Potato grandmother with minced meat in the oven: casserole or pie? Cooking a hearty, simple and tasty potato grandmother with minced meat in the oven


Potato grandmother - a dish of Belarusian cuisine, which is prepared quite simply and looks like a casserole. But also it can be served with tea instead of a pie or make a wonderful dinner. A universal option for all occasions. You can cook with different fillings, but most often used meat or chicken mincemeat.

Potato head with minced meat in the oven - general principles of preparation

The traditional recipe for the dish uses exclusively raw potatoes. It is cleaned and rubbed like tributaries. The variety does not matter much, but it is good if the vegetable contains a lot of starch. For the filling, raw, sometimes fried, minced meat is used; you can buy it or twist the meat yourself. With chicken or another bird, the dish is also excellent. There are even lean options that use mushroom stuffing, such a recipe can be found just below.

What else can be added to the potato headstock:

· Onions, carrots and other vegetables;


Flour or starch;


· Spices, herbs.

The exact composition depends on the recipe, you can also make your own corrections to the dish, there are no strict rules. Grandma from potatoes with minced meat is cooked in a conventional oven. Collect the dish in the mold. It will be baked for 40-45 minutes at a temperature of 180-200, unless other parameters are specified in the recipe. The grandmother is served hot to the table, complemented with sour cream, tomato ketchup, greens. You can use cheese or garlic sauce, they are great for potato dishes.

Simple potato head with minced meat in the oven

One of the basic recipes for potato grandmother with minced meat in the oven. Cooking is not difficult, in addition you need a little onion and carrots. We take any minced meat, with the addition of poultry.


5 potatoes;

250 grams of minced meat;

1 onion;

4 tablespoons of oil;

1 egg

2 cloves of garlic;

· 1 carrot.

Cooking method

1. Cut the onion and carrot, fry on three tablespoons of prescription oil. You can take some fat instead. No need to fry vegetables. As soon as they begin to brown, remove from heat.

2. Rub the potatoes. Juice, which will be allocated in the process, does not need to be drained anywhere. Add garlic, spices immediately to it, introduce the egg and mix thoroughly.

3. The vegetables in the pan should have cooled slightly, it's time to combine them with minced meat, salt and pepper, stir.

4. Put half the potatoes in a tin, level them, cover with a second layer of potatoes. Smooth, stretch the foil.

5. Put the potato grandmother in the oven for half an hour.

6. We take it out, remove the foil, grease the layer with the rest of the oil and cook another quarter hour or a little more. You can check.

Potato head with minced meat in the oven (with lard)

The recipe is quite fatty, high-calorie, but very tasty potato grandmother in the oven. You can cook it simply with fat or take the peritoneum with layers. Minced meat, poultry or any other, you can use the leftovers from the cutlet mass or the filling for ravioli.


200 g of fat;

7 potatoes;

200 g of meat;

· 2 onions;


3 cloves of garlic;

· Spices.

Cooking method

1. Cut the fat into slices about a centimeter or a little finer, send it to fry, cook on low heat for about four minutes, then add the onion to it. Optionally, you can grate carrots and even more than one, with vegetables is also delicious. Turn off after a couple of minutes.

2. Season the filling with spices, let cool slightly, then introduce raw minced meat. Stir.

3. Peel the tubers, grate coarsely and add garlic, egg, salt to them. Stir immediately and send half into a greased form. Align, cover with a new layer of potatoes, and then pull a piece of foil. A lid of refractory material may be used.

4. Send to the oven. About ten minutes before the end of cooking, remove the foil from the potato headstock, brown the top, and grease with butter.

Potato head with minced meat in the oven (with cheese)

Very tasty and rosy version of the potato grandmother. The dish is cooked without an egg, but with the addition of cheese. We use any hard or semi-solid grades. Additionally, for the meat filling, you need Bulgarian pepper and a little tomato paste, you can replace it with ketchup.


400 g minced meat;

8 potatoes

1 bell pepper;

1 onion;

130 g of cheese;

· 20 g of paste;

· 1 carrot;

· butter;

· 2 tbsp. l thick sour cream;

2 cloves of garlic and other spices.

Cooking method

1. Peel and chop the carrots with onions in any way, this is not so important. We spread them in a frying pan, sauté a little, throw the bell pepper and fry it with it for literally a minute. Add tomato paste, stir, turn off after a minute.

2. Cool the filling and mix with minced meat, add garlic and add salt, pepper, you can fill in a little dried or fresh herbs.

