Snacks for a picnic in nature - it will be fun and delicious! Cooking simple and quick different snacks for picnics in nature


Not a single picnic is complete without snacks. In nature, everything is tastier! But this is not a reason to limit ourselves to sandwiches or boiled eggs. There are tons of more interesting options! What would you bring with you?

Outdoor picnic snacks - general cooking principles

Picnic snacks must meet a number of requirements: do not get your hands dirty, do not deteriorate in the heat, do not melt, and delight with taste. Therefore, you should immediately abandon the idea of ​​taking with you something boring and everyday. Let the food be memorable. Usually it is made from meat or sausages, cheese, crab sticks, canned fish and vegetables.

What you can take on a picnic:

• pita rolls;

• baking;

• stuffed eggs or vegetables;

• salads.

No need to decorate snacks, water or sprinkle with something, as they are usually packed in containers. If you want to flavor with spices, herbs, it is better to take them with you in a bag, you can pre-chop. Or simply add all the ingredients to the filling and stuff the products.

Snack picnic "Lavash roll"

Very convenient to transport, eat and easy to prepare a snack for a picnic in nature. You can choose another filling, there are recipes with Korean carrots, sausages, red fish, but here with crab sticks.


• pita;

• three eggs;

• 140 grams of any soft cheese;

• three tablespoons of mayonnaise;

• packing sticks;

• a bunch of dill;

• one clove of garlic;

• two cucumbers;

• a bunch of onions.


1. Cut the thawed sticks into small cubes, pour into a bowl.

2. Boiled eggs, too finely chop or grate, shift to sticks.

3. Add a couple of fresh cucumbers, previously chopped.

4. Season the salad with mayonnaise and a clove of garlic. You can collect the roll in layers, but then the filling is not soaked evenly, it is difficult to apply the sauce to dry pieces.

5. Expand pita bread, grease with cream cheese, then put the filling of crab sticks on it. Lettuce also flatten.

6. Rinse, sort out the onion and dill, chop, sprinkle the crab filling with an even layer.

7. Twist a tight roll, put in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

8. Take the billet from pita bread, cut into pieces, put in a container and you're done! You can also roll small rolls for portioned use. In this case, each pita is cut into 4-6 parts.

Puff pastry picnic outdoors

A variant of a hearty snack. It is suitable for a picnic in nature or for any other purpose. The dough can be used absolutely any purchased or homemade.


• 400 g of dough;

• 150 g of cheese;

• 150 g of ham or sausage;

• egg.


1. The dough needs to be held a little at room temperature so that it melts. Then roll out with a rolling pin to a thickness of three millimeters.

2. Lubricate the surface with an egg.

3. Grate a piece of cheese immediately on the layer, smooth.

4. Grate cooked sausage on top or cut into small cubes. You can take sausages or sausages.

5. Twist a neat roll from the dough with the filling. Grease the edge with the egg again so that the dough softens and sticks.

6. Cut the roll into slices two centimeters wide.

7. Lay the blanks on a baking sheet covered with a silicone mat. Put in the oven, bake at 200 degrees until tender. The temperature does not need to be done less; puff pastry does not like this.

Sardine picnic fish snack

A recipe for a universal sardine snack. Such a mass can be used for sandwiches, as a dip or filling for pita bread. There is absolutely any cheese, even the simplest one, wrapped in foil, will do.


• 240 g of sardines in oil;

• onion;

• 4-5 eggs;

• 100 g of cheese;

• 60 grams of mayonnaise;

• a couple of spoons of lemon juice.


1. Eggs for this appetizer need to be boiled, this can be done in advance, this is the longest cooking process. Cool, peel, cut into slices, not chopped.

2. Peel a medium-sized onion, cut into several parts. Transfer to a bowl of a food processor for chopping

3. Add to the onion lemon juice mayonnaise and grind all this, lightly salt the sauce.

4. Add prepared eggs.

5. Open the sardines, remove the slices, leaving the oil in jars. Add fish after the eggs, grind all together.

6. Rate consistency. If you need a sauce for dipping slices of bread or vegetables, then add a little oil from the jar. If the sardine will be used for stuffed snacks, then leave a thick mass.

Onion picnic snack

Pickled onions are an ideal addition to meat or poultry barbecue, but it can also be an independent snack for vodka and other alcoholic beverages. In nature, such an onion will surely go first if it is marinated correctly.


• 300 g of juicy onions;

• 30 ml of table vinegar;

• 3 tbsp. l oils;

• a pair of bunches of greenery;

• 1 tbsp. l Sahara.


