What is hijama and what is it for? Hijama harm: contraindications to the procedure


The cleansing role of blood in the body has been known for a long time. One of the most effective methods of curing diseases is bloodletting, that is, hijama. This medical procedure is performed to update the blood. But before you start the procedure, you should get acquainted with contraindications, otherwise you can do harm from the hijam.

The benefits of hijam: what is a session?

Hijama is a method of treating a person from a variety of pathologies by bloodletting. The procedure is gaining more and more popularity, more advanced equipment appears.

Bloodletting is a treatment method that eliminates a large number of pathological diseases by eliminating dirty blood from the body. Blood in the body of anyone performs many important functions. Blood fluid may stagnate, as a result of which its ability is lost. It also begins to be saturated with bad substances due to improper nutrition, contaminated fluids, stressful situations, and poor ecology.

A bloodletting session removes stagnant and bad blood from the body. In this case, the procedure provokes the production of new workable and clean blood. All necessary enzymes will be present in it.

The benefits of hijam: when should you resort to the procedure?

A positive result from the procedure has been proven for a long time. The procedure has been shown to be effective in the treatment of diseases such as inflammatory processes in the liver, hemorrhoids, rheumatism, pain in the spine and other ailments.

This method of therapy can be actively used for such diseases:

• male impotence;

• high pressure;

• stroke and during the recovery period;

• island-inflammatory processes in muscle tissue;

• ENT diseases;

• ailments of the heart and vascular system;

• progression of a depressive state;

• diseases of the urinary system;

• chronic fatigue;

• to rejuvenate and strengthen the body.

That is, the procedure can help with a variety of pathological processes. Also, bloodletting is actively used for cosmetic purposes. Even a small withdrawal of contaminated blood contributes to:

• alignment of the epidermis turgor on the face and body;

• renewal of blood fluid;

• normalization of the matrix of the skin;

• enhancing the production of substances such as elastin, collagen, hyaluron;

• destruction of melanin;

• helps to cope with acne and blackheads.

The main indications for the procedure are:

• the appearance of superficial wrinkles;

• manifestation of pigmented areas;

• changes in the functioning of the sebaceous glands;

• uneven shade of the dermis and slight flabbiness.

After the first procedure, women will note all the effectiveness and efficiency of actions. To obtain a lasting result, you will need to take a whole course, which is prescribed only by a specialist.

The benefits of hijam: how to carry out the procedure?

What actions are carried out during the session? For the correct procedure and obtaining the maximum result you will need:

1. The patient is laid on the couch and given him some time to relax.

2. The places where the cuts will be made, wiped with oil from caraway seeds.

3. For the procedure, only pre-sanitized cans and blades are used. Banks are installed on the selected area of ​​the body. From them to the maximum air is removed using a specialized small pump.

4. As soon as the skin acquires a dark red tint, the jars must be removed.

5. In places of redness, small cuts are made using treated blades

6. The can is put back in place of the cut, air is pumped out, creating negative pressure. Thanks to this, all contaminated blood comes out. Such actions should be repeated 7 times.

After the session, the places where the incisions were made are again treated with caraway oil. Thanks to this, the dermis is disinfected and the wounds heal very quickly. Ude, after the first time, a person will begin to feel much better and feel a surge of strength.

After the procedure, the following effects can be noted:

• low blood pressure;

• blood fluid liquefies;

• improves all blood formation processes;

• stagnant blood that has accumulated toxic substances is excreted.

The benefits of hijama: tips for the procedure

Since this procedure is Muslim, it is recommended that bloodletting be performed only on certain days of the Muslim calendar - 17, 19, 21. It is best to conduct sessions on Monday, Tuesday or Thursday. You can not perform the procedure immediately after eating. But meat should not be consumed the day before the planned bloodletting.

Since each organism is unique, it is imperative that you consult a specialist before the procedure. Sometimes the rules of the procedure are frightening, but in fact it is completely painless. Some even note useful sensations.

In addition to using special cans, leeches can be used. In addition to aspirating contaminated blood, they also enrich the body with useful substances.

Also, most people are convinced that the procedure should not be performed by women. This is due to the fact that their blood is already updated once a month, enriched and saturated with useful substances. Actually, this is an erroneous opinion, since these are absolutely two different processes.

Bloodletting helps women fight infertility due to various physiological and hormonal reasons. The procedure also helps to treat infertility caused by anovulation, polycystic ovaries, and mental disorders. There is a stabilization of the pituitary gland.

The procedure is equally useful for both the male and female. Men can also cope with infertility by increasing the speed and number of sperm. In addition, it is possible to get rid of:

• pathology in the stomach;

• intestinal colic;

• eye diseases;

• gynecological ailments;

• lowered immunity.

Men can get rid of prostatitis, impotence, decreased libido. Treatment with this method is very useful when working in hazardous industries.

Hijama harm: contraindications to the procedure

The useful result and the uniqueness of the procedure have been proven by scientists. But despite all the positive aspects, the procedure also has contraindications. It can not be carried out with:

• low blood pressure;

• thrombocytosis;

• carrying a baby and breastfeeding;

• exhaustion of the patient;

• anemia;

• genetic diseases of the circulatory system, given hemophilia;

• oncological ailments;

• cirrhosis of the liver;

• intoxication of the body;

• surgical interventions;

• heart failure.

But the procedure will not help the patient if the disease is already in an advanced stage. It can help with AIDS, cancer, but not cure them.


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