Fortune-telling for a meeting: on ordinary cards and Tarot cards. The search for new love is possible!


What the day ahead is preparing for us is a mystery covered in darkness. Perhaps he will become significant in fate. In order to prepare for the events, there are different types of fortune-telling. One of them is fortunetelling. All types of fortune telling should be divided into encounters by the probability of rendezvous with the present subject of sighing and with the future.

Targeting a person on Tarot

There are several types of fortune telling that indicate whether a meeting will take place with an already well-known lover. There were several ways to predict fate. The most common of them will be considered below.

The first method involves divination by the Tarot. It is suitable for those who want to understand the current situation and understand whether these relationships are necessary or not. It is best to spend it in a peaceful state, alone with oneself.

Select seven cards from the deck. Next, see the interpretation of what each of them means:

  • The first speaks of what is happening now in the soul of a fortuneteller;
  • The second describes how the meeting with the beloved will take place;
  • The following predicts how further events unfold if the meeting takes place;
  • The fourth will reveal what the outcome of this meeting will be;
  • The fifth will show the fate of possible relationships, on what they will be based and on what principles to build;
  • In the sixth, it will be clear the attitude of the person whom they are guessing and whether he is waiting for this meeting;
  • The latter is a reflection of how the life of the object of prediction develops, on the basis of which we can conclude whether you see together or not.

Witchcraft for a specific person on playing cards

Another way to find out about a meeting with a sweetheart in the near future is by reading cards on the king. Decide which one will mean betrothed.

Start to lay out seven cards.

Each of them means the day of the week (first Monday, second Tuesday, third Wednesday, etc.).

What day you will see the king - then wait for a date.

Your king didn’t fall into the first game - that means that this week the meeting will not happen.

Try again, you will see the result for the next week.

If it does not fall out again, repeat after 7 days.

Search for new love on the tarot

Try to guess when the meeting with the soulmate will take place. The best helper for this is the card.

One of the most famous ways is using tarot. This type will tell you when the fateful meeting will take place and whether it is soon to be expected.

Before beginning a fortune telling, formulate an image of passion. It is important to clearly indicate all the requested characteristics, taking into account even the smallest details.

Take the deck and remove 6 cards from it.

What are they talking about:

  • The one that turned out to be firsttalks about hidden desires. This card will help you understand yourself and understand what desirable qualities a chosen one actually has;
  • Second reveals hidden barriers that interfere with building relationships. This useful map will help you understand yourself and, possibly, change something;
  • AT third describes the qualities that are necessary to create a strong pair. Particular attention should be paid to this;
  • Fourth the map shows what inevitable negative moments the couple will have to face;
  • Fifth - a description of the shared future in general terms;
  • Last will tell you under what circumstances the first date will happen and how soon it will happen.

Search for new love on playing cards

The next way to tell fortunes with love is on playing cards.

Take a deck of 36 cards. Start mixing all the cards thoroughly.

In this case, concentrate on your desire to meet the second half.

Remove half of the deck, then mix everything again. Start spreading cards one at a time until you see an ace. What suit he will tell about the future date:

  • Ace of Hearts predicts an early meeting. Love is possible at first sight, feelings for the future partner will immediately begin to emerge, which is impossible not to notice. There are chances that the events will lead to the wedding.
  • Suit baptism says that the meeting will not take place in the near future. You should be patient and wait for more. Repeating fortune-telling is recommended after 3 weeks.
  • Blame it - the future lover appeared more than once on the horizon, but did not attract attention. In pursuit of the ideal, a reliable person who was always nearby was left unnoticed. It is worth stopping to look around - perhaps the one who will make life happier is very close.
  • Bubi promise a meeting, but it will happen a little later. The person with whom the acquaintance will take place in the near future will not be an ideal partner. But the next one will just become that very narrowed, with whom fate can be connected without looking back.

Another fortune-telling on the cards will give information in which month you will meet with your loved one. Take the deck and mix. Randomly put 12 cards face down on the table, each will mean a month of the year. Start turning cards one at a time, but keep in mind that the first will not indicate January, but the month in which fortune telling is carried out. Each time, ask: "Will I meet my soulmate this month?".

So, the values ​​of the cards:

  • Jack -Meeting with a man who does not need a serious relationship, and are only interested in fleeting dates. You should be careful with such a representative so as not to be left with a broken heart.
  • King - an accomplished man, he knows what he wants out of life, you can rely on him. Relations will be strong and long-term.
  • Ace - a symbol of the family. This will be a person with whom you can marry, spend together for many years and will have children together.

The remaining values ​​do not indicate changes.

If none of the above falls out, repeat the divination after 30 days.

You should not take the results of fortune-telling literally, each rule has its own exceptions. Believing predictions or not is a fortuneteller’s business, but with their help one can determine one’s future plans and actions.


Watch the video: How to Read Tarot Cards (June 2024).