1. Peel the onion heads, cut into thin rings, fold into a container.

2. Combine vinegar with two glasses of cold water, add sugar, vegetable oil, which will soften the taste. Stir, pour onion.

3. The pickling time is not limited, but it is advisable to stand at least half an hour.

4. Drain the onion.

5. Chop the fresh herbs of parsley, dill or any other, add.

6. Grind a little black pepper, literally 4-5 peas, sprinkle onion and stir again.

Eggplant picnic snack

A variant of a fragrant summer snack for a picnic in nature. You can cook young zucchini in a similar way.


• 3 eggplants;

• 150 g of cheese;

• 3-4 tablespoons of mayonnaise;

• 3 cloves of garlic;

• some oil;

• 2 tbsp. l nuts (optional);

• 0.5 bunch of dill, parsley or other herbs.


1. Cut eggplant into long plates. Sprinkle all the slices with salt, leave for half an hour.

2. Rinse the eggplant, squeeze.

3. Pour a little oil into the pan, fry all the slices in turn, and brown on both sides.

4. Grate cheese, chop nuts and garlic, add chopped herbs, mayonnaise, stir the filling.

5. Grease each piece of eggplant with a layer of cheese mass.

6. Twist the vegetables in a straw. For reliability, stab with a toothpick, you can also use skewers, which will be easier to eat.

Egg picnic snack

A simple recipe for delicious stuffed eggs. Salted herring is used for the filling, it turns out to be very satisfying and interesting.


• 10 eggs;

• 1 fillet of herring;

• 2-3 tbsp. l mayonnaise;

• 4-5 feathers of onions.


1. Put the eggs in a saucepan, pour cold water, boil after boiling for 8-10 minutes. Drain boiling water, refill with cold water and cool completely. Peel.

2. Each egg is cut in half lengthwise or across, remove the yolks, crumble.

3. Cut the herring in small cubes, chop the green onions, transfer to egg yolks. Add mayonnaise, stir. No spices needed.

4. Fill halves of eggs with fish mass, put in a container with a lid and the snack is ready!

Korean picnic snack

A variant of a spicy vegetable snack, which is perfect for a picnic in nature. It does not deteriorate, it is perfectly kept warm, does not release a lot of juice, the longer it costs, the tastier it becomes.


• 2 onions;

• 2 carrots;

• 2 peppers;

• 0.5 tsp hot pepper;

• 2 eggplants;

• 100 g of oil;

• 1 tsp with a slide of Korean spices;

• 2 cloves of garlic.


1. Cut eggplant in large cubes, about half a centimeter thick. Sprinkle with salt, set aside.

2. Straw bell peppers. If the pods are small, then you can take three pieces.

3. Rub the carrots into strips. Spread on top of pepper.

4. Sprinkle carrots with spices for Korean salads and immediately add red ground pepper. You can grind a fresh pod, it will turn out even tastier.

5. Rinse the eggplant from bitterness and excess salt, squeeze.

6. Heat the oil in a skillet. We take the largest and widest vessel.

7. We lay out the eggplants, fry for 3-4 minutes until golden brown, it is not necessary to reduce the fire.

8. Spread the hot eggplant with butter on a carrot, cover the bowl with a lid, let the spices reveal the aroma.

9. Leave for 30-40 minutes.

10. Remove the lid, stir the salad, transfer to the container. On the way to the picnic he will still infuse.

Crab sticks picnic snack

An option of very easy to prepare rolls. You need to choose crab sticks that are untwisted.


• 200 g sticks;

• 2 eggs;

• 150 g of cheese;

• garlic, herbs, mayonnaise.


1. Grate cheese and boiled eggs, chop garlic. Chop any greens. Add a little mayonnaise, stir, the liquid mass should not turn out. You can add a little grated carrots or chopped cucumber to it, too, it will turn out worthy.

2. Gently thaw the sticks.

3. Lubricate the resulting plate with the filling, carefully roll back. Stuff all the sticks.

4. Cut each roll into 2-3 parts so that it is more convenient to use, shift into a container and you can take it with you on a picnic!

Snacks for a picnic in the nature - useful tips and tricks

• Mayonnaise is often replaced with sour cream, but this is undesirable for picnic snacks. Better get more calories than poisoning. Mayonnaise perfectly transfers heat, and sour cream can sour.

• An abundance of containers and utensils? Many snacks will perfectly transport in ordinary plastic bags.

• It is not necessary to take a lot of snacks with you, some can be cooked at the stake. Vegetables, meat, fish and even ordinary bread or lard with smoke are very tasty.


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