The most unlucky zodiac signs


It’s good when you're lucky in everything, but what if the luck suddenly appears and suddenly disappears? Does the zodiac sign under which a person was born affect this? Let's figure it out.

Top 3 most unlucky zodiac signs

Crayfish - they themselves are inclined to consider themselves losers, perhaps this is the reason for all their bad luck. Crayfish often underestimate their self-esteem, constantly try to rebel against events, adversities, but often they themselves create problems.

They are often unlucky in love, because for themselves they come up with the image of a lover, fall in love not with a person, but with their idea of ​​him. Therefore, when the fog dissipates and the Crayfish begin to soberly look at the merits and demerits of the partner, the relationship falls apart before our eyes. Therefore, cancer considers itself unlucky.

Crayfish do not take risks in finances, they try to postpone all the most difficult things for later, but they never return to them.

Cancers have too much responsibility for themselves and for others; they are not ready to invest money in a risky business, even if they know for sure that they will make a good profit.

That is why in finance they are not so lucky as they would like. They often envy friends and acquaintances; it seems to them that others are much luckier. Just others often think about it and do a lot for their well-being, while cancer is more and more in the shadow of events.

Capricorns - they are very worried about the correctness of their decisions, everything should be in their control, they cannot misfire, they cannot take the wrong decision, because their whole life can go awry. They do not believe in luck, believe that everything can be achieved by labor. Perhaps that is why they are not so lucky as the rest.

They rarely improvise, they love clarity and clarity in everything, even in everyday trifles, therefore, they never allow themselves more. They achieve everything with painstaking work and will never risk playing the lottery, suddenly changing jobs, changing relationships. What if they were mistaken and would only make themselves worse? Why all these unjustified risks?

Capricorns are well aware that if they plan large purchases, then nothing will come of it, and all because they simply do not have luck.

They will have to prepare for important matters in advance, otherwise they will be misplaced and very upset because of this.

Virgin - It’s not that they are unlucky at all, they just miss the most important opportunities. They weigh the pros and cons for a very long time and almost never rely on intuition. A cold mind and a cold mind is what drives them. They cannot just go somewhere to rest, they need to weigh everything and coordinate. They cannot just get to know someone on the street and just start communication, they need to explain all this.

Why did they meet this person and why today? And why did it happen to them such a wonderful case, is there a catch in this, perhaps this is all a wicked joke? They are very distrustful of everything new and this prevents them from building a happy life.

It happens that the Virgins become leaders, get a chance to change jobs, receive gifts and other benefits of life, but for a long time they cannot believe that they are so lucky that they will not have to pay anything for all these benefits.

Virgos should only believe in their luck and not give up the opportunities that life provides, although they are not as many as we would like.

The most unlucky signs of the zodiac, let's talk about the rest

Taurus - they are often unlucky because of their absent-mindedness, they very often forget to finish the job, forget about the agreements, forget about gratitude to other people who helped them to equip their lives. This forgetfulness plays a cruel joke with Taurus, as a result, they themselves miss out on wonderful development opportunities and life gives them joyful surprises.

Taurus has to achieve a lot in life on their own, they have no one to rely on, because they have dishonestly taken their work and now they have to wait until the situation is resolved.

They are also unlucky in communicating with the opposite sex, they may be too persistent, or boring, therefore, women, not seeing the prospects in them, simply bypass.

In order to become more successful, Taurus should become more responsible and not try to teach someone all the time, then they will be treated more loyally. But, with Taurus fate is to achieve everything on their own. Of course, if they become more flexible and flexible, they will be able to achieve the desired result much faster, but as long as they try to stand their ground they will not get what they want.

Libra - they may not be lucky just because they too doubt themselves and their abilities. They need to trust themselves and their intuition more, not to try to deceive themselves and fate, to be more confident that they will achieve what they want.

They also should not share their plans with a large number of people, it is better to keep silent, keep grand plans secret, as they will be greatly envied and this may interfere with achieving what they want.

Libra is also unlucky because of her own kindness. They open too quickly to people and are not afraid that people simply will not take them seriously.

They use their kindness, even their best friends can take their lucky chance to change their jobs, they can take their sweetheart. The thing is, if Libra is lucky, then they do not believe in it for a long time and do not take advantage of the new opportunities that life gives them for a long time. Therefore, they miss opportunities to develop further.

Many Libra try to immediately share the money won, try to make everyone around well, when they themselves are overtaken by joy. But this only leads to the fact that they continue to be very envious of them. Others may think that visam is too lucky that everything is very easy for them, even trying to interfere with the life of Libra and prevent them from developing. But do not lose heart, luck is rare, but smiles at Libra.


Watch the video: What is the unluckiest zodiac sign Part1. Sun sign . Moon sign Jupiter sign. Lilith sign placements. (June 2024).