The kitten smells from the mouth: reasons, what could it be connected with? The kitten smells from the mouth: what to do, how to properly care?


A little furry lump always promises joy and good mood in the house. However, often the owners notice an unpleasant feature: the kitten smells from the mouth, but they don’t know the reasons for this. What to do in such a situation and what it may be connected with. We will analyze the most likely causes of this unpleasant problem.

The kitten smells from the mouth: the reason is spoiled food or feed

Any pet can not deny himself the pleasure of sometimes glancing at the kitchen, including the bin, for the presence of food debris. In the end, it is not always possible to keep track of them, so sooner or later a kitten can find the remains of old sausage, meat or fish.

Such a situation promises the owners not only a fetid “aroma” in the apartment, but also increases the likelihood of the pet becoming infected with serious diseases. For this reason, try to closely monitor spoiled food and timely change the bin. In some cases, ready-made dry food of poor quality can also cause a fetid odor from the pet's mouth.

Veterinarians advise not to use different types of food, but to purchase the same manufacturers. The combination of different feeds invariably leads to an imbalance in the diet of animals.

The kitten smells from the mouth: what to do with tartar

Tartar can also be the cause of bad odors. Its occurrence is most often associated with the wrong diet of the pet. The food that the kitten eats should remain moderately hard and tough, this will allow it to productively clean its teeth from plaque.

If the animal will eat exclusively soft food, plaque will begin to accumulate on the surface of its teeth very quickly, and subsequently tartar with a bad smell. Therefore, if an animal finds tartar in an animal, breeders should immediately add solid food to its diet.

The kitten smells from the mouth: what to do with dental diseases

Pets, like people, can have problems such as tooth injuries and caries, and they sometimes lose their teeth for various reasons. In the absence or damage of several teeth in an animal, the animal will begin to adapt - chewing food more accurately or not all teeth will be used.

A similar process after a while will be a consequence of the fact that the load on healthy teeth is reduced, plaque and other bad changes will begin to occur. In this case, you should show the pet to the veterinarian in order to solve the problem with bad teeth and not bring to undesirable consequences.

The kitten smells from the mouth: other reasons

There are other reasons for the fetid odor from the mouth of a kitten, we will analyze the most common.

1. Foreign body. It often happens that an animal can have a foreign body in its mouth for a long period of time, for example, a thread, sliver, bone from a fish, and so on. So, it can damage the pet’s gums, palate, get stuck between the teeth, in the throat and cause inflammation and an unpleasant odor.

2. Viruses. Calicivirus and rhinotracheitis are two infectious diseases that small kittens are especially prone to. They can have a general negative effect on the body, including damage to the mucous membranes of the mouth. So, sores will begin to appear in the pet, saliva will be excreted for no reason, germs will multiply, which will lead to the appearance of odors from the mouth.

3. Tumors are not often affected by small kittens, but they can still occur and turn out to be the main reason for the appearance of a bad smell. Most often may appear in the language. If the problem worsens, the cat may have frequent bleeding.

4. Lack of hygiene. Naturally, animals do not brush their teeth, and even with proper nutrition, cleanliness is not necessary. Only a periodic preventive examination by a veterinarian is required. This is necessary in order to eliminate it already at the initial stages when a disease occurs, because with development it will be much more problematic to get rid of it.

5. Bite. If a kitten has a malformed bite from birth and is forced to use only soft food, brushing is mandatory.

6. Chemical smell. If a pet has a chemical odor from the mouth, measures should be taken immediately, because this fact indicates a very likely occurrence of diabetes mellitus. This disease can appear at any age and here you can not delay too much with treatment. Also note that with this disease, the animal may experience regular thirst, increased urination, increased appetite and weight loss.

The kitten smells from the mouth: what to do, proper care

If the kitten has a similar problem, the following measures should be followed:

ü to feed correctly and balanced;

ü monitor his hygiene;

ü clean his mouth;

ü timely treat and examine the pet.

Do not forget that there is nothing more important than health, so keep an eye on his condition all the time and do not delay when any changes in his behavior are detected. In this case, it is better to consult a veterinarian once more than to ignore and prevent a serious illness.

To prevent the occurrence of a bad smell, you can use a balanced diet containing all the components necessary for animals. The cavity should be cleaned with a special brush and paste for kittens.

If you notice an unpleasant odor in the kitten, you should immediately show it to the veterinarian to find out the root cause. If for some reason you are unable to do this urgently, you should first make a thorough inspection of his mouth. If a foreign body is detected, it is necessary to immediately extract it, if possible.

The health of the kitten is completely in the hands of its owners. You should not run it from early childhood, so as not to complicate his life in the future, and then your favorite will always give you exclusively positive emotions.


Watch the video: Simple treatment for kitten or cat nasal congestion using saline drops (June 2024).