Features of blueberries: health benefits and harms. What properties does a berry have, where to collect it and how to apply


Autumn is the golden season. And the matter is not in the color of the leaves, but in the huge number of ripening fruits. Appetizing blueberries attract attention with their unusual appearance, pleasant taste and rich composition. They look like blueberries, but much larger in size. Blueberries can significantly improve the health of children, adults and the elderly.

Where it grows and what is rich

Wild berries are special foods that cause both fear and the desire to enjoy them at the same time. They are incredibly rich in useful vitamins, minerals. Blueberry is distinguished by its special composition.

The berry is unpretentious. It does not require a lot of water or an increased amount of heat. But the most favorable conditions are considered moderate or cold climate. A storehouse of vitamins is growing in northern forests, in the mountains, in the tundra, in rocky hills. The peoples of the north, without fail, include berries in their diet. And this is one of the reasons for the longevity of residents.

Berries are very useful for women's health, during pregnancy and lactation, increase children's immunity, and contribute to the improvement of male libido. These and other beneficial properties are associated with the rare composition of blueberries. It includes:

· tannins;


· Micro and macrocells - phosphorus, iron, potassium, sodium, calcium, copper, magnesium;

· B vitamins, as well as such rare as K1, PP, C, H, K, A;

· Phenolic compounds;

· Acids - citric, oxalic, malic, benzoic, acetic;

· essential oils;

· cellulose;

Amino acids.

Among garden crops, black currant is considered the most useful product. But blueberries are much richer and more concentrated in terms of vitamins and essential elements. The berry is low in calories. In 100 gr. only 0, 5 fat, 8 g of carbohydrates and 1 g of protein.

Health benefits of blueberries

Regular consumption of blueberries can not only cure a certain ailment, but also generally improve overall health, increase immunity, tone the body. Fiber, 12 essential and many essential amino acids, dozens of vitamins and other trace elements act as follows:

· Restores metabolism;

· Improves vision, increases its acuity, relieves eye fatigue, prevents cataracts and other diseases;

· Possesses antimicrobial properties, treats acute respiratory viral infections, flu;

· Cleanses the body of toxins, toxins;

· Prevents and stops the growth and development of cancerous tumors;

· Removes constipation, stops diarrhea, normalizes stool, treats cystitis and its symptoms;

· Normalizes blood sugar and cholesterol, improves overall blood counts;

· Positively affects the nervous system, relieves stress, depression, disorders;

· Blueberries are very useful for brain health - improves memory, concentration, attention;

· Contributes to the speedy healing of burns, wounds, scratches, quick recovery after diseases and operations;

· Strengthens the heart vessels, relieves arrhythmia and other disorders of the cardiovascular system;

· Improves the condition of the skin, makes it smooth, velvety, fights against acne, slows down the aging process.

The beautiful half of humanity especially appreciates the properties of blueberries. When taken orally for several months, the amount of neutral fat is significantly reduced. As a result, there is a qualitative weight loss, reduction of the "orange peel", a noticeable skin tightening. Women also use berries in recipes for facial skin.

During pregnancy, expectant mothers especially need quality nutrition and getting an increased dose of minerals, vitamins, and essential oils. Blueberries are ideal for natural and comprehensive recovery after a cold, with cystitis, relieves allergy symptoms. Blue berries relieve swelling, regulate the water-salt balance. In addition, the rare element osteocalcin helps the proper formation of the child’s bone tissue. But pregnant women have a risk of dizziness and the development of an allergy in the baby. Therefore, the daily dose is not more than 10 berries.

Wild berries have a positive effect on the genitourinary system. This is especially important for men. Regular consumption of blueberries normalizes the functioning of the prostate gland, increase libido, sexual desire, contribute to a longer sexual intercourse and increase sensitivity.

Blueberries bring tremendous health benefits to children. But since it is allergenic, it is worth introducing into the diet a little, while carefully watching the reaction of the child. The berry is able to reduce hyperactivity, remove irritation, establish sleep, improve overall well-being. Seasonal saturation of vitamins guarantees raising the overall immunity of the baby, saturation with minerals and necessary trace elements. Another plus is the prevention of anemia in the child and the acceleration of regeneration processes.

How to use berries

Unusual sweet and sour taste allows you to actively use wild berries in cooking. At the same time, dishes become not only tasty, but also as useful as possible. What can be prepared from blueberries:

Compote, broth, herbal tea, smoothies, freshly squeezed juice, infusion, jelly;

· Baking - muffins, pies, donuts, pies, pudding, etc .;

· Milkshake, kefir with berries, yogurt;

Jam, mousse.

Blueberries can bring harm to health if you do not follow measures in use. For example, alcoholic tinctures from berries should be taken with food, not more than 50 gr. For therapeutic effect.

Blueberries are used actively in cosmetology. "Blue grapes" stops the aging process, helps get rid of acne and acne, saturates the skin with vitamins and minerals, restores the sebaceous glands. At home, it is very easy to make a medical mask yourself. It is enough to mix 1 tbsp. l crushed berries with 1 liter. sour cream and 2 drops of lemon juice. The mixed mixture must be kept on the face for 20 minutes. The procedure is suitable for all skin types and ages.

You can mix blueberries with honey, olive oil, cottage cheese, yogurt, chicken egg. The mask can be done 203 times a week. In just a few applications, the skin will acquire a natural whiteness, blush, inflammation will pass and the "hormone of youth" will begin to work.

Blueberry Health Harm

Like any product, blueberries can also be harmful. If you overeat berries, you may experience stomach problems, constipation or diarrhea. Strongly do not mix a forest storehouse with coffee. Such a drink will cause symptoms of poisoning - nausea, vomiting, dizziness, migraine.

You should carefully pay attention to the place where the berry was collected. Shrub tends to absorb particles from the environment. Therefore, it is important that the plucked product grows in environmentally friendly places.

Limit the use of blueberries is recommended:

· People with biliary tract diseases;

· Prone to allergies;

Suffering from liver dysfunction;

With hepatitis;

· With caution during breastfeeding;

· Categorically not for individual intolerance.

Blueberries are a real treasure of vitamins and minerals. It is useful both raw and boiled. Use for the treatment of a number of diseases, raising immunity, regardless of gender and age. The berry has unique properties and composition, so you should monitor the amount eaten. Blueberries have an excellent effect on female beauty - it helps to lose weight and tone the skin, to natural radiance.


Watch the video: Top reasons to love blueberries (July 2024).