Quick cake for tea - recipes "rescue" for housewives! Recipes for quick cakes for tea with cottage cheese, apples, cocoa, jam and jam


Quick pies are not only simple, but also very tasty. It does not take a lot of time to prepare such baked goods, but it still turns out to be lush, light, pleases with an amazing aroma and is perfect for tea. How is the pie today?

Quick tea cakes - general principles of preparation

Quick pies are not made from complex yeast dough, which takes a lot of time to ripen. Most often they are made from semi-liquid, dry or puff pastry. All of these types are easily kneaded, and some are even sold in the store. It is very convenient, it helps to save time and quickly build something for tea or for the unexpected arrival of guests. Since the pies are whipped up, they can be formed immediately after kneading.

What fillings are used for sweet cakes:

• various fruits and berries;

• jam, jam, jams;

• cottage cheese.

There are pies without filling, for example, with cocoa. Below is a good, but very simple and quick recipe. In some products, just a little chopped fruit, berries or raisins are added to the dough, which can also be done. Such pies are even somewhat reminiscent of cakes. They, too, are tender, lush and do not mind being smeared with glaze, cream, covered with jam.

Cocoa Tea Pie Recipe

An option of a very simple and delicious baking. The recipe for a quick tea cake uses cocoa powder. The better it is, the better will be the baking and aroma.


• a glass of milk;

• a glass of sugar;

• 90 ml of oil;

• 120 grams of flour;

• three tablespoons of cocoa (sugar free);

• 10 grams of cultivator;

• two eggs.


1. Half the milk, pour into different bowls.

2. We also halve the sugar and cocoa powder. Stir one mixture, set the resulting chocolate aside.

3. Add eggs to the second mixture and immediately beat with a mixer for several minutes.

4. Pour oil, add flour and add one bag of baking powder. Beat a couple more minutes.

5. Pour chocolate dough into a greased form. Bake the cake for about 25 minutes. We set and cook all the time at 200 degrees, do not reduce.

6. If there is time, then we take out the pie, make a lot of holes on top. That is, we pierce it very often with a toothpick, pour the second part from the milk with cocoa from above and leave it to soak in the switched off oven.

7. If time is short, then cut the cake in half into two plates, pour one part with half the chocolate milk, cover with the second cake.

8. We also pierce the top with a sharp object and grease with the remaining chocolate. Do not rush, let the liquid soak. The cake does not need decoration.

Apple Tea Pie Recipe

Bulk dough is used to make such homemade pie. Baking from it is friable, tender, but not dry due to the large number of apples. This is ideal for those housewives who do not know how or simply do not like to knead the dough.


• 160 grams of semolina;

• 160 grams of flour;

• 6-7 apples;

• 180 grams of sugar;

• 130 grams of oil;

• 1 tsp. cinnamon and cultivator.


1. A dry bowl, send semolina, flour, pour sugar, add cinnamon and baking powder. Mix everything thoroughly, set aside to wait in the wings.

2. Cut a piece of butter about 20 grams, the rest of the product is sent to the pack in the freezer. Rub the form with oil, do not regret, the layer should turn out normal.

3. Peel all the apples, three on a coarse grater, bypassing the stub. You do not need to add anything to them.

4. Put in a greased form a third of the dry flour mixture. Leveling by hand.

5. Now spread half the grated apples. It is better to immediately distribute a uniform layer so as not to damage the lower bulk of the pie.

6. Pour apples into another part of the flour mixture.

7. And again we spread the apples.

8. Pour the flour with semolina on top, which remains, distribute.

9. We take out the oil from the freezer, rub it with shavings, spread it on top of the pie.

10. Put in the oven, cook for 40 minutes. We set and bake all the time at 180, you do not need to change it. Then we take it out, let it stand for a while, get stronger and only after that we cut it into pieces.

Royal Cheesecake Quick Cake Recipe

Despite the name, this pastry has little in common with cheesecake, if only the curd filling. The recipe for this quick tea cake uses dry batter again, but a little different.


• 150 g of oil;

• one and a half glasses of white flour;

• salt and soda in 1 pinch;

• half a glass of sugar in the dough;

• half a gram of cottage cheese;

• half a glass of sugar for the filling;

• vanilla;

• 4 eggs.


1. If the oil is frozen, hard, then you need to grate it. Can be chopped with a knife. If the oil is soft. Then just put it in a large bowl.

2. Add sugar to the butter, fill in the recipe flour, put soda and salt. Rub it all with your hands until smooth. It should be a sticky crumb.

