Drinking diet for 7 days: the effectiveness of weight loss techniques. Basic rules and purpose of the drinking diet for 7 days


Varieties of drinking diets are considered one of the most effective methods for losing weight. Due to the lack of physical activity, the diet also has another name - for the lazy.

The main purpose of such nutrition is not only weight loss, but also the adjustment of the work of all internal systems and organs, as well as reducing the load on the digestive tract.

What are the principles of organizing a drinking diet for 7 days: forbidden and allowed dishes

The essence of the diet is refusal of solid food for a certain time. Because of this feature, many experts attribute the drinking diet to effective, but rather strict methods of losing weight. Nutrition is based on the use of all products exclusively in liquid form. The diet, consisting of natural products, allows you to cleanse the body, remove harmful substances, toxins from it, rid it of slagging, as a result of this, the skin becomes cleaner and the complexion is healthier.

Allowed products with a drinking diet for 7 days:

• freshly produced juices;

• milkshakes with a low percentage of fat content;

• purified and filtered water;

• all varieties of teas, but without sugar;

• meat broths;

• cocktails with berries and fruits;

• jelly based on oatmeal without sugar.

Not every liquid without sugar is the only taboo in a drinking diet for 7 days.

List of prohibited products:

1. It is also necessary to refuse any soda liquid and sweet factory drinks.

2. Exclude from the diet should coffee, as well as cocoa, but only if it is not a shock-diet.

3. It is forbidden to add salt and other seasonings and spices to ready meals. Due to their presence in the body, excess fluid is poorly excreted, begins to accumulate, forming edema on the legs and arms. A little salt, for example, in the preparation of the broth can be used, but it should be no more than 3 grams and 1 time per day.

4. Sugar is another prohibited product that cannot be replaced. Together with it, the taboo applies to sweeteners and even to a natural product to replace - honey.

5. Kissel can be consumed on such a diet only if it was cooked without adding starch.

6. In broths prepared on vegetables, fish or meat, you can use only the liquid part.

7. Packaged juices, alcoholic beverages are also prohibited.

8. You can’t add any kind of butter (cream, vegetable) to dishes.

Sometimes in some modified menus of a drinking diet you can find dishes such as liquid cereals, grated apples or carrots. The original and original version does not provide for such liberties. However, for those who find it very difficult to eat only liquid food, a plate of grated apple will not add weight, but quite a lot of benefits will be brought to the body, including the active withdrawal of liquid.

Who needs a drinking diet?

Drinking weight loss technique is designed for those people who want to quickly and effectively lose weight. Nutritional features make the technique the best option for those people who are used to eating on the run. But at the same time, the diet requires strict adherence to the specified schedule. But you do not need to spend a lot of time preparing dishes and thinking through the menu. It will be easier to cope with the regime also for those people who are not just good at juices and fermented milk products, but with pleasure they were regularly used before the diet. It will not be so difficult for them to switch to a new regime as other people.

The most difficult of the 7 days of the diet is the first. It is complicated by the fact that on this day a person will be constantly pursued by a feeling of hunger, a drooping mood may be observed and a breakdown may form. On the first day, the body begins to cleanse. Symptoms may appear, such as plaque in the tongue, feelings of internal discomfort, unpleasant odor from the oral cavity. Therefore, it is advisable to start a diet not abruptly, but gradually changing the diet and reducing the portion sizes.

On the second day of the diet, the symptoms of the first day should practically disappear, a feeling of hunger will still be present, but it will not be as pronounced as before. A good mood and well-being should appear.

Creating a menu for a drinking diet for 7 days

It is easy, knowing the list of allowed products, to independently create a detailed menu for the week.

For self-compilation, these products are sure to come in handy:

1. Broths made from lean meat, chicken or fish. Vegetable decoctions are welcome, they are allowed to put a little salt, but it is forbidden to add spices and spices.

