Why is it better not to give birth on Monday? Scientists have found out on which day of the week the birth is more successful


Remember the famous song: what they don’t do, they don’t go, it’s obvious that on Monday their mother gave birth .... But the author, oddly enough, is right: on Monday it is better not to be born. It’s a pity that we don’t have the opportunity to choose which day is better to be born!

British sociologists have conducted an unusual study to find out when it is better to give birth. It turned out that the safety of childbirth depends not only on the physical condition of the mother and child. Of great importance for a successful outcome is the day of the week on which it began the birth process. We looked at the problem and agreed with the scientists.

They would take and cancel Mondays!

Employees of the sociological services of Great Britain set out to find out Is there a direct correlation between a successful birth and the day of the week. And in fact, they found it by analyzing the statistics of successful and problematic births, including those with tragic consequences.

The subject of the study was the history of pregnant patients admitted to maternity hospitals for delivery. It was investigated no less than 1.5 million episodes. As a result of tremendous work, sociologists have figured out when it is better to give birth.

Thus, the main part of the work week, that is, days from Tuesday to Friday evening, is recognized as the most optimal from the point of view of security. But the risk of death of a mother or child, as well as their infection, is highest on Saturday, Sunday and Monday.

The principles are to blame

The fact is that municipal hospitals work on the same principle as ordinary social security institutions that provide services to the population. Yes, in Europe everything is exactly the same as in Russia! That is, doctors, starting a work week on Monday, get tired by Friday evening for obvious reasons. The psychological factor affects both the attention to the woman in labor and the ability to correctly assess her condition.

Besides, On weekends, only doctors on duty are present in hospitals and maternity hospitals. They find themselves in force majeure circumstances if the delivery is urgent or there are too many patients. Accordingly, the quality of service delivery is falling.

Monday does not improve the situation. This is also not the day when it is better to give birth. Scientists noted that the Aesculapius on Mondays are still impressed by Sunday's rest and are having difficulty adjusting to work. Yes, and patients over the weekend accumulated, you need to examine all. Together, this also leads to problematic births.

By the way, sociologists at London University College and Birmingham University Hospital studied mortality statistics by day of the week in conventional hospitals. It turns out that most often patients also die from Friday to Monday.

In general, when it is better to give birth, of course. The news, frankly, is bad. Another question is what to do with the received data. Childbirth is an uncontrollable process, and therefore it is impossible to ask a child to be born not on Friday, but, say, on Wednesday or Thursday. The only thing that remains to be hoped for is providence.


Watch the video: Patient Education Animation: Labor and Vaginal Birth (July 2024).