All about the benefits of elderberry jam. What is remarkable about it and can there be harm from elderberry jam


In the assortment of berry jam, black elderberry blanks have a special place. The bright taste in this jam is combined with the extraordinary benefits both for the treatment of many diseases and for the prevention of their occurrence.

But the plant is not simple, and so that there is no harm from elderberry jam, it is important to know some facts.

What features of the plant form the benefits of elderberry jam

The perennial bush (or small tree) of elderberry belongs to the same family as the honeysuckle with viburnum and, like among their varieties, not all plant species are edible. Even the only edible black elderberry, with the exception of fruits and flowers, all parts of the plant are poisonous. But the whole elderberry is entirely used in folk medicine and partly in the pharmaceutical industry.

The berries of black elderberry, wild-growing and grown in orchards, are small or large (depending on the variety) black-violet drupes. The taste is not impressive, but in their own way they are good, moderately sweet and sour. Berries are eaten a little fresh and put on compotes, syrups, jams.

Elderberry in jam is perfectly combined with apples, gooseberries and blackberries. Elderberry jam makes delicious pies, and it can also be a food coloring.

And if most varieties of jam are recommended to be eaten in their pure form for the greatest benefit, and not interfere with the same bakery products in order to avoid distortion of useful properties by fermentation processes, then elderberry jam, due to its unique composition, will also be useful in pie.

The energy value of fresh elderberry is 73 kcal per 100 g, but in jam, due to sugar, this indicator naturally increases - about 250 kcal per 100 g.

Vitamin C (36 mg per 100 g) is twice as much in elderberry as in chokeberry, and not much less than in lemon. Also in elderberry there are some vitamins from group B, A and E.

If we estimate the mineral content per 100 g, then this berry is comparable to tuna preserved in oil with potassium (280 mg), and phosphorus (38 mg) is close to carrots.

Other significant minerals are calcium, selenium, iron, sodium, copper, zinc, magnesium.

Another of the substances that create the specific benefit of elderberry jam is worth noting:

• essential oils (volatile) of berries are the basis of the antimicrobial properties of elderberry - even in a significantly diluted form, they are able to neutralize Escherichia coli and staphylococcus;

• tannins are effective for the treatment of inflammatory processes, are important for the hemostatic and astringent properties of elderberry, and also significantly improve the absorption of vitamin C from any source;

• gum, which is important for weight loss, reduces appetite;

• carotene softens the effect on the body of adverse environmental factors (atmospheric chemicals, radiation);

• anthocyanins serving elderberry dye, improve blood composition, are significant for the antispasmodic effect of berries, have a positive effect on the nervous system.

What can be treated with the benefits of elderberry jam

Elderberry jam is effective for arthritis, radiculitis, rheumatism and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system to relieve the associated pain and general relief.

Elderberry has the ability to purify the blood from the reserves of "bad" cholesterol, which prevents the development of atherosclerosis and varicose veins, as well as the ability to regulate blood sugar levels, but only when jam is consumed in small doses - it is sweet itself.

Elderberry jam can be recommended to accelerate the processes of tissue regeneration and the healing of skin lesions without noticeable marks (scars).

At the beginning of heart treatment, elderberry prevents the development of a relatively mild condition in a serious illness.

Periodic use of elderberry jam:

• establishes the work of hormonal glands (thyroid and pancreas);

• lowers blood pressure;

• suppresses an unproductive cough for viral and colds (flu, SARS);

• enhances the action of drugs in the treatment of dermatitis;

• relieves swelling of the extremities (due to the mild diuretic effect).

Also, scientists are inclined to confirm the beneficial properties of elderberry to prevent the growth of various tumors (including mastopathy) and to prevent the occurrence of cancer.

Elderberry is able to powerfully support the liver and improve its condition after:

• hepatitis A;

• alcohol intoxication;

• malfunctions caused by malnutrition.

By stabilizing the work of this body, which is responsible for the purification of blood and the synthesis of its plasma proteins, cholesterol synthesis and much more, elderberry supports its work at the maximum limit of possibilities, thereby actually strengthening the entire body.

How else is the benefit of elderberry jam

In the past, elderberry was often included in collections for youth and longevity and it really rejuvenates the body at the cellular level, enhances the production of energy necessary for its entire functioning, strengthens the immune system and improves metabolism.

The properties of elderberry, good for the eyes, are partly similar to the benefits of blueberries:

• improved twilight vision;

• strengthening of the eye muscles (to prevent overwork when working at a computer or reading);

• normalization of the natural process of moisturizing the retina;

• prevention of cataracts;

• removal of symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis.

Although sweet, as you know, is harmful to teeth, elderberry jam heals the oral cavity, or rather gums and mucous membranes, heals the inflammatory processes that occur in them and increases the resistance of tissues to mechanical and thermal effects.

What is the harm of elderberry jam

Elderberry bones, as well as a number of other fruits (cherries, plums, apples) contain specific substances that break down in the human digestive tract to hydrocyanic acid, which, subject to the accumulation of a certain amount of it in the body, can cause poisoning with far-reaching consequences. Therefore, when preparing jam from elderberry, it is recommended to remove seeds from it, and it is important not to crush them by accident - toxins can get into the workpiece.

It is unacceptable to eat green berries of black elderberry - only with full ripening the harmful elements of their composition are neutralized, so that there is no need to hurry with its collection to prevent harm from elderberry jam.

Enormous harm from elderberry jam can be when it is cooked from berries not taken from black elderberry, but from its inedible doubles - grassy and ordinary elderberry. To avoid poisonous mistakes, you need to go for elderberries with a well-illustrated identifier of plants.

All this creates some risk of buying from the hands of private owners of elderberry black - because they could have been accidentally deceived.

In order to avoid harm from elderberry jam, you have to refuse delicacies in the following cases:

• diabetes and diabetes insipidus;

• acute and chronic gastrointestinal diseases;

• most renal diseases (exacerbation of the condition can be triggered by a pronounced diuretic effect of elderberry);

• diseases characterized by excessive production of bile (which elderberry is able to activate);

• pregnancy and lactation (since there is a risk of allergies and in addition, elderberry is simply traditionally on the list of products that women are recommended to refuse "just in case" during these periods).

Elderberry jam should be abstained during the period of taking drugs to regulate (lower) the level of glucose in the blood, since from this combination sugar can drop to a pathological condition (hypoglycemia).


Watch the video: Using Elderflower (July 2024).