2. Natural juices - such drinks will become a natural source of sugar and substances useful for the body, vitamins. To create juice, unsweetened fruits should be selected, grape consumption should be limited, since it has a high calorie content. In the absence of an allergy to citrus fruits, it is better to give them preference.

3. Dairy products with the maximum permissible percentage of fat content 2. It is allowed to drink yoghurts, kefir, fermented baked milk. It will be more difficult for the body to assimilate milk, therefore, it should be abandoned if possible for a week of diet.

4. You can cook compotes and jelly without various additives and drink in unlimited quantities. Tea without added sugar is also welcome. It is allowed to dilute hot drinks with milk or throw lemon wedges into tea for aroma.

5. Be sure to include purified water in the daily diet. If possible, any other drink can be completely excluded, and the daily norm of water for an adult organism is 1.5-2 liters.

6. It will be useful to include vegetable soup puree on the menu once a day. The consistency of the dish should resemble breast milk. The composition of the soup includes carrots, potatoes, cauliflower, turnips, zucchini.

An example of a ready-made drinking menu for 7 days has been compiled to help:

• Monday - on the first day you need to eat exclusively dairy products with a low percentage of fat content: milk, kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt;

• Tuesday - broth day, you can eat meat, vegetables and fish broths;

• Wednesday - a day of juices and smoothies, you can cook fruit, vegetable, as well as combined, if necessary, diluting them with water;

• Thursday - during the fourth day you can eat only teas, any kind of them;

• Friday - you need to drink unsweetened fruit jellies or other decoctions of fruits throughout the day;

• Saturday - you need to drink compotes without adding sugar;

• Sunday - it is advisable to make a day on the water, but you can also drink juices if necessary.

What to look for when choosing a drinking diet for 7 days

The main difference between a drinking diet and a regular one is the complete exclusion of solid food from the diet. Such food is quite tough, you need to build it according to the following rules:

1. Before starting the procedure, you should consume as many fruits and vegetables as possible in 2-3 days. In this way, the body will be able to prepare for a diet and clear a little.

2. Any fatty, sweet food should not be present at meals. Taboo applies to alcohol and soda.

3. If it is not possible to drink the prescribed rate of ordinary water per day, then this indicator should not be finished in the evening, otherwise it is fraught with the formation of swelling.

4. During the diet, it is advisable to use multivitamin complexes in order to fully saturate the body with the missing substances for normal life.

5. If desired, the drinking diet can be extended after 7 days; other varieties can last three weeks, one month. But the main driving factor should be a reference to the state of health and the capabilities of the body.

6. An unloading or water day can be made not the last day of the diet, but placed somewhere in the middle of the week.

7. You can conduct a second course no earlier than six months later.

8. Throughout the week, you need to eat portions, the volume of which is 200 ml.

9. If food on a drinking diet is not built on the principle of monodni, then it is better to give preference in the morning to juices, during the day to soups and broths, and to make the evening meal the easiest - to drink a glass of kefir or another sour-milk drink, compote.

The effectiveness of the diet, if it was carried out in accordance with all the rules, must be secured by the correct way out of it.

The duration of the exit exceeds the duration of the diet itself and is 2 weeks. It is during such a period that the stomach gradually learns to re-perceive and process solid food normally, as well as remove it.

It is best to start the exit with soft fruits or berries, such as strawberries, you can grate the apple on a fine grater. Following the fruits, after a couple of days you can enter vegetables, liquid cereals. One of the last to be included in the diet should be protein food. Of all the variety, eggs and cottage cheese should be the first, and meat should be consumed last. The last to appear in the diet should be sugar, sweets, honey in moderation. These products can be administered 2 weeks after the diet in case of very urgent need. If possible, you should try to continue to do without them.

During the week of the diet, the stomach manages to decrease in size, so you should not immediately overload it with large and heavy portions of solid food. As during the diet, and in the process of getting out of it, the portion size should not exceed 150-200 g. In no case should you starve during the diet. A sense of fullness should always give a healthy drink.


Watch the video: Intermittent Fasting (June 2024).