Why dream pigeons, a flock of pigeons? The main interpretation of different dream books - what doves dream of


In a dream you can see a wide variety of animals and birds. You yourself can turn into some kind of animal or bird.

Why do pigeons dream? How to interpret such a dream.

What doves dream of - the main interpretation

A dream in which you will see how pigeons sit on your hands - speaks of you getting good results from your efforts. You will get new chances and opportunities - do not miss them. Try to deal with everything that happens when you need it.

If you dream that someone is feeding pigeons, take a closer look at this person in a dream. Does he remind you of someone. Perhaps you in childhood? Then it's time for you to visit your near and dear ones. It's time to do your daily business.

In order to fully interpret the dream - pay attention to the details:

• Where did pigeons come from in your dream;

• Did they circle above you;

• Did they bring you something;

• Did they behave aggressively;

• Did you feed them;

• What color was their plumage.

If in a dream pigeons circle above you and coo, get ready for a pleasant period in life. You will soon also be happy with what is happening and will enjoy new opportunities and victories over yourself.

If in a dream pigeons quickly rush into the distance - you yourself will want to avoid any trouble. Someone will share information with you, and you will try to avoid the difficulties that await you ahead.

The dream in which you see big black pigeons promises you the appearance of envious people and enemies in your life. They simply attack you and will not let you sort out the problems that have collapsed. Try to restrain your emotions and not show your indignation. May your problems remain with you.

If you have a dream in which you call pigeons, but they do not respond to your call - get ready for the fact that no one will respond. You will also try to reach out to someone, but to no avail. Drop this idea and calmly continue the work begun. Otherwise, you will spend a lot of effort and nerves to prove your case and your right. But they are unconditional and you have to come to terms with this.

If pigeons peck bread in a dream, you will also be in a state of satiety and happiness. Nothing will bother you. If they peck brown bread - you can temporarily forget even about their biggest problems and hardships. A dream in which you see pigeons pecking white bread - portends a pleasant conversation with a person whom you have not seen for a long time.

Why do you dream of pigeons that you feed with grains? Such a dream means that your well-being will not be eternal and you very quickly say goodbye to hopes for a brighter future. First you get new opportunities and then quickly lose them.

If in a dream you send a letter with pigeons - in reality you will wait for the solution of some important matter, but before that, you better think over all your moves and thoughts in advance. If in a dream you see how someone sends a pigeon along with lime, you will expect decisive action from another person and you will not be able to resolve the issue.

If you dream that someone is knocking on your window and you see that it is a dove, be prepared for joyful changes in life. You will wait a long time for the arrival of the right moment, but it has already come. You just do not accept the fact that your reality depends on other people.

If in a dream the pigeon is painful and you are very sorry for it - in reality you will really regret that you couldn’t make decisions in time and you couldn’t figure out everything that happened in time. If you dream that a pigeon is biting your hand - get ready for the fact that a person who has long shown himself to be your friend will show himself as a traitor, as someone who will not help you in anything will not solve not only your problems , but will also create all the prerequisites for the emergence of new difficulties and new difficulties.

The dream in which you release the pigeons to freedom, but they do not want to fly away from you, but sit down on the ground - says that a person who is no longer needed will not want to leave you. It may be a relationship that you want to end, and they do not end in any way.

If in a dream you see a pigeon that can’t take off in any way, you yourself won’t decide on an action that you had to decide for a long time. If in a dream you see how doves begin to circle above you and in the literal sense of the word - fall on your head - get ready to meet a person who will not spare you, and even aggravate your life situation.

The dream in which you see the pigeons cooing - promises you a pleasant conversation with a friend. You will remember a lot, share a lot. Leave a lot in the past. You should not worry if suddenly your friend begins to show excessive attention to you. Most likely, he just wants to continue talking with you, but you don’t want to. After such a dream, it is important not to deny yourself anything. Your desires should be paramount. And then the desires of others.

If you dream that someone is knocking hard at the floor, and it turns out that the pigeon is knocking, you will not be ready for the changes that are about to happen in your life. At your doorstep there are already grandiose changes. Changes that have no equal.

The dream in which you see someone trying to open the door and behind the door you see black doves - wait for the terrible news. But, in fact, nothing terrible will happen in your life. This will be only news that you will not be too happy about.

Why doves dream of Freud’s dream book

In Freud's dream book it is said that pigeons dream of as a symbol of reconciliation and peace. You will come to terms with your fears, learn to manage them, learn to manage your emotions. If in a dream you are holding a pigeon in your hand, you will find rather dubious news that you will not like. Try to avoid such news and not betray them special significance.

If you dream that pigeons are circling above you, you will be ready to meet a new relationship, but you have to choose among dozens of people who get to know you, who value you. You yourself do not know which of them you would like to see nearby.

The dream in which you see the pigeons flying off to the warmer climes suggests that you yourself are looking for more suitable relationships that would allow you to develop, to be who you are. You just have a little left, and you will get the opportunity to actively develop.

If the pigeons coo near you, you will soon meet a person who will communicate very sweetly with you, but will not decide to share his life with you. You can even hope for a pleasant time with him. But, you have to be disappointed. You will only wait for the right moment.

If a pregnant woman dreams of pigeons, it is time for her to expect the most diverse events in her life. It is time for her to expect a wide variety of difficult situations that she can overcome thanks to support and help.

Why do pigeons dream of in the Esoteric dream book

In the Esoteric dream book it is said that pigeons dream when pretty pleasant events await you, good news. If you see wedding pigeons in a dream, this does not mean that you really will get married soon. This means that you have to be happy for someone, but upset because of your life and destiny.

If in a dream you see how pigeons peck fruit on trees - get ready for the fact that your work will not be appreciated as it should. If you see in a dream that someone is knocking on your car glass - be prepared to meet uninvited guests who will bring a lot of trouble.

Why do pigeons dream of other dream books

In the dream book of Grishina it is said that doves dream of as a symbol of news and peace. You can be reconciled with someone important to you. You can come to terms with fears and pain. But is it worth it? Or it’s better to defend your positions that are so important to you.

The dream in which you see the pigeons sit on the monument promises you new opportunities, but you will always turn back and look for some answers in the past. If you want to live calmly and not worry about every little thing - try to predict further events and not return to the past.

In Aesop's dream book it is said that pigeons dream of those who want to actively advance in life. If you still do not know what you want, it is important to listen to the prompts of loved ones and not to lose sight of them. Now you will need them. Do not miss the opportunity to ask for their help if it is really necessary and important for you.


Watch the video: Pigeon Islamic dream interpretation (June 2024).