Homemade pasties with meat: a step-by-step recipe for delicious pastries. Secrets and step-by-step recipes for homemade pasties with meat: we cook, make our family happy!


Chebureks with meat will be a great alternative to meat pies, especially since they cook much faster, as they are kneaded on a fresh dough. We offer you the simplest step-by-step recipes for fragrant baked goods with delicious bubble crisp and juicy filling!

Step-by-step recipe for homemade meat pasties - general principles

The basis of any pasties is dough and meat.

The dough is kneaded from the simplest ingredients: flour, water, eggs. Sometimes it’s enough to mix all the ingredients and let the mass settle down. You can make choux pastry, thanks to which the pasties will turn out to be especially juicy, as if layered. It is also acceptable to knead the dough on fermented milk products, for example, kefir. For special porosity, a cultivator, vodka, oil are often added to the flour mass.

The meat is used mainly beef or lamb. You can replace them with pork or poultry. The selected pieces are washed and twisted. In the minced meat put spices, chopped onions and salt to taste, pour fillings of water, milk or broths for juiciness. Stuffing is minced for a long time and thoroughly.

Modeling, as well as preparing products, is also not complicated. The dough is divided into several parts, each rolled out with a thin cake, put the filling in the center, distribute it, not leading to the brim. After they form a semicircle, the edges are well plucked so that juices do not leak out during frying.

Usually, pasties are fried in a large amount of heated oil, but you can bake them in a pan, so they will turn out to be less high-calorie.

1. Homemade pasties with meat: step by step recipe for custard dough

Ingredients for the dough:

• flour - 14 tablespoons;

• one egg;

• salt - 15 grams;

• hot water - half a glass.

For minced meat:

• veal or young beef - a small piece;

• large onion head;

• Lavrushka - two leaves;

• ten grams of salt and black pepper.

Cooking method:

1. First, prepare the mincemeat for pasties: peel the onion, wash it with cold water, pass through a meat grinder or grind it in a food processor.

2. Rinse the meat thoroughly, cut out all the films and tendons, if any, cut into arbitrary medium pieces and grind in the same way as the onion in a meat grinder, mix both masses well.

3. Stuff the minced meat, pepper, optionally you can add any spices or spices for a greater flavor, mix well.

4. Rinse two leaves of lavrushka, chop in a blender and add to the forcemeat, mix again and leave for half an hour so that the meat mass is saturated with seasoning and black pepper.

5. While the minced meat is soaked, knead the choux pastry: pour an incomplete glass of sifted flour into a deep bowl. Sift the flour, so that it is enriched with oxygen, from which the finished pasties will turn out even more magnificent.

6. Stir the flour with the egg and pour half a glass of boiling water so that it boils, mix quickly.

7. Pour the remaining flour and knead the dough with your hands to a tight elastic state.

8. Put the dough on a table lightly sprinkled with flour, roll a thin cake, round, roll the dough in three layers and roll the cake, but already square.

9. Cut into several equal rectangles.

10. In the middle of each put a small amount of meat filling (two teaspoons will be enough), slowly cover the edges with your fingertips so that the chebureks do not swell during frying. Using a fork, make a pattern around the edges.

11. Dietary option: baking in a pan. Put the formed pasties on a preheated pan without oil, bake on medium heat for five minutes on each side. Flip pasties when the dough is inflated. And during baking pasties do not make a strong fire, because they can burn, and inside the filling will remain damp. Put all baked pasties on a flat serving plate, lightly grease with sunflower oil.

12. A satisfying option: frying products. Pour a glass of vegetable oil into a deep pan, heat it. Gently lay the pasties, fry on both sides until golden brown. Put the finished pasties on a plate lined with a napkin to remove excess fat.

2. Budget homemade pasties with meat: a step-by-step recipe with potatoes

Ingredients for kneading dough:

• one glass of hot water;

• one egg;

• 480 grams of flour;

• salt - 15 grams;

• butter - 50 grams.

For filling:

• one handful of mixed minced meat (pork with beef);

• four medium-sized potatoes;

• onion head;

• vegetable oil - one glass, including for frying pasties;

• any seasoning, salt, black pepper - 15 grams each.

