Why does a man have a sore right testicle? What to do if the right testicle hurts, how it is treated, possible consequences


The male body is a complex system. A slight fluctuation in the body is enough, as the whole mechanism immediately fails. Especially true is said regarding the male reproductive system. Diseases of the male genital area occupy a significant place in the structure of all visits to doctors by the urologist and andrologist. One of the most dangerous pathologies is testicular disease.

According to statistics, every third man in the world at least once experienced pain in the testicles. Fortunately, not in all cases the right testicle hurts due to pathology. There are exceptions. In any case, the danger of a condition such as pain in the testicles is obvious. To prevent the disease and respond in time, you should learn more about testicular pain.

Right testicle hurts: causes

There are many reasons why the right testicle hurts. All factors can be divided into main categories: physiological and pathological.

The physiological causes of pain in the testicle are most common in the practice of a doctor. Especially often people with increased libido suffer from pain. The immediate reason why the right testicle hurts is the lack of sexual intercourse.

During sexual arousal, the blood vessels that feed the testicles begin to work more actively. Due to the rush of blood to the genitals, an unpleasant dull and pulling sensation occurs. This is not a dangerous physiological state, however, in the absence of sexual intercourse, the uncomfortable sensation intensifies at times.

The remaining causes are always pathological. Testicular pain in this case is a secondary symptom. Among the diseases that cause pain:

• Inflammation of the testicles. It is relatively rare. Even less often, the testicle becomes inflamed due to a sluggish inflammatory process, the source of which is nearby. As a rule, the inflammatory process in the genital area begins the field of an infectious disease (measles, mumps, chickenpox, etc.).

• Testicular neoplasms. It is even less common. The main category of people suffering from tumor processes is a man over 45 years old. Tumors of the male genital area are extremely aggressive.

• Stones in the kidneys. Urolithiasis can cause testicular pain. In this case, there is no direct damage to the genitals, the pain gives away from the ureter to the testicle.

• Cystitis. It is more common in women, but men are also at risk. As in the previous case, there is no genital lesion, the pain radiates from the bladder.

• Discomfort in the testicles may be due to a hernia (inguinal). With a hernia, part of the intestine falls into the scrotum, which causes swelling and pain.

• Inflammation of the appendages.

• Infectious lesions of the testicles. In isolated form, almost never occur. Symptoms are specific.

• Testicular injuries.

These are the main reasons why the right testicle hurts. There are other possible factors, however, those described above are most common.

Right testicle hurts: symptoms

Pain in itself is not a diagnosis. It signals a malfunction in the body. Symptoms depend on the specific cause of the pain. Diseases accompanied by pain in the testicles are manifested as follows.

  • Testicular injuries. Accompanied by a characteristic symptomatic complex. Among the complex is Dull, aching pain. It is localized from the side of the damaged testicle. Often there is a bluish tinge of the scrotum, swelling. All this testifies in favor of the development of hematoma.
  • Testicular inflammation. Accompanied by dull bursting pains. The pain from the defeat of the right testicle gives to the scrotum, leg, front of the abdomen (just above the pubic region), the right hypochondrium (can be confused with liver diseases). On day 2-3, the picture of the disease changes, the pain becomes more intense. Feels like the testicle becomes stiff and tight. At this stage, urgent medical attention is needed.
  • Diseases of the kidneys and bladder. Pain in these conditions is not localized in any one area. More often, patients describe it as spilled, of medium intensity. In addition to pain in the testicles:
  • Lower back pain. Especially strong with urolithiasis (since renal colic begins).
  • Frequent and unsuccessful urination (mainly with cystitis).
  • Cramping and burning at the end of urination.
  • Polyuria (increased urine output).
  • Oliguria (urinary retention).

• Inguinal hernia. Manifested by intense pain. As the pathology develops, swelling and redness of the scrotum occurs. This dangerous condition requires help.

In many cases described, there are signs of general intoxication of the body:

• Increase in body temperature to the numbers 38-39 degrees.

• Nausea.

• Vomiting.

• Sensation of weakness.

Right testicle hurts: diagnosis of diseases

Diagnostics includes a number of standard instrumental and laboratory methods. Examinations begin in the doctor’s office. At the initial appointment, a medical history is collected: the doctor (urologist or urologist-andrologist) asks questions about the patient's complaints and records the information received. This allows you to build a competent diagnostic strategy to correctly diagnose.

To assess the structures of the testis, the doctor resorts to a physical examination: palpation. Already at this stage, the specialist can draw some conclusions. In the future, appoint:

• Ultrasound of the testicle. It makes it possible to assess the structure of the organ visually. In most cases, this is enough to make a diagnosis. But there are more complicated cases.

• Ultrasound of the kidneys. Since the reason may lie in the pathologies of the excretory system, in combination with an ultrasound of the testicles, an ultrasound of the kidneys is prescribed.

• Radioisotope (nuclear) research.

• In exceptional cases, a biopsy cannot be dispensed with. Fortunately, it is prescribed only for oncological diseases, which are not so common in this area.

The rest of the doctors rely on laboratory data:

• General urine analysis. Demonstrates a picture of inflammation.

• Blood biochemistry.

• A smear from the urethra for pathological (venereal) flora.

In general, diagnosing testicular problems is not so difficult. A few well-done studies are enough.

Right testicle hurts: what to do

In acute cases, emergency medical care cannot be dispensed with. The answer to the question "what to do if the right testicle hurts" is obvious - you need to call an ambulance. Before the arrival of doctors it is forbidden to take drugs. In no case should you put a heating pad on the site of the lesion, apply ice. This is fraught with the development of severe complications up to internal bleeding and necrosis. First aid is to take a comfortable position.

In most clinical situations, conservative treatment is sufficient. It consists in taking anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs, such as Nurofen, Ketorolac, Novigan, etc. With kidney diseases, antispasmodics are prescribed: they help relieve pain and muscle tension.

Surgical treatment is indicated for inguinal hernia and severe testicular torsion.

Testicular pain prevention

To pain in the testicles did not disturb the person, you should adhere to simple recommendations:

• Keep your lower back warm. In about 40% of cases, the cause of pain is pathology of the kidneys and bladder. To protect yourself from this scourge, you should dress warmly. Especially in the cold season.

• Regularly (at least once a year) undergo preventive examinations by a urologist or andrologist.

• The cause of pain can be sexually transmitted diseases. To avoid them should be protected.

• In order to avoid pain, it is recommended to have a regular sex life. Prolonged abstinence negatively affects the genitals, causing stagnation.

• It is recommended to regularly visit the toilet room. Empty the bladder at least once every two to three hours.

Pain in the right testicle is an alarming symptom. Fortunately, in most cases the problem is not as bad as it seems. However, discomfort, especially intense, cannot be ignored in any case. In any case, you can not do without the help of a competent urologist or urologist andrologist.


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