Gymnastics for newborns: is it necessary or not? Gymnastics program for a newborn, its benefits in the life of a healthy baby


The newborn little baby needs not only sleep, nutrition and warmth, but also motor activity.

Thanks to his movements (at first not too confident), the baby can learn the world around him, grow and develop.

Since all the vital systems of the human body are closely interconnected (the child develops physical and mental, his metabolic processes are constantly regulated, blood circulation improves), gymnastics for newborn babies is simply necessary.

Do you play or play? How to organize gymnastics for a newborn

The physical exercises that mother will apply to her baby should be such that it is interesting and joyful. Indeed, when the baby is still very small, he doesn’t really need toys either: his body is for him the most interesting subject of the game. Surely parents more than once paid attention to how the peanut plays with either hands or feet.

So gymnastic exercises for the newborn should help to ensure that all parts of his body during the fun game are involved and activated.

While the game lasts, the pean will alternately touch different parts of his body, getting to know them, getting some information about them.

It is best to do this kind of gymnastics during a diaper change: the baby lies naked and nothing prevents him from making quite active movements. It’s right if mom will do the exercises on a flat surface, for example, on a table (if there is no changing table), putting foam rubber or a thick blanket under the baby.

Important gymnastics requirements for newborns

Parents must learn: each exercise that they want to "try" on their baby must meet certain requirements.

There are not so many of them.

1. Any physical exercises should be included in the daily routine of the baby during the first year of his life.

2. Do each exercise at least three times.

3. The whole complex of baby exercises should last about a quarter of an hour.

4. Mom should accompany any exercise with affectionate words addressed to the child and a smile, which will develop a positive reaction for all exercises.

5. Gymnastics for a newborn should be started no earlier than 60 minutes after the next feeding and no later than half an hour before it.

6. Parents should maintain a certain temperature in the room where they and their child do gymnastics - 21 ° C.

7. Any exercise should be started and ended with gentle, accurate stroking of the palms and fingers, without pressing the baby’s body so that his skin does not gather in folds.

8. If the baby has not yet physically grown up to some kind of exercise (standing, sitting, turning over from the back to the tummy, actively crawling), do not force him to do this. Soon the time will come and the baby himself will want to do all this, even without his mother’s hint.

9. In gymnastics, there must be a certain scheme that must be adhered to when performing all exercises. The crumb handles should be stroked from the hand to the shoulder, the legs from the feet to the groin area, the tummy from the sides to the navel, and then around the navel, moving clockwise.

10. And one more important rule: if the baby is tired or a little sick, do not force him to gymnastics.

Any physical exercise that a mother will perform with her baby is not only aimed at improving or consolidating the newly acquired skill. First of all, it will provoke the emergence of this skill, which will cause the baby to develop faster.

Gymnastics for newborns (a tiny month)

At this age, the baby is still too tender, so the exercises must be chosen very carefully. The main principle here will be - do no harm!

In such children (most of them) muscle hypertonicity is still present, therefore, gymnastics for newborns is directed to ensure that relaxation occurs.

  • The baby lies on the back, mom spreads his arms in different directions, and then crosses on his chest.
  • Mom raises the baby’s arms alternately up and down (“mill”).
  • Mom spreads her legs to the sides and brings them back to their original position.
  • You can rotate the baby’s thigh, describing it in a semicircle (very carefully here, if the baby has dysplasia, then you need to consult a doctor!).
  • An interesting and useful exercise "book": the baby's legs need to be bent at the knees and alternately bring them down and raise them, as they usually open and close the book.
  • Put crumbs on the tummy. This simple exercise will encourage the baby to raise its head.

For the child it will be enough to complete each gymnastics exercise for newborns five times. Sharp jerks here will be completely inappropriate. Exercise should be completed with a light massage in the form of a gentle stroking of the tummy, back, arms and legs. Moreover, such a massage should last as long as gymnastics.

Gymnastics for newborns (age 4-6 months)

Consider some very simple exercises that are allowed to be performed when the baby is already a little older.

