Strange phobias of stars and what more than anything else celebrities fear


Each has its own oddities, many have some kind of phobia. According to psychologists, people are most often afraid of loneliness, death, old age, madness, the public, intimacy, their own cowardice, bacteria. There is another category of fears, the so-called "strange fears", which includes fears of a variety of ordinary things. They usually suffer from people with sufficiently developed imagination. It was this type of fear that interested us.

Stars - they are already unusual by virtue of their profession, and their lives are unlike ours. We wondered if the "stellar" fears differ from those inherent in ordinary people? We think that celebrities are primarily people, and their fears are the same as many people have. But let's see.

Johnny Depp clown panic

The actor himself considers himself strange and his friends have the same opinion about him. He himself once said: "If you have no oddities - you're strange." He knows how to train lizards, collects false beards and loves cartoons more than films. But that's not all. He also found strange fears. It turns out that the man who starred in the movie Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and who played in the Mad Hatter clown makeup in Alice in Wonderland suffers from a panicky fear of clowns and an allergy to chocolate. As you can see, the actor is not trying to get away from the difficulties, and goes to meet them.

They say that in childhood he was frightened by some kind of clown. But they also say that he believes in ghosts and is afraid of them. And Depp is afraid to dance. If there should be a dance in the frame, his choreographer is present on the set. The creative person is always a little strange, and Depp's fears and complexes only prove that he is primarily an ordinary vulnerable person.

David Beckham and the fridge

No, David Beckham is not afraid of the refrigerator, but if something "sloppy somehow" appears inside, then it may well panic. He suffers from ataxiophobia - this is a panicky fear of disorder. Everything should be literally on the shelves. They say that there are three refrigerators in Beckham’s house, each for different types of products. David is uneasy at the sight of any asymmetry. For example, if there is an unpaired number of bottles of beer in the refrigerator, one can go to the trash. This will seem strange to many, but most likely this is a story about the most ordinary vulnerable perfectionist.

Orlando Bloom in horror of piglets

The actor is not enthusiastic about animals, and pigs cause him panic. Many of these animals do not like, perhaps they just seem unpleasant to him. But panic, of course, is not worth it.

Kendall jenner scare cupcakes

The famous Instagram model and star is scared by everything that has a shape with recesses or holes: lotus seeds, bee honeycombs and even ordinary cupcakes. Suppose lotus seeds really have a not very friendly appearance.

Kylie Minogue - Fear of Hangers

The singer is afraid of the hangers in the closet - she does not like the sound they make. One can only guess how much inconvenience this phobia gives her. The star, who has been recognized more than once as a sex symbol and a model of beauty, also likes to joke, which she does not like model hangers with flat figures. With the feminine forms, everything is in order.

Nicole Kidman is terrified of butterflies

The famous actress is afraid of butterflies and moths. She can explain this: if you imagine them without wings, then they are disgusting. Well, it seems logical, right? Well, if you do not take into account that Nicole loves to eat live insects - she even ate on the camera somehow ate caterpillars and worms. We will miss the details, otherwise some of our readers will begin to be afraid to read our materials.

Adele is scared that seagulls will take her away

An unpleasant story happened to singer Adele in her childhood: a seagull stole ice cream from her. In this regard, Aled is afraid of gulls, and her fear is that they will carry her away. How can she convey that gulls really have no chance?

Natalie Portman is afraid of cartoons

Johnny Depp would not get along with Natalie Portman. She not only does not like cartoons - she is afraid of them. Not to love is one thing, but to be afraid? This is really rarely seen.

Brad Pitt is afraid of his own legs

Brad Pitt is afraid of spiders, sharks, rarely bathes - in general, like any mortal, he has his own weaknesses and characteristics. But, according to rumors, he is afraid of his own feet. Well, that's too much.

Their main fear

These are strange phobias that dominate the rich and famous. And this is not a complete list. But perhaps the main fear that overcomes absolutely every one of them and in which they never admit is the fear of losing their fame and popularity. But for this phobia, they have not yet come up with a name.


Watch the video: Weirdest Celebrity Phobias Game (July 2024).