, she herself appears before her beloved in the image of the ever-itchy, annoying brawler.
  • Keep track of your appearance and speech. Talk in an even tone, dress neatly. At the same time, it is not worth hiding what kind of pain the betrayal of the female soul caused. However, complaining and whining, as now everything is bad, is also not recommended. After all, a man also makes a choice during this period. It is necessary that he does not repent of him.
  • Do not rummage in your husband’s pockets and phone. It is better to destroy distrust in the simplest way - ask honestly what is bothering you.
  • Under no circumstances should I call on relatives or friends to help resolve a family conflict.

The most important rule: you need to forgive your beloved sincerely, with all your heart wishing him well. If a nasty little worm of doubt remains deep in your heart, you need to get rid of it, otherwise it will ruin everything.

Man look

Feelings will not go away from the fact that people have ceased to live together. Love does not die overnight. “Forever” is when frozen clods of earth knock on the coffin lid. Until then, everything or a lot can be corrected, if not returned. Even if you talk about it in your hearts, you will regret it right there.

Where to start the path to each other again?

  • With awareness of the causes of the situation. How was it possible to betray the one that he wore on his hands and did not refuse anything? That is the question for all questions. Only a huge request - do not engage in deep digging yourself, and do not blame everything exclusively on yourself. Apparently, both are to blame.
  • To see and communicate anyway will have more than once. So - no one has canceled the "golden" rule - everything is decided by the world. Therefore, you should sit down and start talking calmly. Then, when the basic emotions subside and anger enters the shores.
  • Perhaps partly right are those who are not inclined to consider physical treason as treason. Men in this sense are simpler, they, due to the increased level of testosterone, as if by nature itself are "imprisoned" for adultery. For a woman to change, a man needs to really “try”. And even if this happens - the blame may be a passing passion, a slight intoxication.
  • No matter how trite this sounds, one must learn to forgive. Perhaps there is no sin for which it would be impossible not to forgive. Yes, bitterly, yes, unbearably painful, yes, I want to get drunk. But after all, alcohol will not "take" in this case. Only time, patience and sacrificial love will help to return the beloved. More precisely, readiness for it.


Watch the video: How To Love Again After A Betrayal Being Cheated On (July 2024).