Homemade pancakes: quick breakfast recipes. Tasty pancakes according to quick recipes on kefir, milk, zucchini, liver


Fritters are not only a great start to the day, but also a wonderful continuation. After all, they can be prepared at any time of the day, if there is a correct and quick recipe. What will we treat you today?

Quick fritters - general cooking principles

Classic pancakes are made from semi-liquid milk-based dough. This is usually kefir, yogurt, milk. If the recipe is quick, then baking powder is added instead of yeast. Also, eggs, spices go there, sometimes butter goes. You can fry flavored cakes right after kneading the dough, which is very convenient. Usually this is done in a pan with vegetable oil, which must certainly be refined.

What other pancakes are:

• pumpkin;

• liver;

• squash;

• potato.

Most vegetable pancakes are prepared in a salty version. They are a wonderful snack, they can become a hearty dish for lunch or dinner, but they are also not forbidden to serve tea.

Lush pancakes: a quick recipe for kefir

The recipe for quick fritters on kefir. They turn out very magnificent, airy, are ideally combined with sour cream, jam, condensed milk. Such fritters are fried in a pan with butter.


• half a liter of any kefir;

• a pair of eggs;

• half a teaspoon of soda;

• 300 grams of flour;

• 0.5 tsp salts;

• 2 teaspoons of sugar.


1. Kefir should be taken warm, at room temperature. Or we put the bottle for a while in hot water.

2. Beat a couple of eggs with sugar and salt. Add kefir, pour baking soda, stir.

3. Sift the flour directly into the dough, stir until smooth. You can make a batch with a mixer. It will turn out very quickly.

4. We take a wide frying pan, pour in it a layer of oil about half a centimeter, set to warm up on the stove.

5. A large spoon, pick up the dough. Just a full spoon on one standard fritters. Spread in a pan. We quickly collect another dough and repeat until we occupy the entire area.

6. Fry the pancakes on this side until rosy, then turn over.

7. We put the finished products from the pan onto a dish or in a large plate. We bake all the dough.

8. Before serving, you can sprinkle the pancakes with icing sugar and vanilla or pour over honey.

Fritters: a quick recipe for milk

If there is no kefir, then you can cook pancakes in milk. According to this quick recipe, they turn out to be very tasty, tender, and will become the perfect breakfast or snack.


• 210 ml of milk;

• a pair of eggs;

• 350-380 grams of flour;

• 1 tsp soda;

• vanilla, salt, sugar;

• 15 grams of oil drain .;

• vegetable oil.


1. Melt the butter in the microwave or in the pan where the pancakes will be baked. Let it cool down for now.

2. Shake a couple of eggs, add a pinch of salt, throw an incomplete spoonful of sugar. Shake all this again until the mass becomes homogeneous.

3. Add milk, just mix well, introduce previously prepared butter.

4. Soda must be extinguished. Any acid is used for this: vinegar, diluted lemon or juice.

5. Pour a glass of flour, stir a little, pour slaked soda. Thoroughly stir and add more flour until the dough becomes homogeneous, not very thick, but also not completely liquid.

6. Heat a thin layer of oil in a frying pan, put the pancakes with a spoon, bake on both sides until a golden crust appears.

Diet pancakes: a quick recipe with cottage cheese

Diet foods are often cooked on cereal, but they take a long time to swell. These quick-cooked pancakes are prepared on the basis of low-fat cottage cheese, they are somewhat reminiscent of cheesecakes.


• 100 g of cottage cheese;

• 45 g flour;

• 1 egg;

• 2 pinches of a cultivator;

• 0.5 tsp Sahara;

• salt.


1. Pre-mash or grind cottage cheese, add granulated sugar, but you can cook without it or use an artificial sweetener. Delicious pancakes are obtained with honey, which can also be added in small quantities.

2. Beat the egg. Transfer to cottage cheese, stir.

3. Combine the flour and cultivators, add to the dough. Beat the mass again.

4. Preheat a non-stick pan. Put the dough with a spoon, spread into a small flat cake, forming a fritters.

5. After they are browned, you need to turn it over. It is better to fry these products on low heat, as oil is not added. Otherwise, they simply will not bake inside.

6. You can put the curd dough in flat cakes on a baking sheet with a silicone mat, then bake in the oven. Also, you get a great option for diet fritters without extra fats and calories.

Zucchini fritters: a quick recipe for savory dishes

Here's a quick and easy recipe for fritters from zucchini. It is basic, that is, if desired, you can add a little grated cheese to the dough, chopped sausage or minced meat, it will be even tastier.


• 500 g squash;

• 2 eggs;

• a couple of spoons of flour;

• a couple of spoons of semolina;

• salt, pepper, herbs;

• clove of garlic.


