Gender stereotypes


Stereotypes are a pretty insidious thing. They evolved over the centuries and therefore are deeply rooted in society. These are kind of labels that a person attaches to others. This is especially true of ideas about men and women, their typical qualities and forms of behavior. They are prescribed by nature, religion, certain cultural values ​​and characteristics. However, if you look deeper, it will become clear that gender stereotypes are the fruit of public consciousness, and sometimes people themselves don’t know why they think so and not otherwise. Consider the most common stereotypical formulas.

The most common and predictable is the opinion of the position of management and subordination. A man is a leader, a breadwinner, imperious and strong, a woman is a keeper of home comfort, weak and tender. In the modern world, this trend is gradually becoming obsolete. The position of a leader can be equally occupied by both men and women. And now it’s far from news to meet a “domesticated” man or woman earner. Thanks to Angela Davis and her followers!

The following stereotype of leadership follows. A man is restrained, rational, free and logical. A woman, on the contrary, is emotional, inconsistent, attached to her family, and frivolous. And miss again! Everyone has emotions. The difference is only in their quality. For men it means aggression, dominance, rudeness, for women it is softness, flexibility, pliability. And regardless of gender, a person can control them. In addition, many women are excellent leaders, and this is a sign of their rational organization, while it is easier for men to remain inactive, doing the same job. As you can see, the career ladder separates people not by gender, but by life aspirations.

Next on the list is the stereotype of masculinity and femininity. A man - a defender, does not care about his appearance and is not afraid of old age, a woman - needs protection, fixated on fashionable things and eternal youth. However, modern plastic surgery and the textile industry suggest the opposite. This is especially true for the sphere of show business. Men attend gyms and salons to create a stylish “body”, and women engage in martial arts World. It seems to have rolled over.

And finally, sexual relations. Yes, nature created man and woman for union and procreation. But this label has long been removed from modern society. Sexual minorities are growing, and it seems that the natural law does not really bother them.

Today, expressions like "must, because I'm a man / woman" have long lost their meaning. Time does not stand still, life is changing, people are changing. And what a temptation arises for a representative of one gender or another to destroy the imposed stereotype, change social roles, in the typical find unique. But religious societies stereotypes are very strong. It will take a lot of time to change the "stamped" consciousness. However, numerous psychological studies have already shown that gender stereotypes are weakening and it is now difficult to meet a “typical” man and woman. Who knows where gender evolution will lead us ...


Watch the video: UK cracks down on ads featuring gender stereotypes (July 2024).