Fortune telling by candle - an easy option to find out the future


People have always sought to predict certain events, to know their future. There are many ways to do this, everyone chooses the most suitable for themselves. The availability and simplicity of folk fortune telling allows you to find out the future without leaving your home with the help of improvised means. If a candle is lit up, divination on wax is perfect.

Fortune telling

Fortune telling on wax and water has existed since ancient Russia. All young girls were very passionate about this process; it served as a kind of entertainment. Nevertheless, they took all the predictions very seriously.

In addition to girls, fortune telling was used by men. True, unlike the female representatives, they were more concerned not with the romantic side of life, but with the material perspective.

Almost everyone knew how to guess on wax and on water. There were even special people deciphering the figures. Moreover, favorable forecasts were made for girls from wealthy families, and for ordinary peasants, on the contrary, they did not predict anything positive.

It was believed that rainwater was the purest and best suited for the divine process.

In this case, divination on wax more often came true, girls always tried to collect more water during the rainy season.

In order for fortunetelling to be as true as possible, you need to know how to correctly guess on water and wax. Fortune telling on a candle and wax can be at home. The difficulty lies in the ability to decrypt the resulting figure. If one succeeds in guessing correctly, the interpretation will provide an exhaustive clue for the future.

So, before divination, you should make sure that nothing bothers. The best time to do fortune telling is midnight Wednesday or Friday. These days the answers will be the most accurate and truthful. Proceed to divine on wax. Lower the lit candle over a glass of water so that the wax begins to drip into the water in the glass.

At the behest of your heart, stop this action and take care of the figure obtained from the wax. Take it out and examine it carefully. Ask yourself what it looks like. What associations does it cause? What kind of shadow does it create? The answers to these questions will tell your own heart.

Interpretation of received characters

There are many approaches to the interpretation of wax. Further, the decryption of the resulting image is indicated below. Fortune telling, the meaning of the figures can reveal on the other hand, as well as predict the near future. For a more convenient search, the possible results are presented in alphabetical order:

  • If dropped out ANGEL when divining on wax, a fortuneteller is a kind and unselfish person who easily makes friends, is open to communication and quickly becomes the soul of the company. People around you like good nature, but don’t blindly trust people. It is better to learn to distinguish those who are sincere and who are not. A fallen angel warns that someone is spreading unflattering rumors behind him. This person is surrounded.
  • Having made out one of the signs ARCU? Such a sign always means that now in life there are changes that bring some kind of confusion into it. Do not worry about it, time will put everything in its place. Be patient and solve problems by yourself.
  • If you have a wax figure BUTTERFLY, this indicates a frivolous attitude to life issues. In this regard, in the near future there is a possibility of making a mistake due to inattention.
  • Defining in a wax figure TREE, you can begin to prepare for the fast road. The upcoming trip will show that sometimes you should relax and let the circumstances happen without participation. It’s worth it without hesitation to agree to this adventure, and life will open up on the other side.
  • Fortune-telling claims that the figure HOUSE symbolizes the family. Pay more attention to your loved ones, spend time with your parents, they lack attention.
  • Obtained from liquid wax WOMAN talks about the upcoming competition. This can affect both personal life and career. The second half will have a fan or another employee as if applying for a job. To get out of the current situation with dignity, do not lose face, behave as if nothing had happened, pretend that the appearance of the opponent does not care.
  • Wax figure BASKET testifies to the material side of life. The amount of money will drop out. Perhaps this will be an unexpected bonus at work, a win in the lottery, a gift or something else. Spend this money on your loved ones, please them with pleasant surprises or spend time together.
  • If the wax showed WINGSFortuneteller advises to look around you. Are those people around? Are they busy with things? Are you worried about those things? This is a great time to understand yourself and your life, dot the AND, or complete old conflicts.
  • Made out in a wax figure MOUSE? Pay more attention to your education. Soon there will be an opportunity to learn something new or to acquire the skills of another profession.
  • Unexpectedly appeared LEG from wax? Take care of your health. Raise your immunity, drink a course of vitamins, walk more, go in for sports. Do not forget to yourself, take a short vacation and clean up your head.
  • Figure BIRD will bring the news from afar, which has long been waiting. This will happen unexpectedly when you completely forget about it. The news will be good and will bring some changes to the usual way of life.
  • Wax figure A FISH always symbolizes peace in the family, home protection. You can be calm, no major troubles threaten, everything will be calm and balanced.
  • The symbol HEART There are two meanings. If it is stretched more vertically, then on the nose is a serious event in personal life. It can be a marriage proposal or a meeting of a dream partner. In another sense, a horizontally elongated heart will symbolize an addition to the family.
  • Lucky to discover a symbol SHOE? What is now worrying will soon disappear, problems will remain in the past, as if they were not there. Things will go uphill, romantic relationships will gain momentum, health problems will not arise.
  • TEAPOT from wax always shows that what is conceived will be successfully realized and will bring what they wanted. In the near future you can safely start new projects,
  • Seemed TURTLE? The fortuneteller is a wise person; he always decides everything with particular seriousness. He always knows what to do in any situation, likes to control the events. Also, the turtle speaks of an imminent move or good changes.

Any of the predictions should not be taken literally, but rather follow what your own heart tells you. Fortune telling can only direct in the right direction, help to avoid negative consequences.


Watch the video: I'll Read Your Palm and Tell You Its True Meaning (July 2024).