Zodiac signs that can easily jinx anyone


People who are not endowed with magical abilities can also show the ability to evil eye. And no one can explain where these skills come from. There are only assumptions, but they are not always true. Owners of brown and black eyes have every chance in order to do much harm. According to another version, only people with green eyes can develop this gift in themselves and use it for their own purposes. Astrological knowledge puts forward its hypothesis, and it is aimed at the fact that this ability depends on the choice of the zodiac sign.

The rating is compiled according to the skill level of the evil eye.

1. Scorpio

These signs are endowed with an innate ability for witchcraft manipulations. Their powerful word has a huge effect, so they should not easily jinx any other representative. When they begin to send their curses on the object of resentment, they work in the shortest possible time. And their minus is that they themselves are able to block luck. And it’s enough to tell them about their achievements, how their affairs go awry.

2. cancer

These representatives are the most sarcastic, because it is not without reason that they are in leading positions. They should not be angry, because all their indignation can result in a series of unpleasant wishes for the offender. And for a long time the guilty object still has to rake up the rubble of trouble.

3. Gemini

All words spoken by these representatives tend to materialize. With any form of communication, they are able to spontaneously cause harm or make a negative, regardless of who in front of him is a close or simply familiar person. And if you do not want to feel the evil eye of this representative on yourself, try to tell him less about your plans.

4. Aquarius

Despite their skepticism in the field of magic, they know how to jinx it. Representatives consider themselves to be atheists all their lives, although they have the ability to direct damage. And they are also excellent experts in attracting disaster. If you want to avoid this fate, do not show off your achievements in front of signs.

5. Fishes

From an early age, signs understand that they have a special gift for witchcraft. They are not afraid of the black side of the occult sciences, considering it attractive. And if representatives are in a state of stress, then they may wish such an offender that no sorcerer undertakes to correct the situation. And all wishes will find their application in the physical plane, alternating troubles and a black bar in equal quantities.

6. Taurus

In life, these representatives are considered great materialists, although they will not refuse to unravel the secrets of the other world. And signs begin to stare only if they are envious of something. And if the sign begins to suffer this feeling, then the owner will soon begin to pursue failure.

7. Capricorn

These representatives are the owners of the hardest look. Despite the fact that they try to be pragmatic about everything, the evil eye cannot be taken away from them. And blame for this can only be the patron planet of Saturn. She pushes her charges to harm others or become a fan of mysticism.

8. Aries

Despite their powerful energy, they are not sarcastic people. And if the signs show an emotional outburst, then even in such a state they cannot harm a person. They can become a master of evil eye only if they purposefully develop their magical abilities.

9. Virgo

For them, an important task is to timely reflect the negative. Representatives are endowed with strong energy protection, and this serves as a reliable barrier for them. Therefore, they do not try to direct all their actions to someone, for fear of receiving a retaliatory strike. And if the boomerang law works, then against it they become powerless.

10. Lion

The visualization method lends itself particularly well to signs. And even if they practice it with all their might, then apart from positive wishes, they will not succeed. Therefore, the ability to stare at them is reduced to zero. Typically, they are also not able to cause damage, because all methods of wrecking for them are unacceptable.

11. Scales

One of the most positive and safe signs. These representatives are able to see the future, predict it or look into the past. They also have exceptional abilities in terms of attracting luck to the talisman. As for black magic, they have nothing to do with it.

12. Sagittarius

Their positive attitude does not allow them to harm another person. Although they are real good wizards who embody the desired dreams. Representatives will never curse other people, as they have no desire to annoy or do something bad.


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