Features of a diet for type 2 diabetes: a menu for a week. Recipes of ready meals and allowed foods on a diet for type 2 diabetes, menu


If a disease is detected, type 2 diabetes needs to review its diet.

Many mistakenly believe that it is enough to exclude from it food that affects the level of glucose and insulin in the body.

In fact, you need to adhere to a special diet that eliminates unwanted foods.

What should a diet for type 2 diabetes consist of: a weekly menu

The very idea that you have to go on a diet pre-programs the minds of people to a negative attitude towards it. Firstly, the diet is severely limited, and secondly, a lot of time will have to be spent on cooking. The diet includes simple dishes from the most common foods. You do not have to spend a lot of money and time to create dishes.

When using a diet, degrees should be included in the diet:

• high quality vegetable fats in small quantities;

• fish and seafood;

• low-fat dairy and sour-milk foods;

• any kind of fiber, including cereals, bread (whole-grain or rye), vegetables, fruits and greens.

A proper diet should contain the optimal nutritional balance for diabetics:

• animal and vegetable proteins - 15-20%;

• fats - not more than 30%, preference should be given to vegetable;

• complex carbohydrates - can range from 5 to 55%.

Which products should be discarded:

• confectionery;

• margarine;

• sauces and mayonnaise;

• sausages - especially smoked;

• sweet soda;

• flour products;

• sweets - sugar substitutes come to replace them;

• alcohol products;

• convenience foods and fast food;

• fatty meat - pork, lamb.

When creating dishes, it is very important to remove excess fat from meat, remove the skin - if it is chicken. You need to cook without using oil - for a couple, simmer, bake.

Selection for a diet for diabetes 2 types of menus for a week

With the disease, diabetes diet will have to adhere to a lifetime. But it can be easily made tasty and varied. The second dinner will always be sour-milk - the last meal can consist of a glass of kefir, fermented baked milk, unsweetened yogurt without additives to choose from. Example menu for the week:

1. Monday:

• breakfast - make a salad of grated carrots (not more than 70 g), eat a portion of herculean porridge in milk with a slice of butter and drink unsweetened tea;

• The second breakfast can consist of any sugar-free tea with diet biscuit cookies and half a banana;

• for lunch, prepare lean borsch with a slice of bread, buckwheat with steam beef cutlet and vegetable salad, drink with berry juice;

• afternoon tea - you can eat a choice of fruit or a handful of berries and drink unsweetened tea;

• dinner - cabbage cutlets with meat, boiled egg, rye bread, tea from a collection of herbs.

2. Tuesday:

• cottage cheese with dried fruits - dried apricots and prunes, a small portion (up to 100 g) of oatmeal in milk, bran bread and tea are waiting for breakfast;

• second breakfast - ripe apple and jelly;

• lunch - low-fat soup with meatballs, 1 medium-sized jacketed boiled potato, beef tongue also boiled, a salad of vegetables (cabbage, cucumber, herbs) and dried fruit compote;

• afternoon snack - a glass of tomato juice, a vegetable salad of any fruit, a slice of whole-grain bread;

• dinner - pumpkin porridge (portion 200 g), a small meat patty, vegetable salad, bread, tea or compote.

3. Wednesday:

• Breakfast - protein omelet with cheese and a slice of rye bread, chicory with sweetener;

• second breakfast - lemon tea, a couple of diet pancakes;

• lunch consists entirely of vegetable dishes - portions of borsch, salad and stew, a slice of bread;

• afternoon snack - fruit salad;

• dinner - cottage cheese casserole, a serving of peas up to 70 grams, you can drink tea.

4. Thursday:

• for breakfast, a little pearl barley porridge (not more than 30-50 g), soft-boiled egg, cucumber-tomato salad, green tea and baked apple in the oven;

• second breakfast - banana;

• lunch - noodles soup with vegetables, buckwheat porridge, chicken liver in a stew with the addition of onions, tomato or cucumber, drink fruit juice;

• afternoon tea - curd cheesecakes and rosehip broth;

• for dinner, stew vegetables and make meatballs, drink tea with bread.

5. Friday:

• breakfast - a piece of boiled low-fat fish 50 g, cabbage salad, unsweetened tea or chicory;

• second breakfast - apple or grapefruit;

• for lunch, bean soup, diet pilaf with chicken, stewed vegetables, such as eggplant, bread and cranberry juice;

• afternoon snack - peach or tangerines;

• dinner - a small portion of oatmeal with a fish patty, bread and a salad of your favorite vegetables; for dessert, drink tea with lemon and unsweetened cookies.

6. Saturday:

• for breakfast you can treat yourself to cottage cheese soufflé, biscuit cookies, exotic salad of apple and Jerusalem artichoke;

• second breakfast - a favorite fruit;

• lunch - fish soup, pearl barley porridge with chicken breast, fruit drink;

• afternoon tea - vegetable salad and tea;

• dinner - steamed beef patties, some buckwheat and stewed vegetables.

7. Sunday:

• in the morning - cottage cheese with a salad of grated carrots and apples, bread and tea;

• second snack - light omelet with bread and vegetables, tomato juice;

• lunch - pea soup, rice porridge with sausage, natural juice without sugar, Olivier salad;

• afternoon snack - fresh cabbage salad;

• dinner - millet porridge, bread and fish cooked in a permitted way, fish, dried fruit compote.

Recipes for a diet for type 2 diabetes, a weekly menu

1. Bean soup. You will need: 2 l vegetable broth, green beans - a small handful, onion head, herbs, 2 medium potatoes. In a boiling broth put chopped onions and potatoes, after 15 minutes beans. Bring to a boil, after 5 minutes turn off and sprinkle with herbs.

2. Cranberry juice - a glass of berries and 2 liters of water. Do not use sugar. Grind the berries, separate the juice, digest the mashed potatoes with water, separate the flesh, mix after cooling with the juice that was first separated.

3. Cabbage schnitzel - you need cabbage leaves, a little salt, crackers and vegetable oil, 1 fresh egg that you need to beat. The leaves of a white vegetable should be boiled, squeezed a little, folded several times. Then soak in an egg, bread in breadcrumbs and lightly fry.


Watch the video: Tasty Solutions for Diabetes Breakfast Menu part 1 (July 2024).