Renal colic in men: first aid. How is it manifested, with what diseases is it found and how is renal colic treated in men


According to medical statistics, today every second person has kidney problems of varying severity. A frequent manifestation of renal pathologies is the so-called. Renal colic. This is an acute painful symptom that characterizes the impossibility of outflow of urine through the ureter. A similar manifestation in the vast majority of cases is observed in men and can be dangerous to the health and life of the patient. Therefore, it is so important to recognize renal colic in time and seek medical help.

What should be known about renal colic?

Causes of Renal Colic in Men

Since renal colic is a non-specific symptom, there are several reasons for its possible development:

• Urolithiasis disease. In the vast majority of cases, we are talking about this pathology. With urolithiasis, salts are deposited in the kidneys, which over time transform into dense formations - stones. As they move into the body cavity, they irritate the kidney capsule and cause intense pain. Pain is always caused by spasms of the smooth muscles of the organ. In addition, stones tend to move with the flow of urine. In some cases, they go out on their own. This is a painful process, accompanied by severe pain. As the stone passes through the ureter into the bladder, the pain intensifies and expands its localization.

• Inflammatory kidney disease. A rarer cause of renal colic in men. Among inflammatory diseases - nephritis, pyelonephritis. During the development of these pathologies, inflammation of the walls of the organ occurs. Irritated kidneys respond with intense cramping, which causes pain.

• Tumor damage to the kidneys. Another cause of renal colic in men is various neoplasms in the structure of the organ. Tumors of the kidneys are relatively rare (about 2% of all tumors), however, they, like urolithiasis, are characterized by colic. The reason for this lies in the irritation of the walls of the organs by a germinating tumor.

• The formation of adhesions in the kidney. The formation of adhesions as a result of a previous inflammatory lesion also leads to intense renal colic.

• Tuberculosis processes in the kidneys.

We can talk about several parallel processes at once.

The first symptoms of renal colic

Renal colic is not an independent disease. Often, it is itself a symptom. Therefore, it would be more accurate to talk not about the first symptoms of renal colic in men, but about signs of renal colic in men.

The characteristic manifestations of this pathological condition are diverse.

• The main and leading symptom of renal colic in adult patients is extremely intense pain. Discomfort is localized in the lumbar region, from the side of the lesion. In rare cases, both kidneys can be affected at once, in which case pain is observed on both sides. The pain syndrome is cramping, pain sharply intensifies with a change in body position and urination. Discomfort can be given to the area of ​​the external genitalia, along the ureter, to the pubic region, lower abdomen.

• In children, renal colic is less common. A characteristic feature of renal colic in a child is a different localization of the pain syndrome. With colic, the pain does not extend to the lower back, but to the region of the abdomen and navel.

• The phenomena of intoxication of the body. Since renal colic is an inflammatory phenomenon, in severe and moderate cases, symptoms of general intoxication of the body are “connected” to pain. This is an increase in temperature to the level of 37.2-38 degrees, headache, dizziness, a feeling of weakness and weakness.

• False urination. If the process is localized in the kidneys and has not yet affected the bladder, signs of cystitis may be observed. Including frequent false urge to urinate, pain in the suprapubic region, painful urination, etc.

• False urge to defecate.

• Polyuria. Many stones over time descend from the kidneys to the ureter, and then to the bladder. The natural reaction of the body is to withdraw a foreign body. Therefore, with the localization of stone in the bladder, there is increased, abundant urination (polyuria).

• Hematuria. If the walls of the kidneys, ureter, or bladder are damaged, traces of blood or pronounced blood are found in the urine. This means that the process is unfavorable and medical attention is required. It is very important to conduct a differential diagnosis of hematuria in colic and oncological lesions of the kidneys.

There are many symptoms of renal colic in men. But the main one is intense pain.

Diagnosis of renal colic

At the first manifestations of lower back pain, you must consult a doctor. Nephrologists are involved in kidney problems (not to be confused with neurologists). However, it often happens that other pathologies are masked under renal colic: appendicitis, cholecystitis, etc.

Diagnosis begins in the doctor’s office with a medical history, during which the doctor interviews the patient, clarifies complaints and conducts a physical examination (palpates the kidneys). Thus, a specialist can determine the initial diagnosis and draw up a diagnostic strategy.

Ultrasound remains the most informative instrumental method for diagnosing renal colic. With its help, it is possible to visualize the structure of the organ and detect salts and stones, and if urolithiasis is diagnosed, there is no doubt in renal colic as a cause of pain, but it often happens that the stones are not detected, but there is colic. In this case, you need to look further. And here again ultrasound comes to the rescue.

The next study is a general urine test. With renal colic of any etiology, changes are observed from the analysis side: leukocytes increase, protein appears.

To place all the dots on the "and" is designed such a study as MRI or CT. It is the most informative and makes it possible to evaluate in detail the state of the organ.

Treatment of renal colic in men

In the treatment of renal colic in men, it is important to solve two main tasks: remove the obstacles to the passage of urine and stop intense pain.

The treatment is mainly medication. The following groups of drugs are prescribed:

• Preparations of the antispasmodic group: No-shpa, Diclofenac, etc. With their help, it is possible to relieve spasm and alleviate the condition of patients.

• Analgesics. Assigned for the immediate relief of pain.

• Diuretic drugs. Appointed with great care. If obstruction of the urinary tract with a large stone is observed, this is fraught with rupture. Assigned for independent passage of small stones.

• Drugs designed to reduce the size of the stone are also prescribed to help the natural passage of education.

If you can only help with drugs, you can not resort to crushing the stone with ultrasound. But this is not always possible. If the stone is too large, or with spikes, you can not do without direct surgical intervention.

Prevention of renal colic in men

Specific prevention of renal colic in men, as well as in women, does not exist. However, following the recommendations can reduce the risk of renal colic to almost zero.

• It is recommended to avoid overheating.

• Do not abuse salt-rich foods. Salts tend to be deposited in the kidneys, and then turn into stones.

• Every day you need to drink at least 2 liters of water.

• It is recommended that you use the toilet at least once every two to three hours. Congestion is one of the causes of renal colic.

• Do not overcool.

• A diet low in fat and salt is recommended.

Renal colic is a serious condition for the patient himself and often life-threatening, since it involves obstruction of the urinary tract with stones and the possible development of complications such as rupture of the ureter, etc. For this reason, you can’t hesitate with medical help, the patient himself understands this: the intensity of pain renal colic is too high to tolerate calmly and stoically. Fortunately, the diagnosis does not present any particular problems, and medicine has a lot of methods to combat colic.


Watch the video: Symptoms of Kidney Disease (July 2024).