What to cook pork meat quickly: useful tips and tricks. Original and quick recipes for cooking pork meat


A variety of dishes can be prepared from different parts of the pork carcass. Some of them are rich and high-calorie - suitable for a large company at the festive table, others are light and even diet. What is the difference? In the used meat (lean or fat) and its amount. If you do not know what to cook their pork meat quickly, then our recipes will help you. From this article you will learn the most original fast and delicious pork meat dishes. So, we start with the nuances of cooking.

Fast Food and Pork Meat - General Cooking Principles

Depending on what dish you want to cook, take a certain part of the carcass. For frying or baking, the brisket, shoulder blade, neck, shank, ham or tenderloin is suitable. Such meat can be cooked as a whole piece, which will be longer in time, or cut into slices, slices or steaks.

Start cooking meat by washing it under a stream of cold water. Then be sure to dry it with paper towels or napkins.

Cut a piece only across the fibers of the meat connective tissue. So it will bake faster and it will be easier to chew later.

Pork marinades are acidic and slightly bitter - lemon or orange juice, mustard and pepper. In the marinade, before cooking, it is better to keep pork for at least an hour. So it is well soaked in dressing juice and will be much more tender.

What to cook pork meat quickly - casserole


A pound of pork neck;

A couple of cloves of garlic;

Onion head;

· 300 g of fresh champignons;

50 ml of pineapple juice (fresh not sweet);

· 4 tbsp. l sour cream;

1 tsp mustard seeds;

A couple of potato tubers;

· one egg;

50 g of cheese (hard variety);

30 ml of vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the meat in cold water and cut into cubes or a cube. In a bowl, mix with vegetable oil, ground mustard seeds and pineapple juice. Cover and leave for a while.

2. In the meantime, peel and rinse onions, garlic, and potatoes. Leave the last in containers with cold water. Push the garlic through the press, and chop the onion into crumbs. Rinse the mushrooms and cut into thin slices.

3. Already turn on the oven at the set temperature - 180-200 ° C.

4. Take a small baking sheet and spread the meat into it in an even layer. Then a layer of onions and garlic, then mushrooms. Rub the potato quickly on a grater and lay on top of all the products in a baking sheet.

5. Grind the cheese on a grater and mix with the egg. Water the casserole and immediately put in the preheated oven for 40 minutes. If possible, cover the baking sheet with a layer of food foil.

6. Allow the finished dish to brew and, cut into portions, serve to the table.

What to cook from pork meat quickly - brisket rolls


· 300-400 g of pork neck or tenderloin;

1 tsp mustard canteen;

· 1 tbsp. a spoon of vegetable oil;

1 tsp soy sauce;

A pinch of ground pepper;

· Salt;

· 1 tbsp. a spoonful of mayonnaise sauce;

80 g of smoked and boiled brisket;

50 g of cheese (hard variety);

· A couple of branches of fresh herbs;

6-7 Art. l cream.

Cooking method:

1. After rinsing, cut the meat into steaks with a thickness of not more than 1.5 cm. Beat them well with a kitchen hammer. Pieces of meat for this purpose should be placed in turn in a plastic bag or under a cling film.

2. In a bowl, mix table mustard, vegetable oil, soy sauce, mayonnaise and ground pepper. Coat each piece of meat with this mass and leave for pickling for a quarter of an hour.

3. In the meantime, rinse and dry the greens. Then chop very finely with a knife. Make thin slices of cheese and brisket, if desired, these products can be grated on a coarse grater. Combine greens, cheese and brisket in one bowl.

4. Prepare the pan in advance. Need a small one, cover it with a dense layer of food foil.

5. Take one piece of meat. On the edge of the piece, put a little filling from the bowl and twist into a roll. Then fasten it with a toothpick and place on a foil in a baking sheet. So do with all the pieces of meat.

6. Then roll the cream and sprinkle with salt. A lot of salt is not needed, as the filling of the dish is already salty. Cover with another layer of foil and send to bake.

7. At 180 ° C, the dish will be cooked for 50 minutes, if raising the temperature to 200 ° C is enough for 35-40 minutes.

What to cook pork meat fast - chopped meatballs


200 g of pork;

· A bunch of young spicy greens;

· Yolk of one chicken egg;

· 20 g of cheese (hard variety);

· 50 g breadcrumbs;

· 2 tbsp. l wheat flour;

· To taste salt, seasoning or dried herbs;

· For frying vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

1. After the initial processing of meat, cut it into small pieces - chop. If possible, use a special attachment for a meat grinder for cooking minced meat. Such a nozzle is often included in the set of ordinary manual meat grinders, as well as electric ones.

