Some important questions about menstrual cups


The menstrual cup is slowly but surely gaining popularity among the female population. And not in vain, because it is a worthy replacement for pads and not very safe tampons. It fits easily and is also removed from the body, does not cause discomfort during operation, to clean enough normal soap, it can be worn for 10 hours without harm to health.

Basically, silicone is used for production, as well as rubber. Women who are allergic to this material should consider this.

Menstrual cup value:

  • does not affect the microflora of the vagina;
  • practicality in use - not felt inside the body;
  • ease of cleaning - just wash with water and a mild soap;
  • reusable use: with proper care, the bowl lasts up to 5 years;
  • night use: the product will provide a quiet sleep for up to 10 hours in a row;
  • guarantee of ease of movement;
  • suitable for copious discharge, as it has a sufficient volume for this;
  • exclusion of unpleasant odor;
  • suitable for women who are allergic to the components of pads and tampons;
  • on average, the price reaches $ 30, but the product will last for many years, which significantly saves money.

Buying this hygiene product, we make a huge contribution to the preservation of the purity of nature, because in order for the laying to decompose, it takes several hundred years, and in the process of life, the girl uses them about 17,000!

All products have several disadvantages, and the menstrual cup is no exception. Often, problems arise with its placement inside the body. It takes some time to get used to using it.

In addition, many doubt the convenience of this hygiene product. It is possible that before buying that very ideal option, you will try several products of different brands. Size, stiffness, and material should be considered. The hard option eliminates any leaks and is suitable for individuals who play sports, while soft ones are an ideal choice for women with high sensitivity.

In this regard, the main criterion is the size of the vagina and the location of the cervix. Girls under 30 years old, most often use size S, and after 30 years old, L. Women with experience of vaginal birth, regardless of age, will fit size L.

It is worth paying attention to the tail - this is a device for its capture and further extraction of the bowl. It happens in the form of a ball, chain, ring, and also it can be completely absent. The choice is best made based on personal preferences.

You can use menstrual cups for virgins, as well as teenage girls, but if there is a fear of damaging the hymen, it is better to postpone this purchase. As a rule, menstrual cups are used by girls who have already practiced the introduction of tampons. If the discharge is not abundant, then you need to buy a narrow version of a small size.

Vaginismus creates some difficulties with the introduction of the menstrual cup, so not every woman will choose this hygiene product. The cause of vaginismus may be psychological problems, therefore, consultation and treatment by a specialist will give a positive result.

The most suitable lubricant for administration is considered a water-based option. Do not use silicone grease or glycerin.

The most convenient way to enter the bowl is squatting, and to extract it, the pelvic floor muscle tension is sufficient.

After the bowl is inside the vagina, you need to pull it by the ring. If the product easily slides down, then its fastening is not reliable. If there is resistance, it means that the necessary vacuum has been created and the bowl is reliably located.

This hygiene product allows you to lead an active lifestyle: go shopping, do exercises, walk with your pet, etc.

A bowl that fits in its parameters allows you to visit the toilet without discomfort. There are times when women are faced with a slow flow of urine, which means that you need to replace the cup with a softer option or choose a smaller size.

Hygiene is very important for any product that touches the body. Before use, a new menstrual cup requires boiling for about 2 minutes. The same event should be done every time after the end of menstruation. A mild soap is suitable for daily cleaning.

The main cause of pain is an improperly sized or too rigid product. Discomfort will go away on its own after buying a softer, smaller bowl.

In addition to pain, another nuisance can occur - sliding the bowl. It is very simple to check whether the protective seal has formed: pull the newly inserted bowl down slightly. If you find resistance, then the bowl is securely installed. Otherwise, the product will not fully perform its functions. The strength of the muscles of the pelvic floor plays an important role in a woman’s health, as well as in the comfort of using menstrual cups. In this case, you need to take care of your health and start doing Kegel exercises.

Do not think that the menstrual cup is suitable for everyone. It is very important to consult with a specialist. The doctor will exclude all contraindications, namely: inflammation of the pelvic organs, erosion, endometriosis. An unsuitable time for use is the period after childbirth or abortion, as the woman’s body is still very vulnerable.

Each woman has her own ideal hygiene product "these days." The main thing is to find it, take into account your lifestyle, health, sensitivity, age, and then your period will become a normal period of life without disappointment.


Watch the video: Why I Stopped Using The Diva Cup. Negative Menstrual Cup Experience (June 2024).