How to teach a baby to chew?


Quite often, parents of many infants are faced with the problem of switching to adult nutrition. The question is complicated not only because it is necessary to accustom the body to the consumption of new products instead of breast milk or a mixture, but also because it is necessary to teach the child to chew.

Why do you need to learn to chew?

During this period, the baby can become moody, spit out instead of chewing, refuse to eat.

If you keep it on rubbed food for too long, it can be fraught with problems in digestion, with a bite, a change of teeth, etc. in future.

That is why it is very important for parents to recognize problems in time and know everything about their causes and solutions.

The most common causes of chewing difficulties in babies under two

If the baby is having difficulty learning chewing, there may be several reasons:
Nutrition introduced too late. Some mothers tend to breastfeed for as long as possible, taking care of the benefits for the baby, but if the process is very delayed, at the age of one year the child simply rejects solid foods, since eating from your mother’s breast without chewing is much easier.
Parents are very afraid that the baby may choke. Such fears lead to the fact that the child consumes only pureed food for a very long period and is not able to train the chewing reflex.
The kid did not use toys - teething teeth. Such specialized children's toys are designed not only to relieve pain during the release of the first teeth, but also so that the child learns to make chewing movements.
Too much employment or lack of solid character among parents. If mom and dad are forever on the run, they have no time to engage in long-term feeding, as a result of which the baby eats only the usual food.
Overactive child. He cannot concentrate on the process of chewing, cannot sit quietly for a long time, grabs and eats what he knows.

How to act?

In order to help the baby learn to chew, you need to gradually replace the consistency of dishes with a harder one.

To begin with, you can add small pieces of bread to the soup, cook porridge from whole grains.

To develop interest and appetite for food, you can cook it together with the child, and during feeding it will be useful for the baby to observe the chewing movements of adults, because children really like to copy the behavior of mom and dad.

You can interest a child by handing him a whole boiled carrot or chicken drumstick, as it is convenient to hold them in children's hands.


Watch the video: Chew and swallow (June 2024).