Stop smoking: how many days will there be withdrawal?


The desire to quit smoking is a key factor in the fight against physical and mental dependence on nicotine. However, several hours after the last cigarette smoked, unpleasant symptoms occur. The duration of withdrawal depends on many factors, which also include smoking experience and taking certain drugs.

How does nicotine work?

The smoke of a cigarette makes the heart beat faster, raises blood pressure and lowers body temperature. Nicotine greatly affects the rate of "burning" fats and carbohydrates. Increased ability to concentrate, calming effect and activation of the reward center are positive subjective effects that cause addiction.

6 stages of smoking cessation

Refusal of nicotine and emerging symptoms are divided into 6 stages:

  • Stable smoking stage: the smoker is not ready to quit smoking and is looking for arguments against it.
  • Stage of consideration: The idea of ​​quitting smoking for about 6 months is being considered.
  • Decision Stage: lasts about 4 weeks, at the end of which the smoker decides to quit smoking.
  • Stage of action: complete cessation of cigarette smoking. The stage lasts about 6 months and the patient has severe withdrawal symptoms within 72 hours.
  • Stage of conservation: lasts about 5 years. The patient completely abandons the bad habit.
  • Non-smoking stage: The former smoker has successfully become a non-smoker. He is convinced that he will not return to a bad habit and will be able to resist temptation.

What are the symptoms after quitting smoking?

The smoker's body gets used to a constant level of nicotine in the blood. Nicotine releases adrenaline, dopamine and serotonin in the brain - substances that cause pleasure. If a person stops smoking abruptly, the nicotine level drops, and the corresponding symptoms occur:

  • nervousness and anxiety;
  • inability to concentrate;
  • capricious behavior;
  • increased hunger;
  • sleep disturbances;
  • headaches.

How to get rid of addiction?

Nicotine patches or resins briefly relieve smokers. They deliver a small amount of nicotine to the body, which is not carcinogenic and does not cause cardiovascular disease.

When nicotine is introduced into the body in this way, a lower level of the substance in the blood is achieved. When using additives (plasters or resins), nicotine enters the bloodstream much more slowly than through a cigarette.

For drug therapy, 2 drugs are available - bupropion and varenicline. All have side effects on the cardiovascular system. However, the 2013 review, which included 63 separate studies, did not reveal an increase in serious cardiovascular disease.

Addiction medications help more than nicotine supplements. According to studies, patients taking drugs are 27% more likely to get rid of addiction.

How much should you endure until you feel better?

Everyone reacts differently to nicotine withdrawal, but physical dependence is overcome faster than many expect. In the first 72 hours, especially strong symptoms appear, which gradually decrease over the next days.

To finally get rid of tobacco smoking, a three-month patch therapy is recommended, in which nicotine consumption is gradually reduced. With the help of simple plasters, you can slowly and without consequences wean yourself from nicotine.

It is much more difficult to change the social habits associated with smoking. Especially in situations where the smoker resorts to a cigarette, it becomes difficult: a break for cigarettes with colleagues, morning coffee or stressful situations. At such moments, simple tips will help to cope with the craving for smoking.

Due to the combination of physical and mental dependence, the risk of returning to smoking in the first 3 months is relatively high.

Therefore, nicotine replacement products are recommended for 3 months.

Does it make sense to quit smoking without adjuvant?

The probability of returning to the old habit within 6 months after quitting smoking is 97%. Until 2012, nicotine products with the right dosage were supposed to increase the chances of success by 3%. Recent studies after 2013 show that nicotine replacement therapy increases the odds by 8–9%.

Proper and consistent treatment of nicotine addiction is one of the important factors in getting rid of a bad habit. However, the most important thing in the fight against addiction is the patient's desire. Without a corresponding desire, quitting smoking will not bring results.


Watch the video: Know About the Pathophysiology of Nicotine Withdrawal (June 2024).