3. Put the cottage cheese in another bowl, add granulated sugar to it, put the vanilla, and break the eggs. Whip it all with a blender to get a homogeneous cream. But you can just carefully rub the mass with a spoon.

4. Spread 2/3 of the whole dry dough into the mold. From the crumbs we build small sides.

5. Now pour the curd filling. No need to worry that it is liquid. After baking, the mass will become cooler, turn into a delicate souffle.

6. Sprinkle the curd filling with the remaining dry dough.

7. Send the curd cake to bake in the oven. Cook the cheesecake at 180 degrees until golden brown on top. After baking, leave for half an hour to make the cake stronger.

Jam Tea Quick Cake Recipe

To make a quick tea cake with this recipe, you can even use candied jam. Especially successful baking is obtained from currant and cherry jam.


• a glass of jam;

• a glass of sugar;

• 1.5 tsp soda;

• egg;

• 2 tbsp. flour;

• 120 g sour cream;

• a glass of milk.


1. Pour 2-3 tbsp. l sugar, send the rest of the sand to a bowl, add the egg. Put jam and soda. Beat everything together.

2. Add a glass of milk to the dough, beat again.

3. Add flour and knead semi-liquid dough. Pour into a greased form.

4. Preheat the oven to 220 degrees.

5. Put the cake to bake. Immediately lower the temperature to 180. Cook for about half 20 minutes.

6. Beat sour cream with the remaining sugar.

7. Remove the cake from the oven, grease with sour cream.

8. Put in the oven again, cook for about five minutes.

Puff pastry tea pie recipe

A variant of a very simple and quick tea cake, which does not even need flour. But you have to buy a packet of puff pastry, absolutely anyone will do.


• dough packing 400-500 grams;

• 300 g of jam or any jam;

• 2 tbsp. l Sahara;

• 1-2 apples;

• egg.


1. Roll up the dough, divide the layer into two different parts. For the bottom of the pie we take a larger piece, you can immediately shift it into shape, do not forget about the small sides.

2. We rub the apple so that the filling does not turn out too sugary. Add jam or any thick jam. If desired, put dry ground cinnamon. Stir the filling. We shift to the first layer of puff pastry.

3. Beat the egg, grease the edges of the dough, that is, the sides.

4. Cover with a second piece of puff pastry, pinch the edges together.

5. From above we make some holes.

6. Lubricate the cake with the egg and sprinkle with sugar slightly. It is needed, since the dough is not sweet, and it will not be beautifully fried.

7. We bake. Set at 220 degrees, cook until golden brown on top.

Apple Tea Pie Recipe

Another recipe for a quick tea cake made with an apple. But the dough is light like a biscuit.


• four eggs;

• 110 g flour;

• 20 grams of starch;

• 5 g of ripper;

• 1-2 apples;

• 170 g of sugar.


1. Mix flour with a cultivator and potato or corn starch. Sift together.

2. Beat eggs first without additives, it is better to use a mixer. In a minute add sugar. Beat until good foam.

3. Pour the sifted flour to the eggs, stir.

4. Pour the dough into a laid shape.

5. Cut one large apple into slices or take two small fruits. In a similar way, you can cook pies with pears, peaches, plums.

6. Bake the cake until cooked at 180 degrees.

7. Sprinkle the finished cake with powder or grease with honey.

Recipe for a quick pie for tea on kefir

If there is no kefir, then boldly replace it with yogurt or diluted sour cream. With them, everything also works out perfectly.


• 240 ml of kefir;

• one glass of sugar;

• two eggs;

• two glasses of flour;

• a handful of raisins or berries;

• 1 tsp soda.


1. If the eggs are small, then for the test we take three things. Mix them with sugar and beat a little.

2. Add kefir to the eggs, add soda and stir everything together.

3. Pour the flour, mix and the dough is ready.

4. Rinse a handful of raisins or any berries. You can chop the apple or pear in small pieces. Add to the dough, stir.

5. Pour the cooked dough into a greased or laid form, level the layer.

6. Such a cake is baked on average half an hour. The temperature is maintained in the region of 190 degrees, for decoration we use powder.

Quick Tea Pies - Useful Tips and Tricks

• A lush and soft cake is obtained only from sifted flour. By the way, cocoa powder. Rippers, starch and other loose ingredients are also desirable to pass through a sieve. The quality of baking from this will only improve.

• The aroma of homemade baking itself causes an appetite and it is very important that it is pleasant. In addition to vanillin, you can add cinnamon, dry ginger, chopped zest of lemons or oranges to the dough.


Watch the video: How To Make Southern Style Tea Cakes (July 2024).