When can I use folk remedies for uterine fibroids? 5 useless folk remedies for uterine fibroids


Uterine fibroids are a benign neoplasm.

The uterus is one of the main organs of the reproductive system of women. It is a hollow pouch, which consists of three different tissue layers:

• Perimetry - the outer layer formed by the serous membrane - it plays the role of an organ conductor with the whole body;

• Myometrium - The middle layer formed by smooth muscle tissue. The role of this layer is that it allows the uterus to stretch during pregnancy, contract during contractions to expel the fetus, and keep the organ small in the absence of pregnancy;

• Endometrium - A special inner layer that serves to attach the embryo to the uterus. It, unlike other layers, is unstable (updated monthly, that is, every menstrual cycle).

Myoma is formed in the middle uterine layer - myometrium. It is an accumulation of regenerated cells, which turn into a so-called node.

BTW! Uterine fibroids are a fairly common pathology in women of reproductive age (30-50 years). Each 3-4 women (aged 40 to 60 years) are diagnosed with this.

In what forms of pathology are folk remedies for uterine fibroids effective

Uterine fibroids can be single (only 1 node formed) and multiple (with the formation of several nodes).

Also, the dimensions of the nodes themselves may vary.

Folk remedies for uterine fibroids can be effective only at the very initial stage of the pathology. And that, unfortunately, is extremely rare.

The thing is that the node is formed by degenerated myometrial cells. If they are few, the node is small, that is, there is little chance of stopping its growth with the help of herbal extracts. But, with each new cell (and they quickly divide, exponentially), herbal medicine has less and less chances.

Uterine fibroids differ in the location of the nodes:

• Submucous fibroids - the nodes are located closer to the endometrium (rarely seen);

• Interstitial fibroids - the nodes are located directly in the muscle layer of the uterus (found more often than other types);

• Subserous myoma - nodes form closer to the perimetry, that is, to the outer layer of the uterus (found quite often);

• Intraligamentary myoma - nodes are located next to the uterine ligaments;

• Cervical fibroids - nodes grow near the cervix.

Often, uterine fibroids in the early stages are asymptomatic.

This negatively affects the possibility of its treatment with folk remedies.

With development, when the pathology reaches a considerable size, a woman has pain in the lower abdomen (nodes press on neighboring organs - the intestines and bladder).

Also, the patient is forced to consult a gynecologist with heavy periods, in which the development of posthemorrhagic anemia is possible (a consequence of the loss of a large number of red blood cells with hemoglobin).

Signs of this serious condition are: pallor of the skin, weakness, dizziness, loss of consciousness (in severe forms), decreased memory and attention, brittle nails and hair.

Naturally, with such a far-reaching pathology, there can be no talk of treating folk remedies for uterine fibroids.

What mechanism of action should be for folk remedies for fibroids

ATTENTION! The exact cause of the formation of uterine fibroids in our time has not yet been identified.

Doctors obstetrician-gynecologists and endocrinologists are inclined to believe that this pathology provokes an excessive concentration of female hormones - estrogen.

This is confirmed by the facts that fibroids are usually formed at a mature reproductive and premenopausal age, when the production of estrogen by the ovaries is quite active.

GOOD NEWS! In the presence of fibroids, in a woman who has gone through menopause, the nodes themselves can decrease in size.

The hormonal theory is supported by the fact of the presence of hormone-dependent cells in myomatous nodes. This was revealed thanks to histological studies.

Several decades ago, patients with large myomas were prescribed an operation to remove the entire uterus. But in modern medicine, doctors are trying to treat this pathology conservatively, and this works out quite well.

So what properties should medicines for uterine fibroids have?

The main principle when choosing a drug is that it must stop the excess production of estrogen, that is, have an antiestrogenic effect.

Also important are drugs that can prevent heavy bleeding. They should cause greater blood coagulation.

Among the folk remedies for uterine fibroids, several plants that possess these properties can be distinguished. But the fact is that all herbs have many contraindications and side effects. And also, they are still much weaker than pharmaceuticals.

Folk remedies for uterine fibroids

On the Internet, special magazines and television broadcasts, traditional healers often advocate the treatment of uterine fibroids in non-traditional ways. Often, such therapy ends poorly in women who believe reviews, and not the recommendations of their gynecologist. We will analyze the most popular folk remedies for uterine fibroids.

1. Flaxseed oil. Yes, this is indeed a very useful product, especially if it is of good quality. Not so long ago, many women began to praise it for its great benefits to the body: strengthening the nail and hair, cleansing the skin and other positive cosmetic effects.

Flaxseed oil contains a large amount of vitamins and fatty acids that are good for your health. But, if we analyze their influence at the molecular level, then they contain a few phytoestrogens, which are contraindicated in myoma.

Although, to tell the truth, this oil will not bring harm to a woman suffering from such a pathology. But the benefits for healing too.

2. Celandine juice.

Also a great product, if you use it for certain diseases. But with uterine myoma, it is absolutely useless.

Celandine has antiviral and antibacterial effects - myoma does not form pathogenic microflora.

The antitumor activity of the herb can only affect malignant neoplasms, to which the myoma does not apply.

A diuretic, laxative and antispasmodic effect is possible and required with the large size of this pathology, but celandine cannot be the main method of therapy.

3. Chaga - mushroom with antitumor activity.

With uterine myoma, it is as useless as celandine. It is necessary to understand once and for all that there is a huge difference between benign and malignant neoplasms. But chaga has many side effects.

The most common of them are the excitation of the autonomic nervous system (panic attacks, dizziness, jumps in blood pressure, impaired heartbeat), severe allergic reactions, exacerbations of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, peptic ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcers, colitis).

4. Burdock root has many positive properties.

Among them is the antitumor effect, which, as we have already said, is absolutely not needed for uterine fibroids.

Before applying, it is worth paying attention to the side effects of decoctions from a given plant. It should be used with extreme caution in diabetes if the patient is already using sugar-lowering drugs.

Burdock root can greatly lower blood glucose, which is fraught with the development of hypoglycemia. Also, this plant is contraindicated in cases of bleeding, as it has a hemorrhaging effect.

With uterine fibroids, abundant menstruation is often observed. No need to provoke them even more.

5. Pine uterus - the most favorite female grass.

Representatives of the fair sex often prescribe it for all gynecological diseases that can only be.

But, despite all its excellent properties, it is categorically contraindicated in case of uterine myoma, since it contains a huge amount of phytoestrogens.

And, as we discussed above, the main reason for the formation of myomatous nodes is the excessive estrogen level.

What to do if folk remedies for uterine fibroids do not help

You never need to self-medicate.

If you have been diagnosed with uterine fibroids, then this was done by an obstetrician-gynecologist. Therefore, he put you on record (to observe the dynamics of the growth of nodes) and prescribed the appropriate treatment.

Yes, the right to choose a therapy always remains with the patient. But think about whether to rely on herbal medicine, knowing about its risks?

It will be so! If your doctor sees fit, he will prescribe some decoction for you.

In the treatment of fibroids, the most important goal remains to prevent the growth of nodes and minimize possible complications.


Watch the video: 5 Best Home Remedies for Fibroids. Health Tips (July 2024).