3. Peel the potatoes, medium-sized tubers are indicated, if necessary, increase the number of pieces or reduce. We rub coarsely.

4. Cheese is also rubbed and spread to the potatoes, but not all, a couple of spoons must be left so that a beautiful and golden crust appears on the grandmother.

5. We collect the dish in the form in the classical way, level the potatoes on top, but do not compact them tightly.

6. We fill the dish with the remaining cheese, cover with thick sour cream. We put in the oven for 45 minutes, such a grandmother can not be covered with foil.

Potato grandmother with minced meat in the oven (from mashed potatoes)

Do you have mashed potatoes? You can also make potato grandmother from it, but this will not be a very classic dish. The recipe uses minced meat with lard. If there is not enough mashed potatoes, then just rub one or two potatoes into it, but finely so that the vegetable has time to cook during baking.


· 700 g of mashed potatoes;

1 egg


300 g minced meat;

100 g of onion;

· butter;

· 30 g crackers;


50 g of sour cream;

130 g of fat.

Cooking method

1. Fat in tiny cubes, fry. As soon as the first fat is leaked from the slices, add the carrot immediately with the onion. Fry until cracklings do not need anything.

2. Let the vegetables brown for a bit, season with spices and cool, you can add garlic, herbs. After this, combine the vegetables with minced meat, do not forget to salt. For the brightness of the taste, you can add one spoon of ketchup, but not more.

3. Break the egg into mashed potatoes, stir. If the consistency is liquidish, then you can add 1-2 tablespoons of flour.

4. Lubricate the potato head form, sprinkle with a thick layer of crackers and send half the prepared mashed potatoes.

5. Spread the filling, then the potatoes. Lubricate the top with sour cream, put in the oven for 35-40 minutes, bake the potato head until cooked.

Oven lean potato with minced mushrooms in the oven

Potato grandmother is not always cooked with lard or minced meat, there are lean options. Vegetarians will also appreciate them. Recipe without eggs, mushrooms can be used of any kind.


600 g of potatoes;

250 g of mushrooms;

50 ml of vegetable oil;

· 1 carrot;

· 3 tablespoons of crackers;

· 1 tbsp. l flour;

· 2 onions;

· Garlic, herbs to taste.

Cooking method

1. Start with mushrooms. If they are not greenhouse, then you need to boil first. Then chop. When using champignons, cut immediately, send to fry. Add onions with carrots, optional other vegetables. We do not bring the filling to readiness, but all moisture must be evaporated. As soon as the vegetables begin to brown, remove from heat.

2. Add salt, spices, garlic, herbs and any seasoning to your taste in minced meat. Leave the filling to cool.

3. Peel the potatoes. For the mushroom grandmother, we rub the potatoes finely, so that almost gruel is obtained, you can drive it through a meat grinder. Add flour, stir, salt to taste.

4. Sprinkle the greased form with crackers.

5. We collect the headstock, we lay the filling in the middle. Set to bake, cook the foil for 25 minutes. Then grease the potatoes with vegetable oil and bake in the open until ready.

Potato grandmother with minced meat in an oven in a pot

It is not necessary to cook the potato headstock in the form, follow it and stretch the foil. This is one of the laziest ways to cook a Belarusian dish in the oven. It will take one big pot. Can be done in portioned dishes.


6-7 potatoes;

· 2 onions;

400 g minced meat;

80 g sour cream;

80 g of fat;

3 cloves of garlic;

· A mixture of spices;

· butter,

Cooking method

1. Vegetables for this recipe will not be fried, which will additionally save time. We rub the pot inside with oil, process the walls so that nothing sticks to them.

2. Chop the onion finely, mix with the minced meat, add the garlic to them, you can put carrots, but then use the smallest grater.

3. Rub the potato. We cut fat, mix them with each other, salt, pepper, put any seasonings.

4. Lay potatoes and minced meat in layers in a pot, finish with potatoes. We coat the meat layers and top potatoes with sour cream.

5. Cover the pots, send to the oven, cook an hour.

Potato head with minced meat in the oven - useful tips and tricks

· A potato head will be prettier if sprinkled with grated cheese on top. The brown crust will not spoil a single dish.

· If the minced meat is small, then you can add more vegetables or a little boiled buckwheat rice, any other cereal to it.

· No need to put potatoes in a mold with too thin a translucent layer, the dish in this case will turn out not so juicy, the taste will change.

· You can add any spices to the potato headstock, and some of them can change the color of the dish. Turmeric will make potatoes pleasantly yellow, ground paprika gives a beautiful shade.


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