1) The kid lies on the back. Mom takes both legs of the baby with one hand, straightens his legs and very carefully turns him first on his side then on his tummy and again on his back. These coups should be alternated - in one direction, then - in the other. In order for the baby to increase his interest in such an action, any bright toy that will lie on the side where you need to turn the baby will help.

2) The kid lies on the back. With the legs of a toddler, make circular movements in the area of ​​the hip joints. Take the baby's legs in your hands, gently bend them in the knees, bring the hips to the tummy and spread the bent legs in different directions. At the end of the exercise, the mother straightens the baby's legs and connects them together.

3) Mom turns the baby on his tummy. It’s better to put some bright object in front of him that would attract the attention of the crumbs. It may be a favorite musical toy. It is necessary that the baby tried to crawl to it. Mom should slowly push the toy farther away so that the little one stretches towards her as actively as possible. At first, do not let him get to the toy and pick it up. And after completing the exercise, be sure to praise the baby.

Such gymnastics for the newborn will not only be useful to him, but also interesting, because it will take place in the form of a game. And what kind of kid will refuse to play, and even with his mother?

Learning to do gymnastics for a newborn on fitball

Perhaps all parents are familiar with fitball - a large gymnastic ball. Usually it is used by mothers, trying to tighten their figure a little "floated" after the birth of the baby. It turns out with the help of this ball you can develop a baby.

When the baby is under the age of one year, it is extremely useful for him to do gymnastics on this ball:

- any exercise will deliver only positive emotions to the child and mother;

- classes will relax the muscles of the intestines of the baby and reduce its tone, which will be an excellent prevention of colic;

- during the movements of the crumbs on the ball, many important organs of the child will be stimulated;

- The vestibular apparatus of the baby will develop well.

There are some rules that must be observed when doing exercises on the fitball with the baby:

- the diameter of the ball should be in the range from 60 to 75 cm;

- in order not to provoke a dislocation in the child, you can not pull him by the hand and foot;

- A large range of movements is not needed, because there is a small probability that the crumb can be trivially dropped;

- it is best if each lesson is accompanied by recitation of nursery rhymes, singing or beautiful music;

- during each lesson, the baby must be carefully held by the tummy, back, buttocks or forearm;

- if the kid suddenly did not like something, the lesson should be stopped immediately;

- if the baby does not feel well, is upset with something, or has not yet healed the umbilical wound, it is strictly forbidden to engage in fitball.

Observing exactly these simple rules, you can not only accelerate the development of the baby. But also just enjoy communicating with him.

Fitball exercises for newborns

For the smallest family member who has not yet celebrated his first birthday, several exercises will be very useful, during which fitball will be necessary.

1) Put the baby on this ball and “jump” a little, choosing the smallest range of motion.

2) Put the baby on the ball tummy and roll it back and forth, then in a circle. This exercise can completely replace the tummy massage.

3) Put the baby on the fitball sideways and roll it. After a couple of minutes, turn over to another barrel and also ride.

4) Put the crumbs on the ball with the back and observing the utmost care to roll it back and forth, not forgetting to hold the legs and tummy. During this exercise, you need to carefully monitor how the baby behaves, because there are children who are afraid to lie on the fitball back.

5) On the ball is the chest of a toddler and he, as it were, holds himself with his palms. His legs are in weight - they are kept by his mother. Thus, you can ride the child in one direction or another. Usually children like this exercise: they can simultaneously consider everything around them, they are interested and they are engaged in such children's sports.

With the help of such exercises, which are part of the gymnastics complex for newborns, several goals will be achieved at once - the baby is developing physically, he is in a good mood, doing exercises, massage his tummy and, which is also important, communication with his mother.

And it doesn’t matter that after reflection, Mom will choose for her child - classical, familiar gymnastics or more modern, using the ball. Absolutely any physical activity will turn into a “plus” for the baby.

The main thing that parents should remember is the three principles of gymnastics - the accuracy, regularity and pleasure of the child himself.


Watch the video: Tummy time exercises for your baby (July 2024).