1. Rinse the zucchini, wipe. If the skin is already thick, then the vegetable must be cleaned. We rub it coarsely or finely, as you like more, but when using a fine grater there will be more juice, this must be taken into account.

2. Add salt and pepper to the eggs, beat with a fork, pour over to the zucchini.

3. Add crushed garlic clove and greens to the dough, mix with them more tasty and aromatic.

4. Pour semolina, flour, mix again and immediately start frying. If the dough with spices is standing, then a lot of juice will appear. In case of delayed cooking, it is better not to salt the dough immediately.

5. Heat a little vegetable oil in a skillet. For diet fritters, you can simply grease the surface with a drop of oil or use a non-stick pan.

6. Spoon the fritters with a spoon, smooth. Squash products do not make thick, usually up to half a centimeter. Put out the remaining pancakes as much as you like in the pan, while the cakes should not be in contact.

7. As soon as one side is browned, gently turn over.

8. Served fritters simply served with sour cream or with a sauce based on it with the addition of herbs, garlic, can be mixed with cream cheese, it will also turn out delicious.

Lush pancakes: a quick recipe with apples

Another variation of the kefir dough. A quick recipe for fritters with juicy apples. Similarly, you can add pear, steamed raisins, pieces of dried apricots, prunes to the dough.


• 250 ml of kefir;

• 2 apples;

• 2 eggs;

• 1 tbsp. l Sahara;

• 1 tbsp. with a tubercle of flour;

• 0.5 tsp soda;

• some salt and oil.


1. Beat prescription eggs with sugar and throw a pinch of salt. Add kefir to the dough, pour soda and mix everything thoroughly.

2. Add flour, stir again. If the dough turns out to be liquidish, this may be due to weak kefir, then you can add a couple more tablespoons of flour.

3. Cut the apples into small cubes. If autumn grades are used, then the skin is tough, it is better to remove it. Pour into dough, stir.

4. Heat the oil, spread the dough with apples in the usual way, fry the pancakes on both sides.

Hash browns: a quick recipe from the liver

These quick-fritters are made from the liver. Therefore, they can be used not only for breakfast, but also for lunch or dinner. For the test, you can use absolutely any liver: pork, beef, chicken.


• 300 g of the liver;

• onion;

• 3-4 tbsp. l flour;

• spices and butter.


1. If there is a blender, then you can use it. If not, then take a meat grinder. We cut the liver into pieces, also peeled onions, grind until smooth. If desired, you can add a clove of garlic.

2. Put the egg, cover the spices, shake until smooth.

3. Add the flour. You can replace half with semolina, it will also turn out delicious. Stir, let the dough stand for five minutes.

4. Heat the oil, fry the usual thin pancakes.

5. Serve the dish simply with sour cream or supplement with any side dish of cereals, vegetables. You can use such pancakes to make healthy sandwiches.

Hash browns: a quick recipe from pumpkin

The tastier the spell and the sweeter the pumpkin, the better the pancakes. They can be a great breakfast or dessert, add some raisins if desired.


• 500 grams of pumpkin;

• 6 tablespoons of flour;

• 3 tbsp. l granulated sugar;

• 2 eggs;

• vegetable oil.


1. Grate the peeled pumpkin flesh on a medium grater. Transfer to a large bowl.

2. Break the eggs into the bowl, add sugar and a small pinch of salt, which will improve the taste. Shake until dissolved.

3. Transfer the eggs to the pumpkin, stir.

4. Add wheat flour. If the pumpkin is not very juicy, then four spoons are enough, we focus on the consistency, stir well.

5. Heat a little oil in a skillet.

6. Spread the pumpkin dough with a spoon, forming neat small-sized cakes.

7. Fry until fully cooked on both sides, do not need to make a big fire.

8. Serve pumpkin pancakes with sour cream, yogurt or any jam, condensed milk.

Quick fritters - useful tips and tricks

• The fritters are fatty and oily, not because they are deep-fried. The reason is that they are not doing it right. Spread the dough in a well-heated oil so that the fritters do not begin to absorb fat.

• No need to make too sweet pancakes, in general, sugar should be put in the dough just a little bit, only to get a beautiful and golden crust. Otherwise, the products will burn very quickly and remain damp inside. If you want to make a sweet dish, then it is better to immediately pour the pancakes with honey, it will spread over the hot cakes, it will impregnate and give a wonderful aroma.

• If you want to make more healthy pancakes, you need to replace part of the wheat flour with ground oatmeal, buckwheat or add a little bran. Just remember that the daily norm for a person is 30 grams.


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