And for a greater flavor of the finished pasties, add three cloves of garlic and any greens to the filling.

Cooking method:

1. If you do not have enough minced meat at home, then this recipe for homemade pasties is quite suitable, since it is considered economical, because the filling consists of meat and potatoes. Do not think that the taste of pasties will be inferior, potatoes in this embodiment are not even felt. Optionally, you can replace the potatoes with boiled finely chopped eggs.

2. First, start the dough: pour one glass of hot water into a deep bowl, add salt, one glass of flour, add butter, mix well and leave for several minutes to allow the mass to cool. Pour in the remaining flour and beat the egg, knead the dough thoroughly with your hands until a tight, supple, elastic consistency is obtained. Cover the dough with a towel so that it settles a little.

3. Peel the potatoes, wash, cut into four parts, fill with water, add salt and boil until soft. Then cool, grind in a blender in mashed potatoes. Or you can just knead the potatoes with a crush.

4. Release the onion from the husk, chop into a crumb with a sharp knife and fry in a pan in warmed lean oil for one minute.

5. Put the minced meat in the pan to the onion and fry for a few more minutes.

6. Introduce mashed potato into the filling, add any seasoning, black pepper, add some more salt.

7. Squeeze the garlic through the garlic press, chop the greens finely and also add to the minced meat, mix well.

8. Divide the dough into several equal parts, roll into thin cakes.

9. In the middle of each cake, put one tablespoon of minced meat, connect the edges and pinch them firmly with your fingers. Make a pattern around the edges with a fork.

10. Place a frying pan on the stove, add oil, heat, put pasties and fry on both sides until golden.

11. Serve homemade pasties with meat and potatoes in a hot form, since cold ones already lose their taste and juiciness.

3. Homemade pasties with meat: a step-by-step recipe for kefir

Ingredients for the dough:

• kefir of 20% fat content - 2.5 glasses;

• five glasses of flour;

• 25 grams of salt.

For filling:

• three handfuls of any stuffing (chicken can be);

• one onion;

• water - 20 ml;

• black pepper, salt - ten grams each;

• vegetable oil - half a glass.

Cooking method:

1. First, start the dough based on the above ingredients: pour kefir into a deep bowl (take kefir not too fat), pour a little salt and pour sifted flour in several stages, do not forget to constantly stir with a spoon so that no lumps form. Once the dough is thick, put it on a table sprinkled with flour and knead with your hands until it sticks to your hands (if there is not enough flour, add a little more). Allow the dough to rest a little under the towel. As you can see the dough is very simple and anyone can get it even without any experience in cooking.

2. Then prepare the filling: put any mincemeat in a deep cup, for example, chicken, pork, beef or turkey meat, add salt, pepper, and you can add any seasoning you want.

3. Peel the onion, wash it with cold water and grind it on a fine grater, put it in minced meat.

4. To make the mincemeat juicy, pour in some water at room temperature.

5. Cut well-laid dough into two equal parts, each in turn roll into a thin large cake. With the help of the mug, cut out the circles, and if you want the pasties to be large, you can cut out the circles with a saucer.

6. In the center of each circle, put a small amount of filling, about one tablespoon, and for large pasties two tablespoons, firmly glue the edges. At the edges, make extruded patterns with a fork so that after frying they become crispy.

7. Set the pan with vegetable oil to warm.

8. Put the formed chebureks into the pan and fry for five minutes on one side, and then turn over and fry on the other side for five minutes too.

9. Put hot pasties on a paper towel or napkins so that excess fat is stacked from them.

10. Serve with tea or warm milk, you can cool, they will not lose their taste. Nearby in a separate bowl you can serve fat-free sour cream.

Step-by-step recipes for homemade meat pasties - tricks and tips

• Do not lay eggs larger than indicated, as they make the fresh dough stiff. They can be completely excluded from the list.

• If you add a pinch of sugar when kneading in the dough, the pasties will turn out after frying especially delicious with a beautiful golden crust.

• It is best to remove the pasties from the pan with a special flat slotted spoon, not a fork, so as not to pierce the tender dough. Only cooked pasties are put on paper towels, which saves them from excess fat.


Watch the video: How to make Shortcrust Pastry for pies. Jamie Oliver (June 2024).