2. Then rinse and chop the greens - very finely with a knife. Grate the cheese on a grater.

3. In a bowl, mix the meat with herbs, yolk, cheese, flour and salt. With your hands moistened in cold water, take small portions of cutlet meat (the so-called minced meat for cutlets) and bread in breadcrumbs.

4. Fry in well-heated lean oil in a pan on both sides. When you turn it over, turn down the heat and cover the pan with a lid. After a couple of minutes, flip the patties again. Continue frying until the meat products are ready - the frying time directly depends on the weight of each cutlet.

What to cook pork meat quickly - baked ribs


A pound of pork ribs;

100 g of red currant;

· One medium tomato;

· 2 tbsp. l soy sauce;

A couple of pinches of ground black pepper;

A pinch of paprika;

A couple of a pinch of salt.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the ribs one at a time and rinse in cold water. Dry a little.

2. Sort currants and rinse. Then puree and strain through a sieve to remove the seeds.

3. After washing, grind the tomato in mashed potatoes. Stir with currants, soy sauce, black pepper and paprika. Immerse ribs in this mixture and hold for 10 minutes. Then add salt. Put everything in a baking sheet covered with foil or in a baking sleeve. Cover the meat with another piece of foil or seal the sleeve.

4. Place the pan in the oven at 200 ° C for half an hour. Use the same recipe for stewed ribs - only before stewing, fry them in a pan with butter until golden brown. Then add the remaining prepared ingredients and a little hot water, simmer until cooked over low heat.

What to cook with pork meat quickly - gravy with orange juice


300 g of pork (any part of the carcass);

· One bell pepper;

One orange (or a couple of tangerines);

Onion head;

A couple of sprigs of parsley;

50 ml cream

A pinch of ground pepper (or a mixture of peppers);

· To taste of salt;

· 2 tbsp. tablespoons of wheat flour (premium);

· 1-2 tbsp. l sunflower oil.

Cooking method:

1. Prepare the ingredients. After washing, twist the pork into minced meat in a meat grinder. Rinse and peel sweet peppers and onions. Finely chop with a knife on a cutting board. Rinse the greens and chop smaller. Squeeze the juice from the orange, be sure to strain it so that no bones fall.

2. Now pour the oil into the pan and heat it on the stove. Spread minced pork in even layer. Fry until the color of the meat changes from red to gray. If liquid appears in the pan from the stuffing, one should evaporate over high heat. Then add orange juice, ground pepper, sweet pepper and onion. Stir and simmer over low heat. It’s better to cover the lid.

3. Stir the cool cream with flour and salt. Pour into the pan when all the moisture from the vegetables and fruit juice has almost evaporated. Stew for about 10-12 minutes and the gravy for any boiled cereal or pasta is ready.

What to cook from pork meat quickly - steaks in the oven


300-400 g of pork shoulder or tenderloin;

One medium lemon (or lime)

· 2-3 tbsp. l sunflower oil;

1 tsp table mustard;

A couple of pinch of salt;

· One large tomato;

50 g of cheese (hard variety);

100 ml of milk.

Cooking method:

1. After washing, slightly dry the spatula with napkins and cut into steaks about 2 cm thick.

2. Squeeze the juice from the lemon. Mix with mustard and sunflower oil. Put the meat in this mixture so that each piece is covered with marinade. Leave the meat for a quarter of an hour.

3. Cut the tomato into slices, and grate the cheese on a grater.

4. Then quickly fry the steaks in a hot pan. Place them in a baking sheet covered with foil. Transfer pieces of meat with tomatoes. Sprinkle salt and cheese on top and pour over milk. Cover the meat with foil and bake in a preheated oven at 180 ° C for 40 minutes. Sprinkle the prepared dish with fresh chopped greens if desired.

Quick Pork Meals - Tips and Tricks

· Before baking in the oven, it is better to lightly fry the meat for a golden color in a pan.

· One of the most original and delicious pork marinades will be dressing from: soy sauce, granulated mustard and flower honey.

· To make pork cooked quickly, you can first beat it with a hammer. In order to avoid splashing, it is better to cover the meat with a bag or film.

· It is advisable not to overexpose the pork in the oven, otherwise it may turn out to be hard and dry.


Watch the video: Gordon Ramsay's Top 5 Pork Recipes (July 2024).