What are the symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency? Lack of an important vitamin in the body, how to recognize the symptoms of B12 deficiency?


Every day, the human body should receive a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals. Lack of at least one of them can lead to disruption of the entire system. If there are enough vitamins, the body easily copes with diseases, a person is physically active and alert. What is the lack of vitamin B12?

Causes of Vitamin B12 Lack

Vitamin B12 has a special relationship. All elderly people are assigned tests to identify its deficiency. Like any other vitamin, B12 is responsible for a number of important functions in the human body. Thanks to him occur:

• normal growth and development in childhood;

• the formation of red blood cells;

• development of immunity;

• minimizing the risk of developing cardiovascular disease;

• protection of the nervous system.

Deficiency of vitamin B12 in the body can occur due to improper functioning of the digestive system. It does not absorb enough of all the nutrients that come with food.

The digestive system may fail for the following reasons:

1. The regular use of alcoholic beverages.

2. Taking medications that reduce the acidity of the stomach.

3. The development of anemia.

4. The transfer of surgical operations to remove part of the intestine.

The gastrointestinal tract is disrupted in case of intestinal damage by viruses or bacteria.

Causes of poor vitamin absorption can be inherited diseases.

Symptoms of Vitamin B12 Deficiency

The insidiousness of this vitamin lies in the fact that its lack is manifested slowly. Such a latent manifestation can lead to the development of dangerous complications.

The main symptoms of B12 deficiency:

1. The most common disease that develops due to B12 deficiency is anemia. With its development, a person will feel the following symptoms: weakness, dizziness. A person's working capacity decreases, fainting conditions may develop. The appearance of tinnitus, heart palpitations during any physical exertion. With any physical exertion, muscle demand for oxygen increases. When everything is functioning normally in the body, the need is filled at the expense of the frequency of contraction of the heart muscle. But with a deficiency of B12, the transportation of red blood cells is disrupted. As a result, the load immediately leads to fatigue, a person feels a feeling of lack of air.

2. The state of the surface and the color of the tongue change. The surface layer of the tongue consists of small papillae. With a deficiency of B12, atrophy of the mucous membrane occurs. This leads to a gradual change, and then to the complete disappearance of the papillae. As a result, the tongue becomes perfectly smooth, bright red. A swelling appears on the tongue, bleeding of the gums is observed.

3. Due to changes in the mucous membrane of the tongue, a person has a violation of taste perceptions. This leads to loss of appetite, and weight loss.

4. There are disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Patients may be disturbed by frequent nausea and vomiting, and constipation may occur.

5. Vitamin deficiency is manifested in numbness of the limbs. Patients gait becomes uncertain, they often feel stiff in their legs.

6. B12 deficiency is manifested by muscle weakness; in severe cases, damage to the brain or spinal cord may occur. The patient’s brain is suffering from insufficient oxygen supply.

7. In rare cases, an insufficient amount of B12 negatively affects the condition of the optic nerve. The patient may manifest double vision, blurry contours, the development of temporary blindness.

8. Symptoms of B12 deficiency are manifested in pallor of the skin. The cause of pallor is the destruction of red blood cells. Instead, bilirubin is released, which helps to give the skin a paler shade.

9. B12 plays a large role in the functioning of the brain. Its deficiency leads to impaired memory, distraction.

10. With a lack of vitamin B12, a person becomes irritable, his mood worsens. The risk of developing frequent depression increases, and a constant feeling of anxiety worries. Due to brain damage, people no longer distinguish between yellow and blue.

11. A prolonged vitamin deficiency can lead to disruption during urination and defecation.

Medical studies have shown that the body's absorption of vitamin B12 is directly dependent on age. The older people are, the worse absorption is. Most often, problems begin to appear after 40 years.

If vitamin deficiency is observed for a long time, and the person does not attempt treatment, damage to neurons is possible. Symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency seriously affect the functioning of the nervous system. And her normal condition is very important for the functioning of the body as a whole.

Vegetarianism and Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is found only in animal products. This leads to the fact that its lack is most often observed among vegetarians. The category of vegetarians who consume dairy products and eggs is also at risk of vitamin deficiency, but to a lesser extent. Lack of B12 affects children born to vegetarians.

To compensate for the shortage, vegetarians need to eat:

1. Take B12 as part of complex vitamins. It is important to remember that for the elderly, pregnant and lactating women, the daily norm of the vitamin should be higher.

2. Add vegetable broths, corn flakes, soy milk, vegetable sunflower oil, textured vegetable protein to the diet.

It is recommended that a vegetarian regularly monitor vitamin levels through laboratory tests.

Vitamin Deficiency Treatment

When symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency appear, it is recommended to consult a specialist for an examination. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of the shortage. Only a doctor can install it, self-medication in this situation can lead to the development of serious consequences.

The main treatment should be aimed at normalizing the diet. The daily menu should include:

• cheeses;

• milk products;

• meat, game;

• eggs;

• seafood.

Categories of citizens who were found to be deficient in vitamin B12 are strictly forbidden mono-diets based on plant products.

Vitamins can be prescribed for intramuscular administration. This is necessary if deficiency has caused a violation of the nervous system.

Symptoms of a lack of vitamin B12 should be the cause of calls to specialists. This pathology should not be ignored. B12 deficiency can cause serious diseases in the human body.


Watch the video: Vitamin B12 Cobalamin Deficiency Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis & Management (July 2024).