The benefits of smoking a hookah: myth or reality. How to minimize health damage


Smoking a hookah is today fashionable entertainment. Is this fragrant way to relax so harmless? Let's try to dispel popular myths.

Hookah and its principle of action

If earlier hookah was considered exotic, now many restaurants, cafes and bars offer it to their customers. The process itself is a pleasure, and therefore the demand for this type of smoking is growing.

Hookah is called a special device for smoking. What is the principle of action based on? The fact that the smoke emitted by the smoking mixture, before it enters the human body, must go a fairly long way, including through the water filter. The composition of the mixture for smoking and the unusual cleansing of smoke suggests that the hookah is harmless.

The structure of the smoking mix has become the reason for the popularity of hookah. Smoke has a very pleasant aroma and a special composition, so many people think that hookah is extremely useful. After all, the composition includes pieces of aromatic fruits, various herbs and spices. Mixtures can be very different, but they are still based on tobacco. In principle, it is no different from the usual, but has a specific look. It looks like a sticky mass and is prepared as molasses, with the addition of a variety of additives that give such a pleasant aroma. Also, one of the main components of a hookah is liquid. The role of the filter can be performed by ordinary water, tea, wine, milk, champagne, adding essential oils. The action of these vapors is considered useful.

The benefits of smoking a hookah

The frantic pace of modern life makes people look for different ways to relax. For many, a hookah is a pleasant ceremony when friends get together after a hard working week, communicate, relax and smoke. Perhaps this is the only benefit. Also, smoking blends have pleasant aromas and resemble an aromatherapy session. This is a great opportunity to relieve stress and tension, calm the nervous system, forget about problems. And it is not so important that the body receives a fair share of nicotine.

The benefits of smoking a hookah can be obtained if you use an infusion of medicinal herbs as a liquid, and if you exclude tobacco from the mixture, an elegant device will turn into an inhaler.

Myths about the beneficial benefits of hookah:

ü Smoke, passing through the liquid, is filtered off and moistened, so the amount of tar and nicotine is reduced. This is not so, carcinogenic components still enter the human body;

Smoke does not burn the lungs, as it is chilled, so it does not harm health. It is a myth. There is no benefit anyway, and carcinogens are just as harmful;

ükalyan is not addictive compared to cigarettes. This opinion is fundamentally wrong, because nicotine is present in the hookah. If there are about 15 puffs in one cigarette, then you can make 200 per hour of smoking a hookah;

ü The smoking mixture contains fruits that are healthy. The smoking mixture for a hookah is impregnated with honey or molasses, mixed with various fruit fillers. But tobacco still does not become useful, it still contains harmful components and nicotine;

Yukalyan is more useful than cigarettes. Another common myth. Inhaling hookah smoke is just as dangerous as smoking cigarettes. Although it is formed by decay, not burning. Carcinogens do not disappear anywhere.

Smokers believe that there is a benefit to smoking a hookah without nicotine. But this opinion is erroneous, since resins and harmful components are still present, although their concentration is less. In special electronic hookahs, steam is generated, which is also harmful. The cartridge used affects the hazard level (quality cartridges are very expensive).

Harm of smoking a hookah

Many people think that smoking a hookah is safer than cigarettes. But scientific research proves the opposite. Smoking mixtures also negatively affect lung function and contribute to the appearance of respiratory symptoms, like cigarettes. All this increases the risk of lung cancer, larynx and cardiovascular disease.

When considering the dangers of smoking hookah, one of the main arguments in its favor is the fact that the smoke in the filter from the water is cleaned and not so harmful. After all, all components must settle on the walls of the mouthpiece and tube. Of course, the effect of smoke on health becomes a little less dangerous, but the harm remains in any case. Although filters are present, smoking a hookah is no less harmful. Because more than three hundred harmful components, carbon monoxide and nicotine are released during tobacco decay.

Smoke is drawn in with great effort, so it gets more into the respiratory system. Harmful substances, although at a lower concentration, settle deep in the airways. And the content of cobalt, nickel and berrylium is higher than in cigarettes. It should also be borne in mind that not in every institution the hookah will be conscientiously cleaned after use. Therefore, infections can be easily transmitted through it. And if you do not follow the rules of hygiene, you can become infected with diseases such as hepatitis or herpes.

The harm from smoking a hookah is not so pronounced, but the risk of catching a cancer or lung problems remains high. A hookah prepared on the basis of alcohol has a more dangerous effect. It enhances the negative effects of nicotine and other unhealthy substances. Smoking cigarettes and hookah contributes to the intensive work of the stomach, juice and hydrochloric acid are released in large quantities. This in turn negatively affects the condition of the mucosa and harms the esophagus. Therefore, those who have an ulcer or gastritis should urgently quit smoking.

The harm can be amplified many times if you smoke a hookah in a room that is not aired, on an empty stomach, as well as when combined with coffee or alcohol. Also, most researchers note a threat to passive smokers. This is due to the huge puffs of smoke that the device exudes.

How to minimize the harmful effects

It is foolish to believe that smoking a hookah is harmless. But if you adhere to some rules, you can minimize this harm. You need to understand that although this is a pleasant and relaxing ceremony, any smoking affects your health negatively.

Minimal harm can be done if you rarely indulge in hookah. In the absence of dependence on cigarettes. With systematic smoking, you can earn a variety of diseases, including cancer.

Useful rules:

it is desirable to smoke only tobacco of good quality, and not a cheap fake;

after each use, the elements of the hookah should be washed thoroughly;

in the company of new friends, you need to use disposable mouthpieces;

the liquid in the flask can be used only once, and then poured;

it is not recommended to combine alcohol and hookah (this will help reduce harm, even if nicotine-free tobacco is used);

you can not smoke on an empty stomach, otherwise you can damage the mucous membrane of the intestines and stomach;

better to combine a hookah with tea and fruit.

To minimize the negative effects of hookah, you need to properly cook and smoke it rarely. The harm from smoking a hookah is no less. This is not a safe alternative to cigarettes. Indeed, in one session, more nicotine, carbon monoxide and dangerous carcinogens will enter the body. Smoking or not is everyone’s individual choice. But you should not believe in the myth of the benefits and harmlessness of hookah for the body.


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